When Riley Came Back

by Meg
Chapter 1

“The hayloft is the perfect place to hide out and watch what is going on at the ranch, huh Kitty?” Andi said as she pet the cat and looked down on the ranch through the loft door. “I remember playing up here with Riley once. It was almost Christmas, and he had tied a fly up on a leash! I’d never seen anything like it before!”
The cat looked up at her and purred.
“I haven’t seen Riley since I was 8 or 9! I wonder what he’s been up too.”
“Andi!” someone called from down below, “Are you in here?”
Andi stuck her head through the hole in the loft floor. “Yep, I’m here. Why?”
It was Mitch. He looked up and grinned, “There’s someone here to see you!”
Andi jumped down the ladder, “Who?”
Her brother kept grinning. “Not telling, it’s a secret.”
She scowled at him. “If it’s such a secret, why are you here?”
Mitch just grinned and turned to leave, whistling a lively tune.
Brothers! Andi shook her head and dusted off her overalls. Well, I might as well go see who it is!
She looked out the barn door, but saw nothing but the house, and a buggy. “Oh no!” She gasped in horror. “It can’t be Aunt Rebecca!” Bracing herself, Andi climbed up the porch steps and went through the front door. Upon entering, she ran into . . .
“Riley?” She gasped as she looked up to see with whom she had collided.
“Andi!” Riley grinned, holding out his hand, “It’s great to see you again.”
Andi’s face broke into a big smile, and she shook his hand rapidly. “Boy! You gave me a good scare. I thought for sure it was Aunt Rebecca that was here. But it’s good to see you too!”
“My Pa was sent here for business, and he brought Ma ‘n me along.” Riley drew his hand back.
“Why, that’s fantastic!” Andi said as they started for the parlor. “How long will you be staying?”
“What? At your house? I don’t know. But I heard your ma say something about dinner though.” He grinned and licked his lips.
“Yep!” Andi grinned. “It’s you, all right, never turning down a meal!”
Chapter 2
“Come on Riley, I want to show you Taffy’s twins, Shasta and Sunny,”
Andi said as she finished her glass of cool lemonade.
Riley looked at her in surprise. “Taffy had twins?”
Andi stood up and nodded. “She did! Sorry, I forgot, you didn’t know.”
Riley stood up, and they both walked out to the paddock off the barn. As they turned the corner of the barn, Andi ran right into Chad. She almost fell, but he caught her just in time. “Whoa there! What’s the big hurry?”
            Andi bit her lip. “Sorry, Chad, I didn’t see you.”
He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Seems to me you’ve been running into quite a few people lately”—he nodded at Riley—“like this poor, unfortunate fellow here. Why, from what I hear, you nearly ran him over too.”
Riley grinned. “Well, it was partly my fault, sir.”
Chad’s sunburned face cracked into a smile. “Sir? My, aren’t we fancy!” He grinned at Andi. “I’ll let you off this time, but don’t let it happen again.” He ruffled her hair and walked off, chuckling to himself.
Andi smoothed her hair as they started toward the pens once again. As they passed the chicken pen, Riley asked, “Hey, whatever happened to ol’ Henry the Eighth?”

Andi grinned, “Oh, a few years ago, he got the nerve to jump up and scratch poor Chad’s arm one morning”—she opened the paddock gate—“and that night, Nila cooked up a yummy roast chicken. You can guess who it was!”
Riley grinned. “I still remember how you looked when he chased you, and you tripped and spilled those eggs all over yourself!” He laughed when she wrinkled up her nose.
“It took me forever to wash all the yolk out of my hair!” Then . . . “Taffy, come here, girl!” Andi called to her golden palomino mare.
The horse whinnied her reply and came trotting over to see her mistress. Her two colts followed close behind.
“They’re really nice, Andi,” Riley commented as they pranced around their dam.
Andi glowed with pride. “Thanks! They are, aren’t they?” She affectionately patted the mare’s neck. “Hey!” She turned to face Riley. “I just remembered, how is Midnight doing? Did he take the move to Idaho well?”
Riley brushed his dark hair away from his eyes, which revealed a scar on the right side of his forehead. “Couldn’t be better. He . . . uh . . . what’s the matter, Andi?”
Andi dropped her eyes, embarrassed at being caught staring. “I . . . uh . . . just noticed . . . uh . . .”
Riley laughed. “Oh, this!” He touched his forehead. “I got this from an accident on Midnight.”
Andi frowned. “Did it hurt awfully bad?”
He grinned. “Nah, once the stitches came out, there was nothing to it.”
After they stayed with the horses for a while, Mrs. Prescott, (Riley’s mother) called them in because they were going to town.
Chapter 3
“Wow, Fresno seems a lot smaller than I remember!” Riley whistled as he and Andi followed his family as they toured the town.
Andi laughed. “That’s because you’re a lot bigger than you were 5 or 6 years ago.”
“Hey, is that the schoolhouse that you were dead set on NOT going to?” he asked, grinning.
Andi grinned sheepishly. “Uh, yeah. But that was nothing compared to what happened two years ago.” At that, she told him about her “incident” with the new school teacher.
Riley had doubled over laughing before she barely even started. “Oh, Andi! You really almost ran him over? Boy he must have been hopping mad!” His eyes were sparkling with laughter.
“He sure was! I thought for sure that he was going to—” She was interrupted by her friend Cory Blake.
He yelled from the other side of the street, “Hey Andi!” and ran over to them. “What are you doing in town today?” Then he noticed Riley standing there, and he looked at Andi. “Who’s he?”
She grinned. “This is my friend Riley. You remember me telling you about him, right? He has come to visit for a few days.”
Cory held out his hand to shake Riley’s. “Oh yeah, I remember you. You’re the one that Andi always said was ‘too big for his britches’!”
Andi’s face turned red, and she threw Cory a disgusted look. He grinned mischievously.
Riley laughed. “Me? Why, I’ve never been too big for my britches!” He winked at her.
“Riley dear! Hurry up. We are going back to the ranch now,” his mother called from down the street.
That gave Cory an even bigger grin, and his eyes were filled with merriment. “Yes, goodbye, Riley dear. You mustn’t keep your mother waiting.” He waved to Andi, then turned and walked away, laughing.
Andi grinned at Riley, who was also grinning. “Wanna race?” he asked.
She took it as a yes when he took off running down the boardwalk.
Chapter 4
After a few more days of fun and riding, it was time for the Prescotts to go back to their home in Idaho. “It was great seeing you again Andi,” Riley said as they waited for the train.
Andi smiled back at him. “It was great seeing you again too, Riley, I wish you all could have stayed longer.” She bit her lip. “I hope we can see you all again soon.”
Riley grinned. “Yes, maybe you all can come up to my house next time.”
Just then, the blaring whistle of the approaching train made them both realize that Riley’s time of departure had arrived.
The Weavers boarded the train, and as it was pulling out, Riley waved a last goodbye.
Andi smiled and waved back, “Goodbye!”
I hope our paths will cross again soon!
The End

1 comment:

Encourage these young authors!