Everlasting Love

 by Faith S. (ages 14-17)

Mitch stood gazing at his beautiful bride as she walked toward him. How had he gotten so lucky in having God place Stella in his life?

Thank you so much Lord! You knew what I wanted and gave it to me. There were many times I would have gone ahead and married someone else, but You made sure I didn’t so You could give me Stella. Thank you so much for that. I pray You will give us wisdom to work out any problems that may arise and to help us grow together in You. Amen

Stella’s smile as she walked down the aisle looked so full of love, that Mitch didn’t know what he had done to deserve her.

He thought back to when he and Stella had first met and their courtship….


Six Months earlier.


“Chad, I’m going to go into town to get those nails you wanted. Okay?” Mitch said.

“Okay. Just don’t stay out too long. I’ll need your help when that mare goes into labor, and it doesn’t look like it’ll be much longer,” Chad replied.

 “Sure. Hey, maybe I will bring back some candy for Susie.” Mitch snickered.

“What’s so funny?” Chad asked.

“Oh nothing.” Mitch smiled. “Okay, maybe it’s because your eyes lit up when I said candy.”

“They did not!” Chad exclaimed.

“Whatever you say, big brother.” Mitch chuckled.

He mounted Chase and trotted out of the yard.

An hour later, he dismounted in front of Justin’s office. Mitch was about to enter when the door flew open. A young woman walked past him with a nod.

“Howdy ma’am.” Mitch smiled.

“Hello,” came the shy reply.

“Ms. Middleton, you forgot your bag,” Justin said coming up behind her.

“Oh my, thank you!” she said, taking it.

“Have a good day!” Justin smiled.

“Thank you! Same to you!” she smiled.

 As she walked down the board walk, Mitch’s eyes followed.

“Mitch!” Justin exclaimed.

“Huh? What?” Mitch asked.

“Did you even hear what I said?” Justin asked.

“Uh, no. Sorry. Who was that?” Mitch replied.

“That was Ms. Stella Middleton.” Justin said giving Mitch a knowing smile.

“I see. What was she here for?” Mitch asked.

“You know I can’t disclose that information. It wouldn’t give her privacy.” Justin winked. “Anyway, what brings you to town?”

“Oh, I just came to get some nails for Chad and decided to say hi.” Mitch chuckled. “I was told not to take long so I best get to it. Have a good day!”

“You too!” Justin waved.

 Mitch waved and headed for the mercantile.

After purchasing what he needed, he headed for home. As he loped into the yard, Chad walked out of the barn.

“About time you got back!” Chad scowled.

“Sorry, I got delayed.” Mitch chuckled. “I brought Susie some candy, but I suppose you can eat it. I know how much you like candy.”

“Not funny. I’ll take it to her.” Chad said and reached for the bag.

“I don’t think so. Half the bag would be gone by the time she got it. Besides, I don’t want you to take credit for it.”

Chad scowled. “You think you’re so funny.”

Mitch laughed and headed for the house.


“A good sermon today. Don’t you think, Chad?” Mitch asked.

“Yes.” Chad said bluntly.

“I especially liked the illustration. ‘Have you ever said you will take something to someone, but you take some of it on your way to that person.’”

“I don’t usually take any.” Chad exclaimed.

“Boys, it is the Sabbath. That means no fighting!” Mother chastised with a smile.

Chad glared at Mitch, but Mitch just smiled.

“We should invite the Middleton’s to supper.” Ellie stated.

“That is a wonderful idea!” Mother exclaimed. “I will go invite them. Ellie, would you like to come?”

Ellie nodded. “Chad will you watch Thomas?”


“So, how much candy did you eat when Susie went to take her nap?” Mitch asked with a smile.


As Mitch walked past the door, he noticed a buggy pull into the yard. He called to Mother and headed out.

“Howdy! Welcome to our ranch.” Mitch called. “My name is Mitch.”

The young woman he had met in town stuck out her hand. “My name is Stella Middleton, and this is my mother, Anna.”

“It’s wonderful to meet you! Will your father be joining you this evening?” Mitch asked.

“No, he died six months ago. That’s why I was at your brother’s office… to collect his will.” Stella stated.

Mitch swallowed. “I’m so sorry. I lost my father too.”

“It’s alright. You had no way of knowing.” Stella turned and did something with her hands, then turned back around. “ My mother would like to go inside, if that is alright?”

“Yes, of course!”

Stella nodded and turned. She flicked her hand up and down.

“Can I ask you a question?” Mitch asked.

“Of course!”

“What are you doing with your hands?”

“My mother is deaf. She and my father were in a train accident. In which, my father died, and my mother became deaf. As for what I’m doing with my hands, it’s called sign language. It’s a way for deaf and hearing to communicate.”

Mitch swallowed again. I seem to be asking all the wrong questions.

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. It’s not your fault.”

“Thanks! Are you ready to go in?”

“Yes, thank you!”

Mitch helped her mother down from the buggy and then opened the door to the house.

Mother met them at the door and welcomed them.

Stella turned to her mother and signed what Mother had said. Mother looked questionly at Mitch.

“She’s deaf.” He whispered.

Mother looked at him and he nodded.

“How do you say, ‘Welcome?’” Mother asked.

Stella put her hand out in front of her and brought it to her chest.

Mother did the sign and smiled. Anna’s face lit up and she began signing rapidly.

Stella interpreted for them, giving them bits and pieces of things to sign. All through dinner she interpreted. Mitch walked them out to their buggy and signed goodbye to Anna, then turned to Stella.

“Thank you for coming! I really enjoyed dinner tonight. Maybe some time we could go to dinner together?”

“I enjoyed it too, and yes maybe we could.”

Mitch smiled.

“Have a good night, Mitch!”

“You too!”

Mitch smiled to himself as they pulled out of the yard.

“What are you so dreamy eyed about?” Chad asked.

“What? Nothing. And I don’t have dreamy eyes.”

Mitch heard a grunt as Chad turned and walked into the house.


Stella smiled as she got ready for bed. Maybe I should go out with Mitch. He seems like a really nice man and Mother seemed to like him.

Lord, why do dreadful things happen to us? I wish you could be sitting right next to me and talking to me. Why did you take Father? I feel so bitter, Lord. Mother misses him so much; I think she’s becoming depressed. Lord, I cannot lose two parents. Not yet! Please, Lord, you have to help me! Please!

Stella sat crying, thinking of the wonderful times she had had with her father.


Mitch rode into the Middleton’s yard with Pal hooked to the buggy. In a few moments, he was on the front porch knocking on the door.

Stella’s mother answered the door with a bright smile. Mitch waved a greeting. He tried to recall a sign he could do but thought of nothing. Stella walked up behind her mother just in time to save him of embarrassment.

“Hello. How are you?” Mitch asked.

“I’m fine. What are you doing here?”

“I came to take you to  lunch.”


“I asked you didn’t I?”

“Yes, but you didn’t exactly ask.”

“Did you already eat?”

“No, it’s only eleven o’clock.”

“Can you sneak out to lunch with me?”

“I think that would be fine.” Stella blushed.


Ten minutes later, they were on their way.

“Where are we going?” Stella asked.

“It’s a surprise.” Mitch chuckled.

He pulled the buggy to a halt in a field of wildflowers.

Stella gasped.

“Pretty isn’t it?” Mitch smiled.

“It’s breath-taking.”

Mitch pulled a picnic basket out from under the seat. “Surprise.”

“Oh, Mitch! You sure know how to take a girl’s breath away.”

“Well, I do have three sisters and two sister -in- laws, six nieces--”

“I get the idea!” Stella giggled, “What’s for lunch?”

“Ham and cheese sandwiches. Dig in!” Mitch ordered.


“Mitch!” Chad shouted.

“You don’t have to yell, big brother. I’m standing right here.” Mitch stated.

“Don’t you get smart with me! I just came from the barn and guess what I found?”

“I have no clue.”

“Really? Well, it looks to me you forgot to bring down that bale of hay like I asked you.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, Chad! I don’t know how I forgot that. Sorry.”

“Uh, huh. I think I know how you forgot. You were daydreaming about your date yesterday. Weren’t you?” Chad smirked.

“Oh… I should have never told you!”

“Well, you did so…”

“Whatever. I’ll go get it now.”

“Never mind. I already got it.”

“Thanks! Hey, since when did you become so helpful?”

“Ugh! You always have to tease, don’t you!”

“Hey, I’m just getting you back for all the times you teased me and Andi.” Mitch chuckled.



Stella smiled to herself as she worked. Mitch was such a sweet man. Their picnic in the wildflowers had been nice. She sighed. If only she could get rid of this bitterness.

Dear Lord, you are the only one who knows my struggles. How do I make this bitterness go away? I really enjoy Mitch’s company, but I don’t think I can move on until I deal with this. Please help me make this go away, Lord. I can’t do this on my own. John 15:5 “ …for without me ye can do nothing.” It’s just like you said in that verse, Lord, I can do nothing without you. Please, help me!

Tears slid down her cheeks and dripped into the sink as she washed dishes. Right now, I need to focus on helping my mother get through this. Then I will ask someone for help with my bitterness.

Stella clenched her jaw and continued working.


Mitch tossed and turned as he lay trying to go to sleep. Maybe some milk would help.

He got up and felt his way down the dark stairway and hall. He reached the icebox and pulled out the milk and poured it into a cup. He had only known Stella for three months, but each time he was with Stella he could sense something was wrong. He knew she had just lost her father, but that wasn’t it.

Lord, guide me into what I should do. Help Stella in whatever she is struggling with. Help her to follow you in what to do. Amen

Mitch finished his milk and headed up the stairs. He needed to talk to Stella and soon.


Mitch knocked on the door of the Middleton house and waited. It wasn’t long before Stella answered.

She smiled as she opened the door. “Hey Mitch.”

“Hi. Um… Stella, we need to talk.”

Stella swallowed. “Yeah. Um, just let me tell my mother.”

Mitch nodded.

Two minutes later, Stella returned with her shawl.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Mitch asked.

“Yeah, that would be great.”

They walked for a few minutes before Mitch started.

“Stella, I enjoy your company and all, but each time I’m with you I sense something is wrong. Please, let me help you!”

Stella stopped and sat on the grass, pulling her knees up under her chin. Mitch sat down next to her.

“When I was five, my father taught me how to ride.” Stella recollected, staring off into the hills. “It was the most fun I ever had. Each morning, I would ride with him out to the pasture. Just for the fun of it, you know? We would talk about anything. Mostly my school troubles, and when I got older I would tell him about anything, even my spiritual troubles. We had the BEST bond. He and my mother decided, two months ago, to take a train up here and make his will. I didn’t understand why he felt he needed a will, because he would be here forever, right?’

Mitch swallowed and tore his gaze from Stella, turning his attention to the hills in the distance.

“My father grew up here. That’s why he came back to make his will. He loved it here. The morning of the train wreck, I was waiting at the train station, but they never came. For three hours I waited, then finally the telegrapher came out and told me there had been an accident. I never said ‘ I love you’ or ‘goodbye.’ I wish I could have at least said ‘I love you’ one last time.”

Stella burst into tears, and Mitch hugged her.

“Shhh… I’m sure he knew how much you loved him.” Mitch reassured.

“I just have so much bitterness and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get it to go away.”

Mitch nodded. “I struggled with bitterness after my father died too. If you’d like, I will help you.”

“Thanks, Mitch! I don’t know what I would do without you.” Stella sobbed.

Mitch put his arm around her as they sat watching the hills.


Two months later.

Stella laughed as she and Mitch ate their picnic lunch in their spot. Mitch got up, picked the last few remaining wildflowers and handed them to Stella.

Stella smiled. “Thank you!”

Mitch bent down and balanced on one knee. Stella gasped.

“Stella May Middleton, you came into my life when I least expected you. Your smile is like a beam of light into my heart. I know we haven’t known each other more than five months, and I know this is traveling fast, but we both know how quickly life can be taken from us. So… will you marry me?”

“Yes, Mitch. I will definitely marry you!” Stella sobbed.

Mitch grinned, placing the ring on her hand, and kissed her.

“I love you so much, Mitch Carter!”

“Not as much as I love you, Stella Middleton.”


Present day.

Reverend Harris began the ceremony, but Mitch didn’t hear a word because he had lost himself in Stella’s smile. Stella had overcome her bitterness, and they had done that together. Mitch pulled himself back to the words of the minister.

“It is time to exchange vows. Mitch, if you would please.”

Mitch took a deep breath. “Stella, the moment I saw you, I thought you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen. But that wasn’t what drew me to you. It was your inner beauty, which shines through anything you do.  We were meant for each other, of that I know. I will say I do for the rest of my life. Until death do us part.”

Stella smiled and began hers.

“Mitch, you are the love of my life. The sweetest man I know, and a follower of Christ. I can’t think of a better man to call my own. You helped me through one of the toughest times in my life. Even though, I needed ALOT of help, you stood by me willing to help in any way you could. You are my shoulder to cry on, my rock, my friend to laugh with, to love with, and to live forever with. ‘Til death do us part. My love for you is beyond measure. Through the valleys and up the mountains, I will be with you, forever.”

Mitch took the back of his hand to wipe away his tears. He then cupped Stella’s beautiful face in his hands and wiped her tears.

Everyone’s eyes became misty.

“Do you have the rings?”

Mitch looked at the minister, then turned and looked at Peter, his best man. Peter handed him Stella’s ring. Mitch slipped it on Stella’s hand as he recited after the minister. Stella smiled as she did the same, taking his from Andi.

“Now with the power invested in me, I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” The minister concluded.

Everyone cheered and stood as they kissed. Mother stood wiping tears from her eyes.

Mitch and Stella smiled and hurried out of the ranch house, into the bright September sun.

“I love you, Mr. Carter!” Stella giggled.

“And I love you, Mrs. Carter!” Mitch grinned.

“Our love is—” Stella began.

“A love which is everlasting.” they finished together.

I am so blessed! Thank you, Lord! Thank you for being so caring. Thank you! Mitch praised God as they stood accepting folks congratulations.


  1. Awesome!

  2. Love it!!

  3. I loved reading this! You did an awesome job! Keep writing!!

  4. Thank you!

  5. I love the teasing that goes on between Mitch and Chad! So funny!

  6. Thanks! That's probably my favorite part of the story, is the teasing. :)


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