Blind Path to Miracles

by Madison Melton (ages 14-17)


Memory Creek Ranch, California, 1800’s  

 "Alright, Jared, say 'Mama.’'"

Andi Prescott bounced her son on her knees as she tried to teach him to talk.

The front door slammed, and Riley yelled, "I'm home and hungry!"

Andi laughed, "Supper's on the table." She scooped Jared up and walked into the dining room. Riley said the blessing and they started eating. "How are the new hands?" Andi asked.

"They're pretty green," Riley admitted. "But I think they'll straighten out."

Andi fed Jared another spoonful of applesauce and nodded, "I hope so."

Riley smiled at Jared, "Howdy son, learn any words today?"

Jared giggled and bounced in his highchair when he heard his name.

"Not yet" Andi managed a weak smile.

Riley glanced at her, "Well, I'm sure he'll learn soon."

Andi nodded her head and pasted on a fake grin, but inside she wasn't so sure. She’d heard of children that couldn't talk and she was worried that Jared would be one of those children. She shrugged and listened to what Riley was saying.

"I was thinking," said Riley, "Tomorrow is Sunday and we're going to your Mother's for supper. Why don't we tie Shasta to the back of the buggy so we can go riding after supper?"

Andi perked up, "I'd love that!" At that moment, Jared started whimpering.

"I guess he's tired," said Andi. "I'll go put him to bed."

Andi tucked Jared in and stood over his bed watching him. After he fell asleep, she knelt beside his cradle. "Lord, please help him learn to talk." She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up. Riley was standing above her. He knelt beside her and they both prayed side by side.






Andi flipped another pancake onto a plate and poured some water into the pan to cool it down. She picked up the plates of pancakes and brought them to the table.

Riley settled Jared in his highchair and was just sitting down. "Good morning!" she sang.

Riley looked up from where he was making faces with Jared, "Mornin'"

Andi put the pancakes on the table and sat down. After Riley said the blessing, they started eating. They hurried because they had a two-hour ride to town. The ride went by in a happy blur, and they were soon at church.

"I’ll bring the horses to the livery. Then I’ll meet you inside, okay?” asked Riley.

“Alright, just make sure you’re not late” she warned.

“Don’t worry. I won’t."

Andi waved him off and hurried over towards the church.

“Andi! Over here.”

Andi whirled around and saw Chad and Ellie coming toward her. “Howdy, you two!” she called back.

“Where’s Riley?” asked Chad.

“He’s taking the horse to the livery. He’ll be right back.”

“I hope so. Mrs. and Mr. Evans will have their tongues wagging if he doesn’t. They haven't had any good gossip recently." Said Chad.

“Chad!” exclaimed Ellie, slapping his arm.


Ellie rolled her eyes and pointed behind them. They all looked where she pointed. Andi gasped and bit back a laugh. Mr. and Mrs. Evans were right behind them; they had heard everything. Chad's face grew red and his mouth hung open. He looked like a fish just yanked out of a stream.

“Well!” Mrs. Evans huffed.

“Good day, sir!” exclaimed Mr. Evans.

Andi couldn’t keep her laughter in any longer. She laughed out loud and Ellie joined in.

“What’s so funny?” asked Riley coming up behind them.

“Nothing. I’ll tell you later. Just stay clear of Mr. and Mrs. Evans.” Andi said as she tickled Jared.

“Don’t I always?” he said with a smile.

Andi grinned, “Yes, you do” she said as they hurried up the church steps.




“That was a wonderful sermon,” commented Mother.

“I think so too,” responded Ellie.

Chad shook his head “I was too busy ignoring Mr. and Mrs. Evan's glares to listen."

“Mother, where’s Justin and Lucy?” Asked Andi

"Sammy has a fever so they're staying home.” explained Mother.

"Poor Sammy." Andi sighed “He hates being indoors.”

“You mean, 'poor Justin and Lucy',” corrected Chad. “They're taking care of a sick five-and-a-half-year-old and a three-year-old. With Lucy expecting, it must be crazy.”

Andi nodded. It was hard enough taking care of Jared when he was healthy.

After waving goodbye, they stopped at the Mercantile to pick up some horse feed. As soon as they were done, they made their way toward the Circle C Ranch.

Melinda greeted them at the door and scooped Jared out from Andi's arms. "You're getting big!" she exclaimed. Jared smiled, showing off his dimples. In a few minutes they were in the parlor. The men were soon in a deep conversation about ranch life, while the ladies talked about the newest dress patterns. Andi paid more attention to the ranch talk.

Soon Luisa announced that dinner was ready, and they all trooped into the dining room.

After a delicious supper of mashed potatoes, green beans, and steak, Andi and Riley slipped out and went for a much-needed ride. Not knowing that it would change their lives forever.





 Once Shasta and Dakota were saddled, they were off. When the ranch house disappeared from sight, Andi challenged Riley to a race.

"I don't know, Andi, you haven't been riding for a while and if you ride too much, you're gonna feel awful sore." Riley warned.

Andi shrugged off his warning, "It'll be worth it."

Riley rolled his eyes, "Just don't blame me tomorrow."

Andi frowned "I won't. Now let's go!"

"Alright. On your mark, get set, go!"

Andi and Shasta took off like a shot with Riley and Dakota following. Laughter bubbled up inside her, it felt wonderful to have the wind blowing through her hair and the excitement rushing through her again. But her excitement was short lived. Suddenly without warning Shasta whinnied and reared. Fear pierced her heart, she held onto the saddle horn, but she could feel herself slipping down Shasta’s back. “Riley!” she cried.

“Hold on!” called Riley “it’s a snake.”

Andi glanced down, it was just a harmless King snake, but Shasta didn’t know that. He bolted. Andi felt like she was being pulled off Shasta’s back. He came to a halt and Andi found herself flying through the air, then everything went black.





“Andi? Are you alright?”

Andi groaned

“How are you feeling, dear?”

“Terrible” Andi opened her eyes to see who she was talking to. She couldn’t see anything, just darkness. “Why is it so dark?”

"It’s late morning”

Andi frowned, "No, it's dark."

She felt a hand on her shoulder and Riley's voice said, "It's going to be alright." His words sounded confident, but his voice betrayed him.

Andi sat up; a shooting pain ripped through her head causing her to fall back on the bed. When her head hit the pillow, more pain exploded, "Ah!"

“Lay still dear,” said Mother.

“How long have I been in here?” she gasped.

“All yesterday afternoon and this morning” replied Chad.

Andi wondered who else was here looking at her. If only she could do the same.

"This is Doctor Weaver. How do you feel?”

“Everything hurts and I feel weak.”

“Can you help her, Doctor?" asked Riley.

“I’m not sure, Mr. Prescott, I’m not an eye specialist and I think I would do more harm than good. Now there is an eye specialist that I know, he has been able to help blind people in the past but, there have been a few cases where he couldn't do anything.”

“Where does he live?" asked Mitch.

"He lives in New York," replied Doctor Weaver. "I know it's a long way but there’s no one else I trust."

"We can go by train," suggested Riley.

"I think that would be best," agreed the Doctor.

Andi lay listening to them make plans. They would leave on Wednesday and arrive Monday night. They would spend the night at a hotel and see the specialist in the morning. Doctor Weaver would wire his friend when he got back to town and let him know they were coming. By the time all the plans were made, Andi had fallen back to sleep.





Andi spent her days in bed cuddling with Jared, listening to others, and praying. It was difficult to hear people and not be able to see them. She and Riley were inseparable; he was by her side every minute of every day waiting for her to ask for something and to keep her optimistic. But even with all his efforts Andi felt miserable.

According to Riley, it was a beautiful spring morning. A morning that she couldn't see but, she could smell it and unfortunately, she was allergic to it and every time she sneezed her head would explode with pain. Wednesday soon came and Riley and Andi said their goodbyes and boarded the train that was bound for New York. They had the last car and were unfortunately whipped around on sharp turns. The train sounded louder than previous rides. Over the noise, she could barely hear Riley talking about the view or the lady up front with the funny hat. Andi finally tuned him out and let the clicking of the train lull her to sleep.


Andi woke with a start. Who screamed? "Riley-"

As soon as she spoke Riley clamped his hand over her mouth, "Don't make any noise, we're being held up!"

Andi's heart skipped a beat, this can't be happening again! She and Riley had already been held up once and it was not a happy event. She quickly slipped her ring off and dropped it in her boot while Riley whispered what was happening. The bandits were in the front trying to disconnect their car from the rest of the train. Andi and Riley braced themselves and prayed for protection as the car was disconnected.





The jolt threw Andi from her seat and she would have hit her head if Riley hadn't had his arm around her. The car slowed to a halt, "Alright! everyone out!" called one of the bandits.

Riley stood up and helped Andi to her feet. As they made their way out, Andi could hear the bandits arguing about something. As soon as they were out, they were told to form and line and put their money, jewels, and other valuables in a sack.

When it came to them, Riley pleaded with them “Please, my wife is blind. We’re on our way to an eye specialist and we need this money to see if they can restore her eyesight."

“No exceptions, Mr. now put the money in the sack, or else."

Andi felt Riley stiffen. “Riley, just give him the money."

“Smart lady,” commented the bandit.

Riley sighed and plopped the roll of bills into the sack and the bandit moved on. Andi squeezed his hand and tried to calm the anger burning inside her. God, why are you letting all this happen?

"Alright," called one of the bandits "Everyone back in the car.”

"What are they doing?" she whispered.

"I don't know," replied Riley "But we better do what they say." He helped her back inside.

"Everyone take a seat and get ready for a fun ride!" called one of the bandits from outside.

Andi clutched Riley's arm, They’re going to push the train down the mountain!



Andi felt the car gain speed as Riley dragged her to the front of the car and onto the landing. Lord, please don't let us smash into an oncoming train!

"Jump, Andi!" cried Riley.

Andi pushed back, "No! Let the others go first."

Riley sighed and moved them out of the way.

Soon it was their turn again. Andi couldn't move, it felt like her legs were nailed down. Riley had no choice but to push her out before him. Andi screamed as she fell. She hit the ground with a thud. The air temporarily knocked out of her; she lay on her back thankful to be alive. As soon as she caught her breath she sat up and listened for Riley or one of the other passengers. Nothing. After shouting for about an hour she lost her voice. She could hear crickets chirping and knew that night was coming on quickly. She knew how to survive in the wild with her sight, but she wasn't sure she could do it while blind.

After a quick prayer, Andi decided to wait for Riley. She lay down and waited, trying hard not to fall asleep, but sleep and Andi soon found each other.


Andi woke with the sun shining on her face. She listened for Riley but only heard normal morning sounds. I guess I should find the train tracks and follow them but first I'm going to eat some food. She reached into the bag Riley had given her and pulled out an apple. As she ate, she prayed for her and Riley. She stood up and took a step then gasped. Did I step on a rock? Then she remembered, “My ring!” She pulled off her boot and fumbled around inside before she found it. She slipped it on and sighed, At least I saved my ring this time.

After a few minutes of searching for the tracks, she (literally) stumbled onto them. As she followed the tracks she wondered where Riley was and if he was safe, and how in the world she was going to find her way back without her sight. Night soon came and she had to find a place to sleep. I can't sleep on the tracks or I'll be run over. Andi soon found a flat piece of earth and fell asleep.


Toot, Toot! Andi jerked awake as a train zoomed past her. Her hair smacked her face and the sound was deafening. Even after the train had gone her heart still thumped wildly, That's one way to wake up. If I had slept any closer to the track I would have been killed! Thank you, God!

She crawled on her knees until she felt the cold steel of the track. She climbed on top and thought, the train went this way, so I'll follow. I just need to keep an ear out.




Andi sat down and sighed. I'm so tired! She felt behind her before laying down. I don't want to lay on a cactus! She thought. I'll rest for a moment and then I'll go on.

Andi's nap turned out to be longer than she planned, and she woke up the next morning. Andi opened her eyes and sat up; her head pounded. Well, I 'd better get back on the road. Lord, please keep me safe! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Relief washed over her. Alright God, I trust you.


Andi sat down and sighed. She'd been walking for over an hour and her feet throbbed. She pulled off her boots, rubbed her feet, and sighed. A tiny voice inside spoke up, you need to get going. Andi sighed, "I know, I know." She grabbed her boots and slipped them back on. "Back on track!" She stood on her knees and crawled over to where she thought the tracks were. After a while she felt around, hoping to feel the cold metal of the tracks, but she didn't. Andi's heartbeat faster. Did I lose the track? No, no, no! Lord, that was my one chance of finding help! She quickened her pace and ignored the pain in her feet. She turned around and hurried back to where she thought she started but, on the way, she tripped, sending her headfirst over the edge of a cliff.




Andi fumbled around trying to get a grip on something. Her hand scraped against a rock and she pulled herself up.

She rolled on her back and lay panting. After she caught her breath she crawled away from the cliff feeling along the ground so she wouldn't fall again.

"God, please help me," she begged.

Suddenly, Andi heard a sound like someone shaking Jared's baby rattle.

She closed her eyes, Please, not a rattlesnake!

It rattled its tail. it sounded like it was coming closer! It was too much for Andi and she collapsed. The last thing she remembered was a sharp pain in her wrist.

When she woke up, she tried to remember what had caused her to pass out. Then her wrist started throbbing, bringing back dark memories. She gasped and clutched her wrist, she felt two small holes with liquid oozing out. Andi's heart quickened, had the snake bit her? And if it did what would she do? She remembered hearing stories from Cory about people dying from snake bites, would that happen to her? She rubbed her wrist one more time and shook her head. "No! It won't. But I need help."

She picked herself up and walked as fast as she dared away from the cliff in search of help.

As Andi walked, tears flowed freely, I can't die! I have a husband and my little boy! I can't leave them! Andi took in a deep breath and tried to stop crying but she couldn't. Finally, she sat down and cried herself to sleep and prayed she'd live to wake up.


Andi groaned, the ground is so soft. Am I in heaven? She lifted her hands and felt along the ground. This feels like.... A bed?

"Doctor, she's coming to!"

Andi opened her eyes. Nothing. She sighed, "Where am I?"

"You're safe, don't worry."

Andi's heart skipped a beat, no it can't be! Can it?

"Your voice sounds familiar."

The speaker chuckled, "I would hope so. It would be a shame to have my own wife forget my voice."




"Riley! I can't believe it's you!"

Riley chuckled, "Well it is, you've been out for a long time. I'm glad you're alright."

Andi smiled, "Me to-" She suddenly remembered. "I may not be alright."

"What do you mean?"

Andi took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I may have ran into a snake."

Riley sucked in his breath, "What kind of snake?"

Andi gave him a faint smile, "I couldn't see it, but I could hear it."

You mean...."

She nodded, "A rattlesnake."

"I'll get the doctor."


Andi sighed, "Well, that's a relief!"

The doctor had looked at her wrist and said she had been bit, but it was a dry bite. Meaning that the snake didn't inject any venom.

Riley squeezed her hand, "It sure is! I can't believe it didn't release any poison."

Andi shuddered

"Sorry, I know it's scary to think about."

Andi changed the subject, "How did you find me?

"I flagged down another train and some of the men helped me look for you. We searched for you for three days, we found you a little ways away from a cliff. I'm glad you didn't fall over it.

Andi smiled, "Who said I didn't?"

Riley gasped, "What?"

"I have a lot to tell you."




"You can open your eyes, now."

Andi sighed, that had been a long operation! Riley and Andi had continued to New York and had arrived the day before yesterday. The operation started yesterday afternoon and ended an hour ago. Riley sent for the rest of Andi's family when she was missing, and they were all packed into Andi's small room including the Doctor and the nurses.

For once Andi felt at peace with herself and with God. She knew that whatever the outcome, He would stand with her and help her through it and so would her family. She took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes. Darkness.

She smiled faintly "I can't-" she stopped. At the edge of the darkness there were lighter patches of dark. Her head throbbed, she closed her eyes again and reopened them, once again there were different patches of darkness, but now they were shrinking into swirling colors. "Riley I-" she stopped.

She felt his hand on her shoulder "What is it?"

"I..." Tears spilled from her eyes before she could stop them.

"Andi" said Riley as he knelt beside her "What's wrong?"

Andi turned to face him and flung her arms around him "Riley, I can see you!"

Riley held her close and whispered, "Thank God!"

A small throng gathered around Riley and Andi, there were whispers of thanks and squeals from babies.

As soon as she was released, she asked "Where's Jared?"

Mother smiled "Melinda's outside with him trying to calm him, I'll go get them."

Andi nodded her thanks and sat back on the bed suddenly exhausted. Riley sat down next to her and said, "I really missed you."

Andi nodded her head and opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by a babbling sound that came from the door. Andi looked up, there was Melinda holding her now three-year-old son sucking his thumb as always.

Andi sat there in shock, he's so big! I wonder if he remembers me.

When Andi didn't move, Riley brought Jared to her. Andi held out her arms and took him. "Hello Honey" she whispered "Do you remember me?"

Jared gazed into her eyes for a long time, "Mama!"

Andi's eyes filled with happy tears as she hugged her baby as if she'd never let him go.

She held Jared at arms-length and whispered, "It's a miracle!" 


  1. Sweet story! I love the ending scene. ❤

    1. Thanks! I worked hard on it! 😊

  2. I love this story!! It. is. AMAZING!! You should keep writing Madison!!

    1. Thanks, I plan to write a lot more!

  3. Love this!!!! Almost made me cry!!!!! so sweet! great job, Madison!

  4. This story is AWESOME!!!!
    Great job Madison!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Zoey! I love your name by the way!

  5. This is so good! Keep it up, Madison!

    1. Thanks so much! It was a lot of fun to write.

  6. LOVE IT!! Please write more! :) :) :)


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