Home at Last!

 by Tori M.

Kate Swanson woke to the sound of her shanty blowing open and shut again. She sighed in relief, it wasn't Troy. He had disappeared almost 6 months ago, and for that she was glad. She had been able to find work and was free of the constant terror of his presence.

But today the worst thing had happened, she had found out that Troy was a stagecoach robber. Just a couple of hours ago she had learned that Troy was in a stagecoach robber gang. She hoped that he wouldn't come home, loot in tow. She couldn't touch the stolen goods! Kate tossed and turned in bed, fear and worry gripping her.

Eventually she fell into a haunted sleep.


"I hate them, I hate them all!" Kate cried angrily, stamping her foot at the closed door. "What right does Father have to lock me up in here like a naughty baby boy? And all for seeing Troy! I am my own person and this is my life! Why do they want to control me so much? Well I’m tired of it all!" She grabbed a small carpet bag and started throwing clothes into it. Then she closed it and threw it on the bed.

"I'll get out through the window," she mused. "Then I'll go and find Troy. He talked about marriage before. He’s even talked about eloping once. They better not try to stop me! I will live my own life the way I want to." Then she grabbed a scrap of paper and a pen and scrawled a quick note.




I'm leaving. Don't try to find me, I am leaving to where you'll never find me. This is my life, and I’m going to live it the way I want to. I never want to see any of you ever again, so just leave me be!     

 Katherine Carter


  "That should do nicely." Kate decided. Then she opened the window and climbed out, disappearing into the night.



Kate woke early the next morning and made breakfast. Then she woke her sleeping children.

“Levi, Betsy, breakfast’s ready!” She crooned.

Levi and Betsy woke sleepily, then jumped up and ran to the table.

Kate hurried back to her bed and picked up her sleeping baby. Kate brought Hannah to the table and fed her. Levi and Betsy talked noisily, free of the fear of Troy. After breakfast Kate sent Levi and Betsy outside and set to cleaning the house.  

A couple minutes Betsy shrieked and ran inside. "Pa's coming!" She shrieked.

Then the door crashed open. "Is that the welcome you give me, Elizabeth?" Troy frowned at his eldest daughter.

Betsy cowered behind her mother, shaking.  

Levi hurried inside after them, a bruise forming under his eye. "I tried to stop him, Mama! I really did!" He exclaimed, glancing warily at Troy.

"Shut up, son, or you’ll feel more than the back of my hand this time!" Troy threatened. Then he turned back to Kate, “Really Katie, you all have shown your father and husband a real warm welcome home.” He dropped a sack to the ground. “Help me with this, will you, Katie!”

"No, I won't even touch that disgusting loot," Kate said. “I want no part in your stealing or your loot! Troy, why did you even start robbing?”

"Fool girl!" Troy muttered. He glared at Kate. He stood there, glowering. Then, seeming to realize Kate wasn’t backing down, he cussed under his breath, grabbed the loot, and left.

“You’ll regret this someday,” he tossed over his shoulder.

“Troy will be back! We can’t stay here. We've gotta do what I should have done 10 years  ago, leave!" Kate cried. "Just as soon as we have the money!"


A year later:


"This should be just enough money!" Kate thought, dropping the money into a tin. Then she filled a basket with food, and dropped the tin into it. Then she filled a carpet bag with diapers for Hannah and clothes. Picking up the carpet bag she said, "Kids! We're leaving. Levi, please hold this. It has all our money." She handed him the basket of food.

 "Sure!" He exclaimed proudly.

Kate grabbed Hannah and led her family out the door. They walked all the way to the depot. She pulled out $ 8.00 and paid for 4 train tickets to the sea. "Troy's going to be so angry when he sees we're gone!" She thought, remembering what he had said the last time she had said she wanted to go home.


  "Troy, I want to go home!" Kate cried, tears forming in her soft blue eyes.

    "Like your family would want you back! Plus, you're mine! If I hear you say that again…!" Troy took a threatening step towards her.

Kate gulped, then nodded.

 Troy smiled triumphantly. “That’s what I thought!” He chuckled.


For hours they sat in the train looking out the large glass windows at the mountains and the beautiful landscape until they reached the sea. Kate climbed off the train and grabbed Hannah. Her little family made its way towards the sea. Kate paid for a ride west and boarded a boat with her kids. The captain led them to a tiny cabin.

“In there should suit your needs,” he told them gruffly, hurrying away. Kate opened the door and hastened inside. She put Levi and Betsy to sleep first, and laid Hannah on the other bed. She quickly unpacked their stuff and put it in the small closet (which was barely bigger than a vanity). Then, exhausted, Kate fell into one of the two small cots the small room held.

She gripped Hannah, tears sliding down her cheeks; “I’m doing this all for them. I have to get my children away from the terror and bad influence of Troy. I pray he doesn’t find us! Oh what a grave mistake I made, and how I am paying the consequences. And so much worse; my children also reap what I have sown!”


Months later:

"Next stop, Fresno, California," Called the conductor. As the train rolled to a stop, Kate gathered the sack of food and handed it to Levi. They climbed off the train and looked around. Then Kate spotted Blake’s Livery stable

"I wonder if we can rent a rig there," She mused. "Come on kids, you see that sign? We're going to try to rent a rig."

"Are you Mr. Blake?" She asked a man who was saddling a pretty paint horse.

"Yes, how can I help you?" He inquired.

"I was wondering if you rent out rigs?" She said, Mr. Blake said that he did and named a price.

"Do you need me to send over your things?" He asked.

"I'm not sure I'm staying," Kate blushed. "If so I'll be on the Circle C. I'll send word if I need my stuff sent." Then Kate handed over the money and waited as he hitched one up.

"Thank you," she said when he was finished.

"Sure," he replied. They climbed in and started off. She drove the hour long drive to Circle C Ranch, her kids chatting away. Finally the house came into view.

Her kids gasped, the white Mexican style ranch house loomed over them, two stories high. A long verandah stretched before them, equipped with pretty soft looking sofas and gorgeous carpets.

 "It's so pretty! Mama, you never told us it was a mansion!" Betsy said eye wide.

Kate and her children stepped out of the rig. "It’s been 11 long years since I've stood here! Eleven, long, painful years." Kate thought, her body tingling.

Then another thought popped into her head, “What if they don’t want me? I wouldn’t blame them, I left 11 years ago and now I’m coming back with 3 children in tow! What if they think I’m too much of an embarrassment?” 

Her hand flew to her chest, where her precious locket lay hidden under her dress. Her favorite gift she had ever gotten. Father had given it to her for her 10th birthday. That birthday came back to her in  a flood of memory.


Father handed Kate a small birthday present,  “And this one’s from me,” he told her. Kate took the petty box from Father.

 “I wonder what could be in it, it’s so tiny.” She carefully pulled away the wrapping and opened the box. A little heart shaped locket rested in the box. A tiny, shimmering amethyst glittered in the center of a sea of silver. She gasped with delight.

"A pretty locket for my pretty girl," Father told her.

 “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She squealed with delight. She ran to show Melinda and her favorite brother, Chad.

Mother gently clasped the beautiful locket onto her neck.

“I want a locket!” Melinda begged.

Father smiled, "As soon as you turn ten too!” He promised. 

Kate ran to hug Father, “how did he know I’ve been wanting a pretty locket like this one?”

Then Father cut the cake and they ate slice after slice of the rich desert.


"I never did stay to see Linda's locket," the painful thought stabbed her. Kate led her children to the door. Her heart pounded as a flood of memories came back to her. Playing in a creek with her brothers, cuddling baby Andrea, romping with Melinda, racing Chad horseback.

 "Mama, are you going to knock?" Betsy asked, snapping Kate out of her daydreams.

"Huh? Oh yeah," she blinked, clearing her brain. "Yes, yes I am. " She stepped to the door and knocked. A servant answered the door. Kate quickly asked if she could see Elizabeth Carter.

"Your name?" She asked.

"Katherine,  Katherine Swanson." She replied, the servant hurried away.

A few minutes later she arrived with Elizabeth.

"Mother!" Kate cried.

"Katherine!" She embraced her daughter warmly, tears sliding down her cheeks. “You-you're home! Thank the Lord! He has brought back my daughter!” The two stayed locked in each other's embrace. Then Mother dried her tears, and said gesturing at the young lady who had followed behind, "This is Melinda. Melinda, you remember your sister Katherine." Mother said.

"Yes of course!" Melinda said, squeezing her hand. "I remember Kate, I've missed you so much.”

“Where’s Father? I need to talk to both of you,” Kate cheeks flamed with shame.

“Oh Kate, he died around 7 years ago,” Tears filled both women’s eyes,

“I’m too late, Father never gets to know how sorry I am.”

Melinda broke in, attempting to bring up a pleasanter subject, ”Now who are those adorable children behind you?"

"These are my children Levi, Betsy and Hannah." She said proudly, her tears drying up.

"Hannah is so adorable!" Melinda cried.

"Melinda!" Mother said, "Would you watch them so we can talk?"

"Of course Mother!" She answered, picking up Hannah. Hannah’s eyes filled with tears,

“Mama!” She screeched.

“Shh, shh, Hannah, go with Melinda. I’ll see you in a little bit,” Kate soothed little Hannah. Hannah nodded and snuggled closer to Melinda. She popped her thumb in her mouth; Melinda beamed.

“Go kids,” Kate told Betsy and Levi.

"Mama, I don't need no one watching me!" Levi complained.

"I know, but please go!" She begged.

"Fine!" He relented sullenly, following Melinda.

"Come into the parlor with me." Mother requested. Together they walked into the parlor and sat down on the sofa.

At that moment Chad stormed  into the room. Chad, it's Chad! He sure doesn't look glad to see me! She thought, a pang stabbing her heart.

"What in blazes is going on?" He bellowed. Then his eyes widened, "Kate, is that you? You’re back?" 

I guess some things never change! He is still as loud as ever! Kate flinched.

At those words Mitch charged into the room.

"Mitch!" She said, running to him.

Kate!" He threw his arms around her.

“Mitch, she left! Don’t you get that?” Chad stalked out the door. 

I don't blame, it's been 10 years! I wish he wasn’t so mad though… Kate thought guiltily.

"Mitch, if you see Andrea, please tell her to come to the parlor. Don't tell her anything. It should be easier if it comes from me…" Mother trailed off.

"Yes Mother." He practically skipped out of the room.

“Please Katherine, don’t mind Chad. He really is glad you’ve glad you’re back, you two were always the closest. that’s why your disappearance was the hardest on him… He just doesn’t know how to deal with his…. Emotions. He’ll come around,” Mother explained.

Kate nodded.

Then Mother got down to business. "Oh Katherine, where have you been?"

Mother's gentle question brought tears to Kate's sharp blue eyes. Kate leaned into arms and told Mother everything, down to the very last detail.

Mother's face clouded over with sadness when she heard of how Troy had abused and manipulated her family to get his way in everything and stay clear of all capital punishment and remain in a comfortable bubble.

"Please let my children stay here on the ranch while I go look for a job in San Francisco," Kate finished.

"Of course! I hope that you'll stay too!" Mother exclaimed.

Kate smiled at her mother and thanked her happily.

That day, Kate was embarrassed at her children's bad manners, Levi and Betsy squabbled and cussed at each other. But her family kindly overlooked their crude manner. Melinda sweetly watched and took care of Hannah so Kate could rest a bit. Even Chad seemed to be happy that she had come home. He came up to her that day. He hung his head and looked ashamed. What’s up with Chad? Kate wondered. It is not like him to look sorry or ashamed!

He looked up and said, “You know Kate, I’m sorry I haven’t given you a warm welcome. I really have missed you, more than words can tell.”

Kate couldn’t believe her ears, Chad? Sorry? She smiled at her favorite brother, “I haven’t given you much of a reason to welcome me, have I?”

Chad laughed. “What does that matter? Welcome home, Kate!” He bellowed.

After that, the only person who seemed mad about her homecoming was Andi. She stayed out of Kate's way and looked jealous and hurt every time she saw her.

"Kate, how would you like to ride into town? Maybe we could also do some shopping?" Mother asked hopefully.

"I would love that, Mother," Kate agreed happily. "Mother must remember that I love city life much better than country life!"

Mother and Kate rode to town together. Mother paid for 5 fancy new dresses for her plus a nightdress and undergarments. Mother seemed eager to make up for all the time they lost together. They rode back to the ranch happy and Kate well supplied with new clothing.

When they walked back into the house, arm-in-arm, Andi glared at Kate with a look of mingled hate, hurt, and perhaps envy.

Kate sighed inwardly, I'll try to win her over with love and most of all, time and space. That night Kate slipped into the room Mother had given her for the duration of her stay. She quickly changed into the nightdress Mother had also given her. She slid into bed and wiggled under the covers. 

After everything I have done, Mother's welcomed me with open arms. She thought. I'm home at last!


  1. This is awesome Tori M!! Keep writing!!!! :D I always wondered what had happened while Kate was away!!
    -Sara M

  2. I love it! ❤ I injoyed reading it the whole time.

  3. Good job on the story! I like it!

  4. AndiCarter’sBiggestFanMarch 10, 2023 at 8:02 AM

    Oh my gosh. I love it Tori!!!

  5. AndiCarter'sBiggestFanMarch 10, 2023 at 11:49 AM

    Keep it up. Your such a great writer!!

  6. You definitely should keep up the good stories!!
    Abigail H.


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