An Unlikely Love

 by Johannah Goetting


“All aboard for Fresno California!”

           Lydia Rose Hanson jumped at the sound of the conductor’s voice. Quickly she yanked her bags off the ground and hurried towards the train.

           “May I help you miss?” The friendly conductor asked, reaching out his hand towards her.

           Lydia grasped his hand and leaped up onto the train. Once inside the train car she plopped down in the nearest seat. Just in time to.

           With a hiss and a jerk the train started forward, taking Lydia away from the only home she’d ever known.

           As trees and scenery rushed past, she allowed her mind to wander back to that fateful day two weeks ago, when Pa had decided to send her away from home.

 * * * * * * * * *

           "Lydia Rose, where are you?"

            Pa angry drunken shout tore Lydia out of a sound sleep. She hurriedly pulled on her dress and shoes, and raced downstairs.

           “Where have you been girl?” Pa grasped her arm in an iron grip and yanked her towards him.

           Lydia cringed and nearly gagged at the stench of whiskey on Pa’s breath. “I..I was getting dressed Pa. I didn’t mean to make you wait.” Trembling, she tried to pull away from him. “I didn’t mean no harm Pa, honest.”

           He growled and shoved her roughly toward the kitchen. “Get me some breakfast girl, then we got some things to talk about.”

           She quickly scurried into the kitchen, shoving some wood in the stove she proceeded to light a fire. Then she grabbed the skillet from its hook on the wall and placed it on the stove. Now where did Pa put the eggs?

           She glanced around the small kitchen and spotted the egg basket on the table in the corner. She grabbed four eggs out of the basket and carefully cracked them into the skillet. The rest of the eggs she would save for the next time she went into town.

           “Your slow as molasses girl. Hurry up I’m hungry.”

           Lydia finished scraping the last of the eggs onto a plate and hurried to the dining room. “Here you are Pa, I..I hope you like them.”

           It wouldn’t do to get Pa aggravated over anything this morning, especially since he’d been drinking again all last night. Some days, Pa was as gentle as a lamb, but unfortunately most days were like today. Especially since, Ma had died.

           “You said you wanted to talk to me about something,” it took all her willpower to keep her voice steady and calm.

           “Sit down,” Pa gestured toward the chair opposite him.

           Lydia sat down and turned all her attention on him.

           “I got a letter from an old friend of mine a couple weeks ago, name’s Chad Carter. Well, he lives down near Fresno and has asked if I can come for a visit.”

           She shuddered. What kind of a friend was this Chad Carter? And more importantly, what did this have to do with her?

           “Of course, I can’t go, but I don’t intend on telling him that. He’s to darn stubborn to let me say no.”

           Lydia relaxed, Pa wasn’t going. But if he wasn’t even going, why were they having this conversation? Pa’s next words answered her question and sent shivers up her spine.

           “I’m sending you in my place. It’ll be for the whole summer, and they live on a large ranch. So maybe you’ll learn something that’ll make you a little more useful around here.”

           Pa’s last words stung. She did try her best, but she just wasn’t cut out for house work. To send her away for the whole summer just wasn’t like Pa. Even in his drunken state he had never done anything so drastic. “But, but I…”

           Pa slammed his fist against the table, “no buts. Your going whether you like it or not. Besides, I’ve already bought your train ticket.”

           Lydia slumped, the discussion was over. She was going away and nothing she could say would change Pa’s mind. 

* * * * * * * * *

           “Next stop, Fresno California!”

           The shout jerked Lydia’s thoughts out of the past and back to the present. She sighed, well here goes nothing.

           As soon as the train screeched to a halt, she jumped out of her seat and hurried towards the door. Once out on the platform however, she realized that she had no idea if anyone was there waiting for her. If not, she would have to fend for herself.

           “Excuse me, are you miss Lydia Hanson?”

           Lydia turned towards the voice to see a man standing there. He was tall, broad shouldered and blond haired. He had a kind face.

           “Yes, I am.”

           The man grinned and held out his hand. “Well, sure glad I found you. My name is Mitch Carter. Chad was sorry he couldn’t be here to greet you but he had to leave last second on ranch business.”

           Lydia grasped his hand and shook it. “That’s alright.”

           “Here, let me take your bags.” Mitch reached down and plucked her bags up off the ground. “The buggy’s right over there. We’d better get started, the ranch is quite a ways away and Mother would have my hide if I don’t get you there in time for supper.”

           She smiled. Mrs. Carter sounded like quite a woman. As she followed Mitch to the buggy questions raced through her head. What kind of a ranch do they have? Did they invite me here to work, or am I a guest? Is Chad like Pa or is he like his brother?

           Mitch wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her into the buggy. After securing her luggage to the back he climbed in beside her and chirruped to the horses. “How is your Father? I haven’t seen him for well over four years.”

           Lydia shrugged, “Pa’s alright I guess. Since Ma died he’s taken up drinking a lot. He’s never forgotten your brother though.”

           “Its a real shame that a man like Jason Hanson would take to drinking.” Mitch shook his head, “I remember a time when he refused to go within ten feet of a bottle of whiskey.”

           After that the rest of the ride to the Carter ranch was silent, neither one saying a word.

           When the ranch finally came into sight, Lydia gasped in amazement. “Its beautiful,” she breathed.

           Mitch chuckled, “it is isn’t it. Everyone feels like that when they see it for the first time.”

           “This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen! Why, there must be thousands of acres here.”

           “Sure are, Chad’s mighty proud of it,” he pulled the buggy to a stop in front of the house. “Well, here we are.” He helped her down and went to get the luggage.

           Lydia took a moment to have a look at her surroundings. This ranch was the biggest she’d ever seen. They probably have servants and hired hands to do all the work for them.

           “Come on, we’d better get up to the house.” Mitch placed a hand on her shoulder.

           As she turned back to the house she spotted a girl walking toward them, a wide smile on her face.

           The girl waved, “hi, I’m Andrea Carter. You can call me Andi, everyone does. Are you the friend Chad’s been talking about?”

           “I guess you could say that.” She held out her hand, “my name’s Lydia. It’s nice to meet you Andi.”

           Andi shook her hand and grinned at Mitch, “I wonder what Chad will say when he sees his guest is a pretty young lady.”

           Mitch grinned and pushed his hat back from his head. “I reckon he’ll be a might surprised, and pleased too.”

           Lydia blushed and turned away, only to come face to face with another man.

           “Gee Mitch, you finally decide to start courting? Who’s the girl?”

           Mitch laid a hand on her shoulder. “This is Lydia Hanson, Justin. Her father is Chad’s friend.”

           Justin turned to her, “Well, it sure is nice to meet you, Miss, Hanson. I’m Justin Carter, Chad’s older brother.”

           Lydia nodded, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. This family is huge. How am I ever supposed to keep them all straight?

           Apparently noticing her discomfort, Mitch interrupted. “I think we should get on up to the house. Mother is waiting.”

           She nodded and followed him up the porch steps and into the house.

           The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside. The foyer of the wide hacienda style ranch house was large and decorated with rich furnishings. The stairway was grand, spiraling up to the second level. The banister was shiny and sleek, so smooth and clean you could see your face in it.

           “Mother, we’re home.”

           Mitch’s announcement brought two women hustling into the foyer. The older one, who Lydia assumed was Mrs. Carter, smiled broadly and pulled her into a tight hug.

           “Welcome to the Circle C, I’m glad you could come. It’s a shame your father couldn’t make it but I’m sure Chad will be glad you came. This is my daughter, Melinda.”

           “It’s nice to meet you, Lydia.” Melinda smiled and laid a hand on her belly. Its slight bulge gave away the fact that she was expecting a child.

           Lydia smiled back and glanced at Mitch.

           Mrs. Carter intercepted the look and held out her hand toward her son. “Give me those bags and I’ll show Lydia to her room. She’s had a long day and I’m sure she’s tired.”

           Lydia nodded and followed her up to her room. 


* * * * * * * * *

Two weeks later.


Lydia crouched in the saddle, ready to run.

           In the two weeks that she’d been on the Circle C, Mitch and Andi had taught her how to ride. She was almost as good as Andi now. Today, Andi had challenged her to a race, so here they were.

           “Alright girls, the course is simple,” Mitch pointed to a tree on the horizon. “You’ll race to that tree, grab one of the bandannas attached to its branches and race back here.”

           Lydia nodded and glanced at her friend. Andi’s head was bent towards her

horse Shasta’s head. Probably encouraging him.

           She grinned, Shasta and Andi made a pretty good team. Ever since Mitch had given her Moon to ride however, Lydia had proven herself to be very good with horses.


           She tore her attention from Andi and placed it on Mitch.


           Moon and Shasta leaped forward as one. Galloping out of the yard and onto the range.

           Lydia dug her heels into Moon’s side, urging her to go faster. “Come on girl, you can do it.” She nudged Moon up beside Andi and rushed past with a wave and a grin.

           Moon came to a halt in a cloud of dust as they reached the tree. Lydia yanked the bandanna off the branch and whipped Moon back around. They headed back to the yard, Andi and Shasta not far behind.

           “Come on Moon, you can beat that Shasta any day.” Lydia’s horse put on a sudden burst of speed, widening the gap between the two riders.

           The finish line came into sight, rapidly growing larger and larger. Lydia and Moon dashed into the barn and came to a halt seconds before Andi and Shasta.

           “Wow, good race Lydia,” Andi’s eyes were wide with excitement. “Your a better rider than I thought you were.”

           Lydia blushed, “thanks.”

           Mitch jogged up to them as they dismounted. “Great race you two. You’ve learned a lot in the two weeks you’ve been here, Lydia.”

           She gently rubbed Moon’s forehead, “I really didn’t think I could beat Andi.”

           “Well you did,” Mitch’s face was flushed with pleasure. “Here, I’ll put Moon away and give her a rubdown. You better get on into the house, Mother’s looking for you.”

           Lydia nodded her consent, “alright. See you later Andi.”

           As she made her way to the house, Lydia thought she spotted a gleam in Mitch’s eye as he lead the horses into the barn. But when she looked back again it was gone. I must just be tired. There’s nothing there.

           “Lydia dear, come on into the parlor, I’ve got something to show you.”

           Lydia stepped into the parlor to find Mrs. Carter and Melinda sitting hunched over some scraps of material. Mrs. Carter looked up when she entered. “Sit down dear and have a look at this.”

           She sat down next to Melinda and glanced at all the material scattered over the table. “What’s all this?”        

           “Mother thinks you should have some new dresses, and we’re trying to figure out which material would be best.” Melinda scrunched up her nose. “From the looks of it you’re going to need a lot of new clothes. Why are you so dirty?”

           Lydia glanced down at her rumpled, dirt streaked dress. “Andi and I were racing,” she grinned at Melinda. “I won.”

           Mrs. Carter hid a smile behind her hand. “Let’s get back to business girls.” she gestured toward the table. “What do you think Lydia, which of these do you like best?”

           Carefully, Lydia fingered a purple flowered cloth. “I like this one. If its not to much trouble.” She glanced up anxiously at Mrs. Carter.

           She took the cloth from Lydia and nodded, apparently pleased. “I like this one too. We shall take it into town tomorrow and have Mrs. make you a beautiful new dress.”

           “Thank you Mrs. Carter.”

           “Please, call me Elizabeth,” she smiled. “Mrs. Carter sounds so old fashioned.”

           Lydia nodded.

           “Lydia, you coming!”

           She rose quickly and turned to the women. “I have to go, I promised Mitch that he could teach me how to rope a calf.”

           As Lydia hurried out of the parlor, she didn’t notice the knowing look that passed between Elizabeth and Melinda.


* * * * * * * * *


           Lydia watched as her rope landed over the head of yet another calf.

           “Well, I think you have roping a calf down now.” Mitch said, stepping into the corral and grabbing the rope off the calf’s head. He handed it back to her, “Maybe you could stay long enough to help with roundup.”

           “Maybe,” she replied softly. Had she heard a bit of longing in Mitch’s voice or was it just her imagination? She shrugged it off, I could never be good enough for him anyway.

           “Hey, its Chad,” Mitch hopped over the fence and handed Lydia her lasso. “Come on, I’m sure he’ll be glad to meet you.” He hurried over to where his brother stood, beside the most beautiful buckskin gelding, Lydia had ever seen.

           She followed behind him, unsure whether she should interrupt. Mitch gestured towards her and Chad grinned, they started toward her.

           “Chad, this is Lydia Hanson. Lydia, this is my brother, Chad.”

           Chad doffed his hat, grinning. “Well I must say, this is a pleasure. Unexpected, but a pleasure nonetheless.”

           Lydia relaxed, Chad wasn’t anything like she’d thought. She grinned back, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too. Mitch has told me so much about you.”

           Immediately, she wished she hadn’t said anything. Chad turned to his brother and slapped him on the back. “Well, little brother, I never thought you’d ever get around to it. But you couldn’t have picked a better woman. So when did you start courting?”

           Lydia blushed hard and look away.

           “We’re not courting, big brother. I’ve been teaching her about the ranch and how we do things around here,” Mitch’s face turned red. “She’s your friend’s daughter, you’re responsible for her now.” With that, Mitch stalked into the barn and disappeared from sight.

           Lydia watched him go, a feeling of loneliness washed over her. She tried to shake it off. What is the matter with me?

           “Don’t worry, he’ll be back.” Chad gave her a teasing grin, “he likes you, I can tell.”

           She turned her back to him and stomped away, Chad’s laughter following her all the way back to the house.

One month later. 


           “Hey Lydia, you ready?”

            Lydia jumped up so fast that she fumbled her glass of water. It slipped from her grasp and spilled all over her new dress.

            “You ready to go?”

            She whirled on him. “Mitch Carter look what you made me do,” she gestured towards her now sopping dress.

            Mitch had the decency to look contrite. “Gee, I’m awful sorry, Lydia. I didn’t mean to scare you.” His face twisted into a teasing grin. “At least you’ll stay cool, even in this heat.”

            “Oh, you,” she lunged for him.

            Mitch darted away from her, chuckling.

            Lydia chased him around the yard until she finally had him cornered. “I’ve got you now, Mitch Carter. Your going to pay for that remark.” With that she stepped forward and gave him a shove. Right into the horse trough.

            Mitch came up sputtering. “What was that for?”

            She gave him her most winning smile. “Just trying to make sure you stay cool in this heat.”

            “Alright, alright.” He held out his hand, “help me out would you?”

            Unsuspectingly, she grasped his hand. With a jerk and a splash Lydia sat in the trough beside him. She burst into laughter, shaking the water from her hair. “Alright, you win.”

            “Come on, we still have a shooting lesson to get to.” Mitch stepped out of the trough and pulled Lydia out next to him.

            Chuckling and grinning, the two made their way over to the barn. The sun was high in the sky by the time they finished their lesson, and when they finally made it back to the house it was time for supper.

            The entire Carter family was there for the first time in weeks. Chad had been gone for the past week on roundup, Riley and Andi had spent most of their time at Memory Creek and Justin and Melinda lived in town with their families.

            Lydia sighed, the Carter family was so huge. I wish I had a family like this. She glanced over at Mitch, he smiled at her and she gave him a weak smile back.

            “Mother,” Mitch stood up. “may I be excused? Lydia and I are going to go check out something be the creek.”

            Elizabeth smiled and nodded. “Alright, Mitch, you and Lydia are excused.”

            Lydia got up and followed Mitch out the front door. “So, we’re going to check something at the creek, huh?”

            Mitch grinned sheepishly, “That was the first thing that came to mind. Do you want to go to the creek?”

            She shrugged. “Sure, why not. It might actually be fun.”

            He nodded, “I’ll saddle Moon for you.” He strode into the barn and came out a minute later with Moon and Chase in tow. “Let’s ride.”

            The two raced each other all the way to the creek. After dismounting, Lydia took off her shoes and stockings and waded into the water.

            “It feels great, Mitch. Come on, get in.”

            “Alright,” he waded in beside her.

            Suddenly cold water splashed all over Lydia’s body. She shrieked and whirled on Mitch. “I’ll get you for this!”

            The two splashed around in the creek for a long time before they grew tired.

            Then Mitch’s face turned serious. “Lydia, I have something to ask you.”

            Puzzled, Lydia waded out of the creek and stood face to face with Mitch. “Is something the matter?” And awful thought came to mind, “is it my Pa?”

            He laid a hand on her shoulder, “no your Pa is fine.”

            “Then what?”

            Mitch took a deep breath. “Lydia, I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you. I have sent a letter to your Pa, asking for permission to court you as long as you are in agreement.” He peered into her face. “Are you in agreement?”

            Lydia stood stalk still for a second, barely believing what she had just heard. Finally she gathered her wits enough to respond softly. “Yes, yes I am in agreement Mitch.”

            Mitch gave a whoop, wrapped his arms around her waist and swung her around. The he bent his head and gently pressed his lips to hers. “I love you Lydia Rose Hanson.”

            She nestled closer to him and sighed contentedly. “I love you too Mitch.” 

* * * * * * * * * 

One year later.           


“Its time, Lydia.” Melinda laid her hand on the nervous bride’s shoulder. “Don’t be nervous, everything is going to be perfect.”

            Lydia smiled at her friends. “Melinda, Andi, thank you for being my bridesmaids. Since I don’t have any sisters I was really counting on you two.”

            Andi grinned, “you do now.”

            Suddenly, Jason Hanson walked into the room. “Time to go girls.”

            Taking the hint both girls left the room, closing the door behind them.

            “Pa?” Lydia ran into her father’s arms, tears of joy streaming down her face. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”

            He chuckled softly, “Mitch came and hunted me down. Said he wasn’t going to let me miss my own daughter’s wedding. He stayed with me until I sobered up enough to make the trip here.”

            Lydia chuckled to herself. It was just like Mitch to make sure her Pa was there, no matter how hard it was to bring him.

            “You got yourself a good man in Mitch Carter. I couldn’t have chosen any better if I had taken a thousand years and searched the whole world.”

            She smiled.

            “Well, I guess we’d better get going before the guests begin to wonder what happened to us.” Pa offered his arm, “shall we?”

            Lydia took it, “we shall.”

            They walked down the aisle of the church and stopped in front of the alter. As Lydia placed her hand into Mitch’s she knew that, no matter what life brought her way, Mitch would always be there with her. She glanced lovingly at all the guests who had come out of love for both the bride and groom.

            As the reverend started the service, Lydia lifted her face to the sky. Thank you for everything you have given me God. My cup is overflowing.


  1. Oh wow Johannah!!!
    Is is a awesome story!!! I loved it!!!! :D Keep writing!!!!
    -Sara M

    1. Thanks! I think Mrs. M is going to post another one of my stories in May. I really enjoy reading all of your Fan Fiction too!!

    2. Oh awesome!!!!
      I can't wait to see it!!
      Awww..thank you!!!
      If you ever want to write a story together I'd be more then happy to! :D

      Keep writing!!!! :) :)

    3. Forgot to add my name! LOL
      -Sara M

    4. Yes! I would totally love to write a story with you. How would you like us to communicate with each other?

    5. I forgot to add my name!
      - Johannah G.

    6. Hi Johannah!
      I totally missed this! *smh * I forgot to check back... I know it's been a longgg while...
      If you still want to write a story, I'm all for it!
      Maybe Mrs M can send our emails to each other? (that is, if you still want to write a story & your parents are good with it) :D
      ~Sara Grace Miller

    7. My blog is if you'd like to contact me through there sometime! :D
      ~Sara G. Miller

    8. Hey Sara!!!
      That's okay!!
      Sure! I'd love to!
      Yeah sure, that works! (Yeah, my parents are kinda chill about that sort of thing)
      ~Johannah Goetting


    9. Hey! I just contacted you on your blog

  2. So amazing!!!!!! 😍
    I love seeing Mitch if someone!! 🩷
    Please keep writing!!

  3. That was so good! Keep up the good work!

  4. I love this story!!!!! Great job!
    -Makenna C.

  5. this was awesome!
    I loved every bit of it! You showed each character exactly how they are portrayed in the books!
    Please keep writing!!!! You're doing great!

  6. AndiCarter'sBiggestFanApril 28, 2023 at 5:20 PM

    Thank you all so much! I'm so glad you all liked it.

    - Johannah G.

  7. This is good, you really kept me reading! I loved how the dad came at the end, that was sweet.

  8. Wow! GREAT story!!

  9. Great story! I really enjoyed reading it!!

  10. Wow this was a wonderful story with an ending that put a smile on my face. Beautiful writing. 😃


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