A Case for the Carters and the Coulters

by Jesseca Dawn and Rishona

a 2014 contest entry

Part 1-

Jem sighed as he clattered down the wooden steps of the sheriff's office in Goldtown. This morning, once again, he had awakened to find that the fences on the south side of his property had been torn down. The visit to the sheriffs hadn’t helped much either. Mr. Barnes, his neighbor, had put in a request for a lawyer and appealed to a higher court.
But Jem couldn’t figure out why.
Ever since his father had died two years before, Jem who was twenty-five at the time, had taken over the family ranch. Just six months ago he had bought the 125 acres to the south planning to expand the ranch. Nothing but trouble had followed.  Time and time again he had ridden around the property only to find fences torn down and cattle missing. He had finally ridden over to his neighbor to see if he had been having the same problem. That was when he learned the problem.
Mr. Barnes yelled at him, saying that Jem had bought his property. Jem talked to him and even showed him the map that clearly stated whose property it was. But Mr. Barnes wouldn’t listen.
And it had come to this. He would have to hire a lawyer, not to mention having to travel to San Francisco for the hearing.
As he walked down the boardwalk, the familiar pounding and jingling of the stagecoach entered the town and pulled up to the Wells Fargo office.
Jem crossed the street as the driver called out. “Hey there, Jem. Done brought your sister back safe and sound.”
Jem grinned as he walked around the side of the stagecoach. There were only two passengers on the stagecoach. Stuart Keith, who was the new schoolteacher, and Ellie.
Jem opened the door and  reached out a hand to help Ellie down. “How was your visit?”
Ellie’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, it was grand! Aunt Rose hasn’t changed much and Nathan’s little one is adorably cute!”
Jem smiled. “I’m glad you had a good time. It seems hard to believe that it’s been eight years since they moved back east. “
Ellie nodded. “So how are things going here?”
“Well, other than the fact that I need to hire a lawyer, travel to San Francisco for the hearing, and repair the fences once again, everything is great.”
“That bad?”
Jem nodded. “I just found out this morning. I have no idea who is a good lawyer!”
Um, excuse me. I might know one.”
Jem turned toward the voice. “Why sure, Stuart. Any help would be welcome.”
“I just returned from the conference in Fresno. While I was there, I met a man named Justin Carter. He is a lawyer, and from our talks I gathered that he is a good Christian as well.”
Jem rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Carter . . .why does that sounds familiar? Well, never mind. Thanks for the information.  I’ll look into it.”
 Jem opened the door for Ellie as they entered Justin’s office in Fresno, California.
“May I help you?” Asked the clerk.
“Yes, I’m Jem Coulter and I have an appointment with Mr. Carter.”
“Splendid! Right this way.”
He opened the door to the office. “The Coulters, sir.”
Justin nodded politely, and pulled out two chairs for them to sit on. “I’ve been reviewing your case,” he said, as he resumed his seat behind the desk. “It shouldn't be too hard to win. I’m not quite sure why your neighbor is doing what he is, but I am confident we have a solid case.”
Jem nodded “Thank you, sir. You’ve been more than kind, especially on such short notice. Is there anything else we should do?”
Justin smiled. “Not really. We just need to wait for the hearing. .  . which will be in about a week, I believe?”
Jem nodded.
“Meanwhile, enjoy your stay in Fresno. And how would you like to come and meet my family? Come over for dinner on Saturday?”
Jem stood, “Sounds wonderful! What do you think, Ellie?”
Ellie chuckled, “I wholeheartedly agree!”
“He seems like nice enough man.” Ellie remarked as they stepped out into the lobby.
“He certainly does.” Jem agreed.
They had just exited the building when suddenly a young girl careened around the corner. Seeing them, she stopped abruptly. A boy ran up behind her, and not realizing she had stopped, ran into her, knocking them both to the ground.
Jem chuckled and offered a hand to the girl to help her stand.
Andi and Cory and Taffy . . . best friends!
“We’-we’re sorry. I didn’t see you.” she stammered. “This is my brother’s office. My name is Andi, Andi Carter, and this is Cory.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you two,” Ellie said with a smile. “It looks like you are having fun.”
“Yes.” Andi smiled sheepishly. We’re having a race to Justin’s office.”
Jem smiled. “That reminds me of what Ellie and I would do when we were younger. Did you say Carter? Are you Justin’s siblings?”
“Andi is. We’re not brother and sister.” Cory was quick to explain. “Just good friends.”
The door to the office slammed. “Miss Andi, are you disturbing your brother’s clients?” Tim asked in an exasperated voice.
“No, I'm not disturbing anyone. I just need to see Justin.”
“Justin is working on a very important case right now and cannot be disturbed,” said Tim.
Jem, sensing this was something not to get involved in, tipped his hat to Andi then steered Ellie out and onto the street.
Part 2
Around five o’clock on Saturday, Justin's buggy rolled around to the front of the hotel. To Ellie's delight, Andi sat on the front seat. The ride out to the ranch was pleasant. Ellie and Andi chatted in the back seat, while Justin kept Jem busy by asking him questions. As they pulled into the yard, Ellie could see two or three people standing on the veranda.
Andi noticed her glance and quickly pointed them out. “Chad is the one leaning against the fence post, Mitch is sitting on the step, Mother is in the rocking chair and Melinda . . . oh, there she is!” she said, as the door opened and Melinda stepped outside.
When Justin stopped the buggy in front of the house, Chad took the reins  that Justin threw to him and tied them to the hitching post.
“Welcome, welcome!” Mrs. Carter exclaimed as she swept gracefully down the steps and extended a hand to Ellie.  Ellie quickly took the offered hand. There was something about the whole Carter family that made you feel so welcome!
When she turned to introduce Jem, she found him staring at Chad. “Chad. . . Chad Carter! I've met you before!” he exclaimed.
“Why. . . Jem Coulter! It’s good to see you again!” Chad exclaimed as he hurried over and heartily shook his hand.
“Same here!” said Jem.
“You've meet?” Andi asked.
Chad nodded. “A long time ago. I’ll tell you the story later.”
They visited in the parlor for a while until Mother announced that dinner was ready.
In the dining room they sat down to a delicious meal. French bread, roast beef, and potatoes, along with a few other sides. Ellie thought it smelled wonderful!
After supper, they once again retired to the parlor. . .all except Andi that is. Ellie noticed her quickly hurry out the door. She turned to Chad, who was sitting next to her. “Where is Andi going?”
Chad grinned. “Andi is off to the barn to say hello to Taffy.”
“Is Taffy her horse?”
“You'd better believe it! She spends every spare minute with her!”
“Can I go out and see her?”
Chad turned to her “Really? you really want to go out to the barn?”
Ellie laughed “If you remember correctly, I did love horses!”
Chad nodded. “It's just that you're so different now. . . so . . .” He fumbled around for the right word.
Ellie Coulter . . . all grown up!
“Grown up?” Ellie suggested.
“Well, yes. But if you want to get out to the barn, I'll go along with you.”
“That sounds wonderful!”  Ellie replied, as they both stood up and left the parlor.
   Out in the barn Andi lost no time in telling Ellie all about Taffy. Ellie sat and listened attentively, commenting every so often. Chad and Andi both interrupted each other when Andi told about getting Taffy for her birthday, as they each had their own side of the story.  A little while later, the three went inside to the parlor where everyone else was still gathered, talking.
“Mother,” said Chad, “Don't you think it would be so much fun to have Jem and Ellie over tomorrow night?” Chad asked, after Justin had left taking the Coulters back into town.
“What a wonderful idea, Chad. I wouldn't mind having them over every night!” replied Mother.                                        
The next few days went by swiftly.  Andi couldn't remember having so much fun! Ellie was just like Melinda used to be. She enjoyed fishing, riding, helping train the horses and she really seemed interested in what Andi had to say.
Also, Andi was starting to suspect that Ellie meant more to Chad then just a friend. She decided to ask him about it the day before they were to leave for the court hearing. She found him in the barn.
“Chad, What do you think of Ellie?”
Chad leaned against the barn stall a surprised look on his face. Andi could tell she had caught him off guard.
“Ellie, she's.. .she's nice. Why do you ask?”
Andi shrugged. “Because I think you like her.”
“And how old are you again?”  Chad joked. ”Oh, I remember,  you're thirteen years old and asking me about my love life! Who made you the expert?”
“No one, I just thought...”
“You thought right,” Chad interrupted. “I'm just giving you a hard time.”
Andi made a face. “Well, are you going to ask her to marry you?”
That's my sister all right, blunt.
“I'll have to see. Just don’t tell anyone yet.”
Andi grinned. “Are you asking me to keep your secret?”
Chad grinned as well. “I know, I know, it’s a first. But you’ll keep it?”
“Well. . .”
Andi laughed, “Of course, I’ll keep it. I was just giving you  a hard time!”
Tuesday came and with it came the day for Jem, Ellie and Justin to leave for the hearing in San Francisco.  At the last minute, Mother decided the rest of the family would come along and pay a long-overdue visit to Aunt Rebecca.
They boarded the stage coach and, after talking for a while, rode in silence.
Suddenly, Andi heard hoof beats coming from the opposite direction. She glanced out the window. “Justin, Chad,  look!” she exclaimed as a shudder went through her. They both glanced out the window.
“Stage-robbers” Justin announced grimly.
  The stage robbers held up their guns and screamed to get out with their hands up in the air. Everyone shook as they obeyed. Andi stuck close to Ellie, who was near Chad. The robbers never moved the guns away from their faces.
Ellie looked at the robbers, there were three of them. I hope they just ask for money and leave.
The robbers pointed at Andi. “You, girl, get over here.”
“Yes, sir.” Andi stood over by them a very worried look in her face.
Then they pointed at Ellie. ”You also!”
“No! Not both of them!” Chad exclaimed.
“Quiet!” they shouted, as the leader roughly jerked Ellie away from Chad and pulled her up in front of him onto the horse. The other one did the same to Andi, then they rode off.
Mitch was hastily unharnessing the horses when Chad turned back to the others. “Chad, here!” he yelled.
Chad turned just in time to catch the makeshift reins Mitch threw at him.
“There’s four horses here. Chad, Justin and Jem, you go after the girls while I ride on ahead into Madera and get the sheriff. Chad, do you have your pistol?”
Chad nodded and patted his side.
“Okay, Justin, you don’t have one. . .but, Jem, do you?”
Jem nodded. “I always bring one with me.”
“Great! Justin, maybe you best stay here with mother and Melinda. I’ll leave the extra horse.”
Justin nodded. “Sounds good. Now hurry!”
The trees were thick and, since that area was unfamiliar to Chad, the going was slow. Suddenly, Jem pulled up his horse.  ”Shh, listen.”
Chad reined in his horse and strained his ears. Sure enough, to the left there were fading hoof beats.
“Okay, one of us needs to go around and come from the other direction, that way they’ll be trapped.”
Jem nodded. “Good idea. Why don’t you go around? Even though you don’t know it well, you probably could find your way around better than I.”
Chad nodded and they quickly parted ways.
Part 3
Mitch tore into town. “Sheriff, where is the sheriff's office?” he yelled. 
Several people turned to stare at him. One man pointed to his left. “Sheriff's office is right here. What's it you be needin’?”
“Our stagecoach was robbed about five miles from here and my sister and another passenger were kidnapped.”
The sheriff, hearing the commotion, came outside. “What’s the problem?” he asked looking around.  
Mitch repeated what he had just said.  The sheriff went back into his office, grabbed a gun and recruited some other men. Then Mitch and the sheriff rode off hastily. When they neared the place where the robbery and kidnapping occurred, a gun sounded off in the distance. Mitch slowed his horse down
“That’s them!” he yelled  and then took off in the direction of the gunshot.
The riders slowed as they neared the trees.
“Let’s spread out,” the sheriff commanded. “Mitch, you come with me. We’ll go straight in. You others spread out and follow us slowly.” He turned back to Mitch, “Do you have a firearm?”
When Mitch shook his head, the sheriff un-holstered his pistol and tossed it to Mitch. Then he took his rifle out of the saddlebag and placed it on the saddle in front of him.
They rode in slowly.  When they were about fifty feet away, the sheriff motioned for Mitch to dismount from the horse. Mitch obeyed, then hurriedly tossed the reins around the branch of a tree.
On their hands and knees, they crept closer to the clearing. Suddenly, the sheriff stood and raised the rifle. “Everyone hands up and down on your knees!”
To Mitch’s confusion, he quickly lowered it and walked into the middle of the clearing. Mitch followed the sheriff and saw a weeping Ellie in Chad’s arms. Jem was talking with Andi while keeping a watch over the stagecoach robbers, who were tied to a tree. The sheriff went over and handcuffed the robbers and got ready to go back into town as the deputies came into the clearing.
“Thanks for your help sheriff,” said Jem.
“Not a problem, that’s what I’m for,” replied the good natured sheriff. “if you ever be needing me again, just give me a holler.”
Two hours later they arrived in San Francisco. Mitch hurried mother and Melinda off to Aunt Rebecca’s house while  Justin, Jem and Ellie hurried over to the courthouse, accompanied by Chad and Andi who had come along to watch. The courthouse was this big, but old and beautiful building at the edge of the town. Inside,  Justin went to the front of the room accompanied by Jem and Ellie, while Chad and Andi took seats near the door.
“Chad, do you think it would be alright  if I went and watched Justin for a while? Last time I was in a courthouse. . .well . ..”
Chad grinned. “What? It wasn’t under the best of circumstances?”
Andi looked down. “That would be an understatement.”
Chad nodded.  ”We got here pretty early, so it should be alright. Just be quick!”
Andi nodded and hurried down to the table where Justin was busily laying out the papers for the case.
After asking Justin a few questions, she went back up to sit with Chad.
About five minutes later the judge walked up on stage and called the courtroom to order. He then gave a background story of what the case was all about and then called for Mr. Barnes’ lawyer, William Finney, to come speak.
Mr. Finney walked up to the stand. “Honorable Judge Mason, I can give you proof that the land truly belongs to Mr. Barnes--”
The judge broke in. “So you’ve said, but so far I have seen no proof.”
Mr. Finney took a paper out of his stack, walked forward and placed it on the judge's desk.
“This map, you will see, clearly marks the boundary line between Mr. Barnes’ property and Mr. Coulters.”
The judge took the map and studied it. “It does, quite clearly, in fact.”
Jem gave Justin a startled look. No one had said anything about a map!
“Is this all you have to say, Mr. Finney?”
“Yes sir.”
“Thank you. Mr. Carter, would you like to cross examine Mr. Finney?”
“Yes sir I would, thank you.”
“Mr. Finney, I have never seen this map before, so how do I know it is for real?”
Judge Mason broke in, “Mr. Carter, you may come and look at the map.”
Justin walked over. The map indeed looked as real as could be. “This is very interesting, thank you. I have no further questions.” Justin sat back down at the table upon finishing his cross examination and collected his papers for his coming speech.
Judge Mason looked at Justin. “Mr. Carter, would you like to give your speech now?”
“Yes, your honor.” Justin went up and took the stand.
“I am in fact very startled by this map, I was never shown it until just now. I believe that because this map was not at the land office and because Mr. Coulter legally, and in his and the office’s best knowledge paid for this land, the land should remain in his possession. Judge, would you like to see a copy of the legal document that says clearly that Mr. Coulter paid for the land?”
“Yes, that would be helpful.”
Justin went and handed the copy of it to Judge Mason, who took it, then said.  “Would you like to continue speaking, Mr. Carter?”
“Yes, just a second longer if you will.”
“Certainly,” Judge Mason replied.
“I would like to close with the reason that the land should remain in Mr. Coulter’s possession. And that reason is that Mr. Coulter legally paid for this land, thank you.”
“Mr. Finney, would you like to cross examine Mr. Carter?” asked the Judge.
“No sir, thank you.” replied Mr. Finney.
Judge Mason arose. “I now call for a recess, court will rejoin in fifteen minutes.”
During the break Justin decided to go visit with his family, because he didn’t feel like sitting at the table worrying about something he couldn’t change. He whispered a quick prayer. “God, please let this case turn out in favor for Jem.”
Court was rejoined at the hour and everyone was in their places, with the exception of Ellie, who was tired and had remained home.
“I have come to a conclusion, “ stated the Judge. “the map that I was shown during this court session is liable. My decision, that I believe will be fair to both parties, is this. Mr. Coulter will have the one hundred and twenty five acres to the north of his already owned land. Mr. Barnes, on the other hand, will have his original one hundred twenty-five acres returned to him. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and will be sure that the land office is notified, since they are legally liable for this incident.”
Mr. Barnes walked over to Jem. “I’m really sorry for all the trouble, I just didn’t know how else I could get anyone to listen to an old man like me!”
“Oh, it’s alright. Personally, I would rather not have had to go to court, but that’s behind us now!”  he turned to the Carters. ‘Besides, this gave us the opportunity to re-unite with old friends. And,” he gave Chad a meaning look, “maybe find some new family!”
The stay in San Francisco was pleasant. One day, the morning before the Coulters were to leave, Chad turned to Ellie, “would you like to go on a walk?” At Jem's look he said, “Not far, just around the town.”
Ellie nodded. “That would be pleasant.”
While she went to get her shawl, Andi went to Chad. “What are you planning?”
Chad gave her an innocent look. “Me? Why nothing!”
Andi gave him a knowing grin and walked into the parlor as Ellie descended down the staircase.
“Well, Chad. We’ve had a nice walk. And I’ve really had a great time getting to know your family!”
“It’s been nice to get to know you a little bit better too.” Chad agreed. Suddenly, Chad pulled her to the side underneath the branches of a weeping willow tree. “Ellie Coulter, today I've realized just how much you mean to me. After almost losing you . .” Chad's voice broke. “It would have been too much to bear. So, since I can't stand to be parted from you, will you marry me?”
Ellie blushed as she replied. “Of course, Chad. Yes, I will marry you!”
They hurried home to tell the family the news. Everyone was overjoyed and happy for them. Just then the dinner bell rang and everyone hurried into the dining room. After the meal, Andi pulled Chad aside.
“You think you'll be able to handle Ellie?” She grinned, “She can be an awful lot like me!”
Chad smiled, “I think I'll be able to handle her. But it’s a mystery to me that, out of all the girls I've had around in my life, only my sister Melinda is the perfect lady!”
The End


  1. I LOVE it!!!!!! I really like the interaction between Chad and Andi!

  2. I love this story, it smoothly runs together and makes sense!

  3. Great story, Jesseca and Rishona!
    ~Grace Hammond~


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