Felicity's Return

by Jesseca Dawn

Wow! It had been awhile since I saw Felicity, and can you believe it? I saw her in town! It was Friday and school was over for the day. I was looking forward to a weekend riding Taffy. I was walking around town waiting for Justin to finish up at his office so we could go home, when I saw a girl who looked familiar walk out of the mercantile with Johnny.
I walked a little closer to see who it was. When I got close enough to see who it was, I gasped. What in the world was Felicity doing here, in Fresno?  And what was she doing with Johnny Wilson?
Rosa turned to look where I had pointed. We wondered over. “Hi, Johnny,” I greeted, thinking it best not to say anything to Felicity on account of how we had parted.
Johnny turned. “Hi Andi. Hi Rosa,” he said, then he turned toward Felicity. “This is Felicity. She and her father are here on business. And my father thought I should show her around town.  Felicity, this is Andi Carter and her friend Rosa. I'm sure they would love to finish showing you around town.” With that, he took off running down the boardwalk. Great. Just swell. Thanks a lot, Johnny!
I turned to Felicity, but before I could say anything, Felicity said, “Hello Andrea Carter and . . . Rosa. It's so good to see you again. I am dearly sorry for how treated you when you were at our house.  It was mean and selfish of  me to do what I did just because I wanted a horse. Will you forgive me?”
I looked at Felicity. She sure seemed as though she was being sincere, but still . . . How could I forgive her for all she had done to Taffy and me last summer?
Rosa came to my rescue. “Would you like us to show you around Fresno?” she asked.
Felicity's eyes lit up. "Oh, would you? I don't know anyone here but Johnny, and he certainly didn't like being bothered with me.”
“Of course we will," Rosa said, linking arms with Felicity.
I expected Felicity to pull away and say something about not being friends with a servant girl, but to my surprise she smiled at Rosa and seemed to genuinely enjoy her company.
Rosa showed Felicity all around Fresno, all the while talking as though they were the best of friends.  I decided to go back to Justin's office and sit in the lobby until he was ready to go home. I wasn't sure if I could forgive Felicity. She seemed changed, but she had kidnapped me and whipped my beloved Taffy. 
Just then Justin walked out of his office. “Ready to go home, little sister?” he asked. “Where's Rosa?”
I sighed. “Rosa is showing Felicity around town.”
            “Felicity? Felicity Livingston? Isn't she the girl who whipped Taffy and kidnapped you when you ran away?”
I nodded. Then I told him what had happened. “I just don't know whether I should trust or even forgive Felicity,” I said.
Justin sat down next to me.  “It's not easy to forgive, Andi. But that's what the Bible says we should do. And you should remember that you also needed forgiveness when you ran away. God has forgiven you, and now you need to forgive others. As for trusting her . . .” He shrugged. “If she's really changed she will be able to prove that you can trust her by how she acts—her kindness toward you and others.”
I took a deep breath. “You’re right, Justin. I need to forgive her even though it's hard to do."
“Well, what do you say we go and find Rosa and get on home?” Justin asked me.
I smiled. “Okay.”
Justin got the buggy and we drove around town looking for Felicity and Rosa. We found them in front of the school.
“It's time to go home, Rosa,” Justin said.
Rosa smiled. “Okay. The school was the last place to show Felicity anyway.”
I got out of the buggy and walked over to Felicity. “I forgive you, Felicity, and I hope we can be friends. Would you like to come out to our ranch tomorrow? You could rent a horse from the livery stable and spend the day.”
Felicity smiled. “Thank you, Andi. I hope we can be friends too. And I would love spending the day at your ranch, if it would be okay with your family.”
“It will be fine,” I assured her.
The next day Felicity came over and we had great fun! We rode all day, and I could see that Felicity really was different. When it came time for her to leave we promised to write each other. I can't wait to see Felicity again. Perhaps we will even have an adventure together someday!
The End


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