Andi's Auld Lang Syne

 by Isabella S. (ages 14-17)


-Chapter 1-

I feel awful! At first I thought I was just aching from working with Chad. Now it’s Saturday and I know I’m sick.


“Honey!” Justin called. “I brought Kate and the kids from the station!”

Kate and the kids?

Andi knew Kate and the kids were coming for her birthday next week. She had wanted to...

But…I can’t. I’m sick! Andi shivered and pulled the covers closer. Her door opened. Mother sighed.

“Andrea! Why are you still in bed?”


Andi woke to the sound of quiet humming. Kate was bustling around doing the much needed work of cleaning Andi’s room.

“Don’t clean my room, Kate.” Andi whispered.

“How are you feeling?”

“Awful.” She groaned.

“Would you like a cup of tea?”

Andi nodded. A cup of tea sounded good.

“Levi! Could you get Andi some tea?” She called sitting next to Andi. “I remember when Mother had you. We younger ones thought Mother was ill.” Kate chuckled. “Justin kept saying ‘Mother’s fine.’ I didn’t believe him. We felt like greenhorns when we found out.”

Andi giggled.

“Chad never let me forget. He’d say ‘Remember when…’” Kate shook her head. “He was wild!”

“I donno’ much about you being little. Could you tell me a story about it?”

Kate thought a second. “What type of story?”

“About you, Justin, and Chad.” Justin told Andi that Father called them his ‘Three Musketeers’, and they went on all sorts of adventures.

Kate smiled and got a faraway look in her eyes. “Almost every Saturday we three would go fishing, stopping at whatever creek we wanted.” She grinned. “This certain Saturday we were taking Mitch. Mother was busy with Melinda, and he was underfoot.”


“We’ll take care of him, I promise!” Justin shouted over his shoulder, as he and his siblings headed out the door. Chad and Mitch jumped off the porch and charged towards the barn. Justin and Kate walked slowly down the steps.

“What in blazes is takin’ so long?” Chad bellowed.

“We’re just taking our time, little brother.” Justin calmly remarked, mounting his horse. They took off at a trot so Coco could keep up.

“We’re here!” Chad hollered pulling Sky to a stop. They yanked their poles from behind Justin’s saddle and sat down on the bank.

Kate frowned at Mitch wondering aimlessly around. “Why aren’t you fishing?”

“Left my pole.” He sighed.

“Go get it then.” Chad stated firmly.

Mitch scowled. “I can’t go back by m’self!”

“Here,” Justin handed Mitch his pole. “I’m not much for fishing.”

Mitch grinned. “Thanks big brother!”

Justin ruffled his hair and sat down on a nearby tree stump. He sighed and pulled a pamphlet out of his pocket. Big gold letters ran across the top reading,


“Help!” Mitch’s shout cracked the air like a gunshot. A huge fish fought the line vigorously, Mitch struggled to keep his hold. Justin jumped to his rescue, but not quick enough. The fish yanked the pole away and started downstream with it.

“I’m sorry,” Mitch whispered.

“It’s not your fault.” Chad frowned at the runaway pole.

“That pole was just too big.” Kate added.

“Not to mention that big o’ fish.” Justin smiled. “Let’s go get it.”

Mitch smiled. They packed up and headed downstream.


“Let’s start home,” Justin sighed. The sun was setting and shadows were creeping over the land. “It’s getting late.”

Chad nodded, slowly turning back.

“Wait!” Mitch shouted. “I see it!” He and Coco plunged into the creek. “Found it!” He smiled, picking up the pole. “The fish is still hooked!”

Justin and Kate chuckled. Chad grinned.

Mitch remounted, pole and all.

“Here,” He grinned, handing Justin his pole. “You can be in charge of it now.”


“We made it home very late,” Kate smiled. “But at least Mitch got his fish.”

Andi sipped the tea Levi brought her.

Kate smiled. “We were all so little back then. If I remember correctly, Mitch was five!”

Andi laughed and tried to imagine big grown-up Mitch as five years old.


-Chapter 2-

I slept almost all day. It’s close to supper and I’m feeling starved.


Andi glanced towards her door, as Justin walked in. She smiled.

He grinned back. “Mother said you weren’t feeling well.”

Andi shook her head. Nope…I don’t.

“I’m sorry honey.” Justin frowned. “Hopefully you’ll be better by your birthday.”

Andi nodded.

He set a tray of food on her dresser. “Can you eat some?”

“I’m starved!”

Justin chuckled, bringing Andi the tray. She said a quick blessing and dug in.

“Justin?” Andi asked between mouthfuls. “Could you tell me about when you were young?”

Justin smiled. “Maybe. What do you want to hear about?”

“Anything.” Andi than plunged into a vivid retelling of Kate’s story.

He grinned. “Did I ever tell you about when Chad greased a pig?”

She shook her head.

“It was summer,” Justin started. “And, for whatever reason, Chad was crazy about greased pigs.”


“See that pig that father’s fattening for thanksgiving?” Chad pointed out the window.

Mitch nodded. The pig had been there a while. He had seen it.

“What do ya’ say to greasing and catching it!”

 “I donno’.” Mitch shrugged. “I guess.”


Chad came onto the porch lugging a bucket of lard.

Mitch’s eyes got huge. “What’s dat for, Chad?”

“To grease the pig, of course,” Chad frowned impatiently. “C’mon.” He headed towards the pen.

Mitch shrugged and followed his brother.

“Get a brush,” Chad ordered. “We don’t want the pig to get Mother’s lard dirty.”

Mitch ran towards the barn while Chad went to catch the pig.

“Here!” Mitch charged up grinning. “Catch!” He threw Chad the brush and threw open the gate. The pig squealed and kicked. Chad held on and started scrubbing.

“It’s useless!” Chad threw down the brush. “Bring me the lard!” Mitch nodded eyes wide. By the time the pig was covered in the thick, slimy stuff, she and Chad were a terrible mess.

“Are you sure ‘bout dis, big brother?” Mitch frowned.

“Sure am!” Chad stomped his foot angrily. The mud was too thick, it wasn’t a good stomp. “You ready?”


Chad stood up and let go of the squealing pig.

“De gate Chad, pig’s going out!”

Chad gaped at his brother for one second, then took off running. He slipped and sat down hard. The pig slid through the gate.

Chad growled in his throat and whirled on Mitch. “What in blazes were you thinking?!” He shouted. “Don’t you know to shut a gate once you go through it?!”

“Do now.” Mitch grinned. He looked passed his angry brother and watched the pig happily munch on Mother’s flowers.

“Another thing!” Chad continued.

“De pig’s eating flowers!” Mitch pointed towards the house.

Chad groaned. “C’mon.” He stumbled to his feet. “We’ve gotta’ catch that pig!”


“We need help.” Mitch sighed.

“We’re in trouble for sure, little brother.” Chad slumped against the porch.

“Not me.” Mitch grinned. “You.”

“Who let the pig out?” Sid’s voice made the boys jump. “Jefe! Pig’s out!” Ranch-hands came up from all sides.

“Father’s comin’.” Mitch grinned.

“Perfect.” Chad groaned, pulling his hat over his eyes.

Father rode up. “How’d this happen?”

“Donno’, Jefe.” Sid’s gaze fell on the pig, as she calmly rooted up Mother’s lawn. He frowned. “Looks like she’s been greased.”

“Well...” Father mused. “Wonder who’d do that?”

Sid looked at the porch. Mitch waved grinning. Chad kept his hat far down over his eyes.

“Your boys mighta’ had somethin’ to do with it.” He huffed, showing his thought of boys who had nothing better to do than grease pigs.

Father frowned, calmly handing out orders.


“Thanks!” Father called to the worn out ranch hands as they headed back to work.

“No problem, Jefe!” Diego yelled back.

No problem! Mitch chuckled. For the last thirty minutes the ranch hands had got beat up trying to catch that pig.

But father caught her. My father is smart.

“Chad!” Father’s stern voice brought Mitch from his thoughts. “Did you grease this pig?”

Chad nodded.

“Get yourself a bucket of hot soapy water,” He ordered. “And clean her off.”

Chad scrambled to obey.

“Once you’re through with that, there’s a row of dirty stalls waiting for you.”

Mitch sighed as he watched Chad scrubbing the pig. He turned to Justin standing behind him.

“I’m goin’ go help him,” Mitch grinned. “Give him someone else to yell at.”


“Good times.” Justin chuckled. “Chad was the trouble maker of the family,” He smiled. “We’d call him ‘a two foot earthquake’.”

“Did I hear my name?” Chad asked cheerfully, coming in.

“Sure did, big brother.” Andi grinned.

“I was telling her about when you greased that pig.” Justin got up and took Andi’s tray.

Chad grinned.

“You know Andi, that wasn’t the only thing he greased.” Justin winked mischievously at her.

“Really?” Andi asked.

“Remember greasing father’s chair, Chad?” Justin grinned at his brother.

Chad winced. “I do remember what happened after I greased his chair.”


-Chapter 3-

After Justin told a story on Chad. Chad promised to think of a story to tell on Justin. It’s Tuesday night and he still hasn’t thought of anything!


“Huh?” She groaned and rolled over rubbing her eyes.

“You awake?”

Andi looked up into Chad’s face. He was wearing his night clothes, like he’d just come from bed. “Yeah. I’m awake, why?”

“I thought of a story on Justin.” Chad whispered grinning.

Andi grimaced. She was feeling a bit better, but honestly! The middle of the night!

“What time is it, Chad?”

“Three fifteen.” He whispered sheepishly.

Andi sighed. “I’m awake. What’d you think of?”

Chad grinned. “It was mother and father’s anniversary. To celebrate we went to a cabin in the woods. Due to a foaling, father had to leave for this particular evening and he wanted mother to come along…”


“Justin!” Mother came up to where he sat absorbed in his newest law book. “I need you to watch the children, we should be back soon.”

Justin got up.

“Also, I need you to keep an eye on supper. I should be home before it’s done, but you might need to add broth.”

He nodded and stepped into the cabin.

“Don’t burn it!” She called over her shoulder.

“Yes’m.” Justin closed the door behind him. He took a quick glance around. Mitch sat on a chair near the fireplace, Melinda was asleep in the cradle. Justin sat down on a log and continued reading.

“Yee-haw!” Chad bellowed, stomping in the door. “One of these days, Justin... Justin?” Chad frowned at his brother who was completely absorbed in his book. “What in blazes is that?” Chad took a whiff of the strong smell. “What are we eatin’ anyhow?” He marched over to the pot, pulled out his handkerchief and grabbed the lid.


“Andi?” Chad whispered.

Andi’s eyes popped open. “I’m awake,” She smiled. “Keep telling.”

“Well…If mother knew I woke you up she’d…”

Andi’s mouth dropped open. “You wake me up tell me part of the story and…”

Chad grinned. “Sorry Andi. But you need your rest, I’ll finish it later.” He got up and left.

“Chad!” Andi shouted.

“Shh,” Chad peeked back in. “You’re gonna’ wake everyone up.” He closed the door, Andi sighed.

What kind of a mean trick is that?! Wake me up at three fifteen, tell me just enough of the story to get excited, than say, ‘sorry Andi, you need your rest.’ She shook her head. Brothers sure are crazy.


Someone was coming up the stairs with her supper.

I hope its Chad.

She had waited all day for him to finish his story. Now would be the perfect time.

“Howdy, sis.” Chad burst through the door and plopped Andi’s tray on her lap. “How you feelin’?”

“Tired,” She grinned. “But wanting to know the rest of the story.” Andi said a blessing and started to eat.

“Where was I?” Chad frowned.

“You were taking the lid off the pot.” Andi smiled.



“What in…!” Chad whirled on Justin. “What type of soup is this?”

Justin glanced up. “Don’t know. Haven’t looked yet.”

“It’s burnt, black as charcoal!”

Justin jumped up and ran over to the pot. “Oh, no!” He groaned. “Let’s get some broth in it!”

“Broth?” Chad stared blankly at Justin. “Broth doesn’t help charcoal soup.”

Justin set his book down. “Charcoal soup.” He sighed.

Kate burst through the door. “What are you boys doing?”

“Can you wash this pot out quickly?” Justin handed it to her.

“I guess.” She headed out the door.

“Thanks, Kate!” He turned to Chad. “Let’s get some soup going.”

“Sure thing big brother!”


“Let me tell you sis. When mother came in there was water boiling, and we kids were chopping meat and vegetables as fast as we could.”

Andi chuckled.

“Needless to say, once mother learned what happened, Justin’s law books were confiscated for over a week. The end.” Chad slapped his legs and smiled.

“I’m not done eating yet,” Andi grinned. “Could you tell me another story?”

“Um…” Chad ran his fingers through his hair. “Ever told you of when Justin near talked a fence post outta’ the ground?”

“No.” Andi shook her head.

“Alright. Here it goes. Justin had just returned from law school. You know how they make you memorize every law book available?”

Andi shrugged. She hadn’t known, but she did know that Justin had memorized every law out there since Moses and Mount Sinai.

“Well, one day after he’d returned, I went to check fencing and rode up on him. You wouldn’t believe it! There he was -in the middle of nowhere- arguing out a case with a fence post.

      ‘Brother?’ I said. ‘Mind telling me what the post did to deserve such treatment?’

Justin whirled. ‘I was just trying out some things I learned. Making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything.’

‘Oh.’ I grinned at him, then glanced at the post. ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d say that post looks a bit wilted.’

Justin frowned. ‘Aw, get outta’ here!’ He grinned. I smiled and headed back to checking fence. The saying stuck, ‘Justin could talk a fence post out of the ground’.”

Good times. Andi smiled.


-Chapter 4-

I’m feeling a lot better today! Hopefully I’ll be up soon.


“I sure hope you’re well by your birthday.” Melinda sighed.

Andi nodded.

Me too.

“Say, Melinda,” She grinned. “Could you tell me about when you were little?”

“Sure. What about my first day of school?”

Andi grinned. “That sounds fun.”


“It’s a lot of fun, Melinda!” Kate smiled. “You’ve nothing to worry about.”

“School ain’t fun at all, sis.” Chad sighed. “It’s a lot of trouble.”

Melinda glared at Chad. She knew better than to believe him.

“You’ll like it.” Mitch squeezed her hand. “I promise.”

Melinda shrugged. “What about the bully?” She asked, coming into the school yard. Melinda was scared of him, he was big and mean. He was almost as big as grown-up Justin.

“If he messes with you,” Mitch smiled. “I’ll come to your rescue.”


 “Recess!” Miss Hall announced. Melinda ran after Kate and they joined a group of girls playing.

“I’m thirsty.” Melinda sighed. “Where’s the water?”

Kate pointed to a bucket of water, over by where the boys were playing ball.

“Thanks.” Melinda skipped off smiling.

School is fun! School is fun! She sang to herself.

Whack! Something hit Melinda’s head. She sat down hard.

Ouch! Tears sprang to her eyes and poured over.

“Crybaby! Crybaby!” The bully shouted, grabbing the ball lying next to her. “Cry, cry!”

Melinda sobbed louder.

“Aww!” He mocked, pushing her over. “Poor crybaby.”

“Hey!” Mitch shouted from across the yard. “Don’t touch my sister!” He charged over and started throwing punches.

“Hey!” The bully threw him off. Mitch latched back on, but he was too little.

“Let him go!” Melinda yelled.

“You alright?” Kate called running over.

“Mitch needs help.” She sobbed.

“Don’t worry, sis!” Chad shouted throwing Mitch off the bully. “I’ve got him!” He lit into the bully with all his strength. Mitch wriggled back into the fight.

“I’ll be back.” Kate whispered and took off into town.

Melinda watched eyes wide as her brothers fought.

“You wanna’ mess with my siblings!” Chad shouted. “I’ll teach you!”

“That’s enough!”

Melinda whirled at the voice. Justin came charging up. He threw Chad and Mitch off the bully.

The bully lunged at Justin, who landed a blow that sent him flying.

Kate and Melinda cheered. Chad grinned. Mitch groaned.

“Everyone alright?” Justin calmly asked.

Chad nodded. Melinda burst into tears.

“I was…so…so scared!” She sobbed.

Justin picked her up and squeezed her. “It’s alright, honey.” He got down on his knees and scooped Kate, Chad and Mitch into the embrace. “Don’t worry, the Carter Clan sticks together. And they always will.”


Melinda smiled. “The Carter Clan has always stuck together.”

Andi grinned, thinking about all the times her family had stuck together and come out victorious.


-Chapter 5-

I’m feeling much better! Mother said I’ll be up by tomorrow! And just in time, tomorrow’s my birthday.


“That one on top,” Mitch grinned handing Andi a stack of dime novels. “It’s good, I just finished it.”

“Thanks, Mitch.” Andi smiled. “This should work for a while.”

He grinned.

“Are you busy right now, big brother?” She asked.

“Not really.”

“Could you tell me about when you were young?”

Mitch chuckled.

“Everyone’s told me a story of when they were young except you and Mother.” Andi explained.

Mitch thought a second. “Ever tell you of when we got that dog Duke?”


“Please!” Peter Wilson begged, holding a puppy out to Mitch. “He needs a home.”

“Well…Fine.” Mitch took the puppy from Peter’s arms. “I’ll see if father will let me keep him.”

“Thanks!” Peter grinned.


“Where in thunderation did you get that?!” Chad bellowed. Mitch snuggled down in the hayloft beside his dog.

“Peter gave me him.” He explained. “I’m gonna’ ask if I can keep him.”

Chad plopped down on the hay and stroked the dog’s head. “Father’s out on the range. When he comes in for supper, you gonna’ ask?”

“I reckon’.” Mitch grinned.


“Mitch!” Chad called. “C’mon!”

Finally! School’s out! Mitch gathered his books and charged after Chad. Father had worked late and Mitch hadn’t been able to ask about the dog. He’d told Melinda to keep the dog out of sight because he wanted to be the one to ask.


“Melinda!” Chad shouted.

Melinda came from the kitchen. “Yes.”

“Where’s the dog?” Mitch mouthed.

The door opened and in marched father. “Howdy, kids.” He smiled.

“Howdy.” Mitch smiled. “I’ve got something to…”

A scream came from the kitchen followed by Luisa shouting something about rats.

“No!” Melinda shouted. “It’s not a rat!” She flew into the kitchen.

Mitch tore passed her. The puppy ran out from under a table. Luisa gasped.

Mitch threw himself on the puppy. “This isn’t a rat, Luisa. Don’t hit it!”

By that time everyone had gathered in the kitchen, father, mother, Justin, Chad, and Kate.

“Mitch,” Father started. “Whose dog is this?”

“Mine, father, I was gonna’ ask if I could keep it.” Mitch gulped.

Father nodded. “What’s his name?”

“Um…” Mitch thought a moment. “Duke.”

Father rubbed the puppy’s head and smiled. “He looks hungry. Why don’t you get him something to eat?”

Mitch jumped up and grinned. “I can keep him?”

“Yes,” Father smiled. “You sure can.”


“We’re a good pair.” Mitch headed for the door. “Read that top one Andi, you’ll enjoy it.” He grinned and left.

Andi picked up the first dime novel, it sure looked exciting.


-Chapter 6-

Today is my birthday! I feel completely well. Happy birthday to me!

Andi grinned. It had been a great birthday. The gifts, food, and cake were all wonderful.

“You know, Andrea,” Mother smiled. “One time father and I got sick right before my birthday, and Justin made sure that once I was well, we celebrated.” She turned to Justin. “Remember that?”

He smiled. “Sure do. I remember that Luisa helped me bake a cake, and Sid took me to town to get you a gift.”

“Speaking of Sid,” Kate chuckled. “I remember that Chad caused so much trouble that you sent him to spend the day with Sid.”

“One of the worse days in my life,” Chad grinned. “I couldn’t set a single fence post, and Sid gave me a whole row to do.”

Andi laughed.

“Remember, Justin,” Mitch chuckled. “I was in charge of watching Melinda. Boy, could she scream!”

“I’m sure.” Melinda teased.

“You did.” Mitch persisted. “I don’t think you liked me.”

Andi and Levi exchanged happy glances as their family relived the past.

After all, it was Andi’s Auld Lang Syne, the days of long ago, and she was blessed to hear it.


  1. Love all the stories!!

  2. this was great! keep writing!

  3. I really liked how she had her family tell her stories about her family!
    Abigail H.


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