Circle C Early Beginnings Parts 8-10

by Samantha S.

Chapter Eight:  Dapple Wapple

A week after Kate’s birthday she was riding her horse everywhere. Kate may have liked the city a lot but she loved riding her new horse, Dapple, too. Kate was riding along the ranch yard when she saw Chad and Justin getting ready to ride out, “Hey, Chad, Justin!”

“Yeah, Kate?” said her brother Justin

Chad looked up as she rode nearer. “What’s up Kate?”

“Want to race our horses? I wonder if Dapple is faster than your horses?” Kate added with a sly grin, she knew her brother would not pass up a chance at that.         

Chad narrowed his eyes, “I bet Skylight is faster than yours. So yeah, let’s race.” he said with a grin.

Justin agreed “Okay! I am willing to. Sunrise is ready, right Sunrise?” he patted his horse’s side and he nickered. 

“Let’s go!” Kate exclaimed “Let’s race to that fence line. Where the cows with calves are.”


Sounds good!”

They lined up, “Ready, set, go!” They yelled together and they took off, Kate got the lead and then Chad and Justin did but Kate of Dapple slowly caught up to them and they tied! All three of them did! “Wow! I don’t think anyone’s ever tied a race together with three horses!” exclaimed Justin excitedly.  

“I don’t think so either.” Chad agreed.

Kate nodded, “Thanks for racing and riding with me, Chad Justin.”

“You're welcome!” they said “We better catch up to Father and Mitch, they will be wondering where we are,” Chad added 

“Yeah, we better.” said Justin, “See you this afternoon Kate!” they called behind them as they rode off.

“Okay! See you!” Kate called after them. She watched them go and turned Dapple back to the ranch house. It was about time to take over watching Andrea, or Andi. That's what she calls herself and everyone does too. Kate thought to herself. She rode along talking to her horse, “Such a nice day Dapple. Hmm… I wonder if Dapple likes apples.” She led Dapple over to the apple tree and picked one for her horse, Dapple ate it in a big bite. “Must be good, right Dapple?” as if her horse understood her she nodded her head. Kate started in surprise, “You understand what I say? Yes?” 

Dapple nodded his head again, Kate was not so surprised this time, she looked around, thinking, “What’s another thing I can ask Dapple?” she spotted a stick laying on the ground. 

She walked Dapple over to it and said aloud “Dapple, pick up.” Dapple did so. Kate was shocked! “Was her horse originally a circus horse? If so, why would they sell her? Did she really understand things or was she just playing?” Kate pondered these things as she watched Dapple.

“Dapple, turn.” Kate waited to see what that would do. Dapple turned a circle! “Turn?” Kate asked again, not believing her eyes. Dapple obeyed and turned a circle again.

Kate stared in disbelief. What a horse Dapple was! She glanced at the sun, it was high in the sky so she put Dapple away and headed for the house.

Mother was waiting for her, “Hi Kate. I saw you and Dapple out there. What was she doing?” Mother asked.

Kate told Elizabeth the whole story about Dapple. Elizabeth listened in surprise. “I think she was a circus horse at one point. That is very unusual. Dapple is an unusual color too.” Elizabeth said after Kate finished.  

“I agree. I will try a few more things when I go back out.” Kate replied.     

Elizabeth smiled “You may go back out now. Andrea has been very well behaved this afternoon so it won’t be too much trouble to keep watching her.” she said, “Besides, I want to know more about Dapple and what she does.” Elizabeth added with a smile.          

“Okay, thank Mother! I will tell you of anything more I find out,” called Kate, going out the door. 

Kate went straight to the barn. Dapple stuck her head out of her stall and watched her get a bridle. “Hey Dapple. Let’s go. Okay?”

Dapple nodded. “Oh,” Kate said in surprise. She led Dapple out and into the sunshine. Kate had gotten a lung line and she clipped it into Dapple’s halter and said “Spread out.” without doing anything Dapple went out as far as the line would allow. Kate shook her head and marveled, Dapple was sure a surprising horse! 

“Dapple Wapple, come,” Kate called out a command without thinking. She re-thought her words, “Huh, I like the name ‘Dapple Wapple’ it suits her very well.” Dapple trotted right up to her and halted. “Dapple Wapple?” Kate asked,

Dapple whinnied and nickered. She knew her name was Dapple Wapple! 

“Dapple Wapple it is! Probably Dapple for short though.” Kate said to her horse.

Kate and Dapple went through many tricks and moves. Dapple was great at everyone Kate could think of. Once they finished Kate gave another apple to Dapple and put her out in the field. She went inside and told Mother, “I think you should surprise the rest of the family when they get back from the ranch chores. I think they would enjoy it.” Elizabeth suggested. 

Kate thought for a few minutes, “I guess I could. Tonight?” she asked.

“Yes, tonight would be good. I can’t wait to see all of Dapple’s tricks. Elizabeth replied.

“Oh, yeah. Speaking of Dapple, I gave her a nickname, Dapple Wapple!” Kate exclaimed            

“That’s a really great nickname, Kate!” Mother said, smiling at her. “I better start getting supper ready, do you want to help me?” she added.

“Sure, I can.” so they went inside and got supper ready. Kate was super excited to show everyone her horse tricks. She kept thinking about it till Father and the boys came home. 

A while later they rode in, finishing their day's work. They put the horse out to pasture and came inside. “Hey everyone!” Father addressed them all, Mother, Kate, Melinda and Andrea. 

“Hey, Father!” called out Kate. She was near bursting with excitement. 

“Let’s eat,” said Elizabeth. They all sat down, said grace, and dug in. After supper Mother said, “Kate has something to show you all, come outside to the porch.” 

“Hmmm… okay,” said Father glancing at his oldest daughter.

Kate ran ahead and got Dapple, she led her over to the porch where her family was sitting. “Dapple Wapple has some cool things to show you all.” after saying that Kate turned to Dapple and spoke softly, “Dapple Wapple turn.” Dapple turned a circle and another one. “Good girl Dapple!” 

Dapple completed many tricks Kate asked her to do. The Carter family was very surprised at Dapple’s tricks.

“Wow, great job Kate and Dapple, Wapple!” exclaimed James “How did you teach her to do that?” 

Kate told her family about how she found out, and even though Elizabeth already knew she still played close attention. After telling everything Kate turned to Dapple, “Great job Dapple Wapple!” 

Chapter Nine: Ready to Ride

It was a couple of months later and Andi was growing fast, she loved being near the horses and could never stay away for long. She already could walk and wanted to start riding. “Mother Father? Me ride horsey. Come.” Andi said, tugging her parent's hands.

“Andrea, you are still a bit young. In a few months, okay?” Mother asked, crouching down next to her youngest daughter. 

Andi shook her head, “No, now.” she stated. 

Elizabeth looked up at her husband James and asked “Well, Jim. When should our girl start riding the horses?”

James thought for a few minutes. “I got an idea. You know the horse all of the other children rode when they were young, Coco?”

Elizabeth nodded so James continued “I think Andrea could ride her now, he does not go that fast, just a trot and it would be good to have her start young.”

“Good idea Jim. We shall do that. Andrea, you can ride a pony now, okay?” Elizabeth asked

“Yay! Yay!” Andi shouted happily “Come, let’s go!” she said, so they went out and headed for the barn. James went ahead and saddled up Coco and bridled him. “He’s all set.” 

James led Coco outside with Andi and Elizabeth, “Are you ready to ride Andi?” James asked his little girl, who nodded excitedly. “Let’s mount up then.” He picked up Andi and gently placed her onto Coco's back, he gave her the reins but kept holding on to Coco’s bridle. Andi kicked Coco’s side and tried to make him walk but Father said “Not yet, Andi. I’m going to lead you around for a few minutes then you may ride by yourself.”

Andi nodded and sat tall on Coco, “Look, Mother! I'm really riding!” she exclaimed

“Yes sweetie, you are. Be careful now.” replied her mother watching her. 

James halted Coco and let go of the bridle. “You may now ride Andi, but not too fast.” Andi nodded and gently kicked Coco with her heels and Coco walked then did a gentle trot. They went around the corral for a while till James called them to stop. 

Andi hesitated but decided she better listen and quit for now. “You did very well for your first ride. We will do more tomorrow, okay?”  

Andi nodded, “Thank you for letting me ride.” she turned and ran into the house, just enjoying the day! 

James turned to Elizabeth and smiled, “I’m sure we have a natural horse rider there. She caught on riding way faster than anyone else did. I think she will win the fourth of July race someday.” he stated.

“But, the fourth of July race is for boys! I don’t think Andrea will race in one.” Elizabeth replied, very surprised. 

“I wouldn't be too surprised. You just wait and see,” said James smiling at her,

“Ah, okay.” 

Chapter Ten: Aunt Rebecca’s Visit 

When Andrea Rose Carter was a year and a half old the Carter family got a letter from James' sister, Rebecca (Aunt Rebecca). It was addressed to the whole family so Elizabeth read it aloud at supper. 

“Dear James and Family,

I am doing well and am going to come visit very soon. I look forward to seeing you all, I have never met your youngest daughter Andrea and would be delighted to meet her. I should be there within two weeks. Bringing gifts for you all.

See you soon,

Rebecca Carter.”

When Elizabeth finished everyone was silent, all but Andi. “Who’s Rebecca?” she tilted her head to the side, confused. 

“Rebecca is my sister, your Aunt Rebecca,” replied Father

Andi didn’t say anything more, she just went and played with her toys. 


A week later Aunt Rebecca arrived at Circle C Ranch. She had many carpet bags full of stuff. Melinda watched her get out of the stagecoach, she was thinking ‘I wonder when Andi will think of her. She has always been very proper about what I do. I better go down and see her.’ Melinda hurried downstairs and greeted her aunt. “Hello, Aunt Rebecca. It’s good to see you again,” said Melinda politely

“Hello Melinda dear, and it should be ‘It’s nice to see you again.’ said her aunt, staring down at her. 

“Yes, Aunt,” Melinda said meekly. Aunt Rebecca was already picking on her! 

Rebecca softened, “Sorry, dear. I just like to remind people, that’s all.” 

Melinda nodded and helped her aunt inside. “Rebecca! You're here, how was your trip?” Elizabeth came into the room smiling with Andi toddling behind her.

“It was well, thank you. Now, is this little Andrea?” Rebecca knelt down beside Andi. 

“My name’s Andi,” stated Andi looking at her auntie. 

Rebuke rose to her full height and turned to Elizabeth “Why does the child think her name is Andy? It’s a boy’s name, of all things.” she asked in a low tone.

Kate answered, coming into the room “She called herself Andi when she was younger because she couldn't say her real name properly. The name just stuck.” She defended her little sister. 

“Do you agree with this?” Rebecca turned to Elizabeth

“Well, I, well it did–” Elizabeth stammered she was grateful when James came into the room and interrupted. 

“Why, hello sister! Glad you are here.” James said, embracing his sister. 

“Yes, I just arrived here a few minutes ago. We were discussing Andrea's nickname, Andi. Why is she called that?” his sister asked

James grinned, “Oh, yeah. That. I happened to catch the last bit of what you were saying and what Katherine said. Andrea is also known as Andi. You may call her Andrea though if you like.”

“We will see about that.” Rebecca turned back to the others, “Shall we open the gifts now?” 

Elizabeth nodded, “Okay. We can do so in the parlor.” 

They all went into the parlor. The whole Carter family gathered around and they opened their gifts. Kate got a fancy new bag. Melinda got one too, just a bit smaller. Andrea got a few new toys. Mitch, Chad and Justin got a fancy new suit. “When you come to visit me.” Aunt Rebecca stated. Elizabeth and James got a nice new quilt. 

“Thank you Rebecca for the gifts. I should have thought of getting one for you,” said Elizabeth warmly.

“Tsk tsk, I got them for you, that doesn't mean you have to give in return. I just came by for a bit, I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon,” said Aunt Rebecca

“So soon?”

Rebecca nodded, “Yes, I am going to be visiting the other family as well, Benjamin and his family.”

“Ah, I see,” Elizabeth replied. 

That was the end of the discussion. 


  1. Boy, was Father right when he said Andi would one day win the Fourth of July race. I love it! Keep writing, Samantha!😀

  2. Great story Samantha! Keep writing!!!

  3. Great story, Samantha! Keep writing!

  4. AndiCarter’sBiggestFanMarch 9, 2023 at 6:15 PM

    Love it!


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