I Will Trust You


Laura K. age 13

Chapter 1

“Please Mama? Please please please?” Jared Prescott asked giving his mom puppy eyes.

“Jared, No! How many times do I have to say that?”

“But Mom, I'm six years old in 2 days, You races in the forth of July and-”

'I was 12.”

“What is this all about?” Dad asked coming into the kitchen.
“Riley, Jared thinks he is going to be in the race on the forth. I told him no.”
“Jared,” Riley said “Liston to you mother. She said no, so no.”
“But Dad you-”
“Jared Riley, that is enough.”
“Yes Dad” Jared said sighing. He opened the door and walk out.
I have to race. I just have to. I told Sammy I would. There has to be someway to-

“Jar'd, what are you do'in?” Jared turned around and saw his twin sisters coming to word him.

“Go away Lottie, Lily, leave me alone.”
“but it is almost dinner time.”

“I said, GO AWAY!”
Lily's lower lip trebled and Lottie's eyes filled with tears.

Jared Immediately felt sorry Why did I just do that?

 He turned and stared walking to the woods. He heard the screen door slam and then,

“Jared! Come her this minute and apologize to you sisters!” Mom yelled, holding Lily and holding Lottie's hand.

Jared turned around and walked up onto the porch. “Sorry” he mumbled.

“Jared, dinner is ready so go wash up. And I want you to tell me why you just yelled at you sisters.”

“Yes Ma'am”


Dinner was dull. Jared had to explain why he yelled and why he was so grumpy.

When dinner was finely over, Jared went in to his room, not even thinking to say thanks to his mother for supper.

He read until his mother came in and said, “Jared, it's nine. Time for bed”.


Jared got dressed for bed and then went to bed and thought about what had happened earlier in the week.
It had all stared on Sunday...


Chapter 2 –


“Hey Sammy!” Jared called to his cousin after church. “I'm gonna race in the forth of July race! I bet I'll come in first place.”

“Really?” Sammy's eyes widened “Daddy would never let me race. He said it's to dangerous Didju' ask you mother?”

“Um... yeah, she said it is okay with it” Jared lied

“Wow. Maybe auntie Andi will tell my dad that I'm old en-”

“Jared! Sammy! Where are you!”

“Out mother's looking for us.” Jared said and started to run over to the front of the church.

Sammy was right behind him. “Daddy!” he yelled “Jared said that-”

Jared clapped a hand over his cousins mouth. “Shh it is a surprise.”

“Oh” Sammy said. He looked disappointed

The Carter family's got into there buggy's. Everyone went to the Grandmother's house for Dinner after church.

“Mama, can I ride with Sammy?”

“Why not? Sammy's-”

“Jared, how many times have I told you that you are not to run off after church?”

“Sorry mama, Sammy was over there and... I'm sorry.”

Mama nodded but did not say anything  else.     



When the Prescott's got home, Jared said “guess what Daddy! I'm racing in the Forth of July race with Bullet!”

Riley widened his and looked at Andi. “Did you know about this?”

“No, I did not. Where in the world did you hatch that silly idea?” Andi asked, raising her voice

“Well” Jared started. He should not have said any thing about it until the day of the race. “I wanted to and Mama said the she raced in that race and...

“Jared, no.” Mama said. Her bright blue eyes where not blue any longer. Now they were a dark angry gray.


“But nothing Jared.” Riley broke in “Mama says no, I say no. So no.”

“Yes Daddy, Yes Mama” Jared said. Then he turned, and stomped out the door.


Chapter 3- Previous day


Jared was up with the sun the next morning.

The Race in tomorrow. I have to race. I hove to find away. He thought.

Jared dressed and came out of his room and was very quiet, trying not to wake his sister, who shared a bed on the other side of Jared's small room. He went tiptoed into the kitchen and looked at the clock. 5:35 the clock read.

Daddy dose not get up until six. I still have time.

Jared opened the back door and slipped out. He walked to the barn and opened Bullet's stall.

“Hey boy, you and me are going to town and we will find a place to sleep tonight. We will come home after the race tomorrow.”

What will mama and Daddy think of you then? A voice said in his head.

Jared shoved the thought to the back of his mind and saddled Bullet up. He lead him out of the barn and was just getting ready to mount when he heard something behind him.

“Jar'd what are you do'in?”

Charlotte stood on the back porch in her night gown and was rubbing her eyes.

“Lottie! Go inside and go to sleep.”

“But what are you doing?”

“I'm going to town. And don't you tell mama and daddy about this. Don't say a word.”

Then he mounted Bullet and road off toward town.


It was 7:05 by the time Jared road into town. Fresno was already getting busy.
Jared trotted though town and went to look at the race track. There was people stetting up for tomorrow  , there was candy carts, stalls stet up for the pie contest they were going to have this year.

Jared looked over at the race track again and saw uncle Justin and aunt Lucy!

Jared did not want to them to see him so he trotted down the street and partly out of town, and found an old abandoned stable. He put Bullet in side and took of his saddle. Then he took the blanket out that he had put in his saddle earlier and then he sat down, and waited.


-Back at the ranch.


“Riley!” Andi yelled as she ran out of Jared's room. It was 9:30 and Andi had went to see why Jared was not up. She then found him gone.

Riley jumped up from there table were he was eating breakfast. “What is it?” he asked

“Jared's gone, Riley! He's not in the house. I looked every where!” Andi started to cry “Where could he be?”

“I'll check the barn” Riley said before turning and running to the barn. A minute latter he was back, his face pale. “Bullet's gone.” was all he said.

“No!” Andi cried “He must have run away when we said no to the racing! I'll get the twins and then we will ride into town.

As they were getting ready, Justin road up to the ranch. “Is Jared here?” he asked “I just wanted to tell you that Lucy and I think we saw Jared this morning.”

“Riley! Jared is in town.”

“Thank you Justin. We found him gone this morning. We will ride into town and drag him back.” Riley said

Justin road off

Riley and Andi mounted Shasta and Dakota and Riley had Lily and Andi had Lottie, and then they road off.


Jared slept though the day and woke up when the sun was setting.

Tomorrow, I'll race and come home, and mama and daddy won't worry about anything. He thought.

Jared then thought about this morning. Were they looking for him? Where they worried? Or were they not worried at all?

Jared suddenly wanted home more then any thing else. You'll go home tomorrow. A comforting voice said in his head

Jared snuggled down after checking on Bullet and then fell into a deep sleep.


Chapter 4


Jared woke with a start and looked around. He wished he was in his bed. Not in a old stable.

Jared looked around and saw a face looking at him. “Who are you?” Jared asked in a sleepy voice.

“Come with me” was all he said

“But what is your name?”

“Just call me-uh...call me Finn.”

“I don't want to come with you.” Jared said

“I don't care none.” Finn said then he gagged Jared and picked him up and put him on Bullet and got on next to him.

“My wife-Lizzie-said she wanted a little boy. Didn't think it would be that easy. What were you do'in in that old shack anyways?”

Jared did not answer. He couldn't. Not with a rag stuffed in his mouth.

Finn was quite for a long time. That made Jared start to think how disobedient he was to his parents.

Tears came to his eyes and Jared realized he was not only wanting home, he was scared.

Jared squeezed his eyes shut and prayed. Dear Lord, I'm sorry for disobeying mama and daddy. I'm sorry I ran away. Please let them find me. I will trust You Lord. Amen.


“Riley, Lets drop Lily and Lottie off and Justin's and Then go on alone.” Andi said

Riley nodded and they road toward Justin and Lucy's house. After The twins were safe Riley and Andi went to look around town and to asked if any one had see him.

When every one said no, Andi was about to give up. Lord, keep Your hand on Jared-where every he is- keep him safe. I will trust You to help us find him, Lord, Amen

It was clear Riley was praying too.

“Let's Ride South.” Riley said “We've been all the other direction”

Andi nodded but did not say any thing else.


Jared was sleeping on the ground in front of a fire Finn had built. Finn was laying right beside him. He was fast asleep.

Jared got up and went to Bullet. The saddle and bridle was gone so Jared had to ride bare back. He rode along the trees until he found a path. He rode down the path for a long long time.

The path soon came to an end and then Jared could see Fresno.

Just as Jared Was about to ride down to Fresno, he heard voice's. He turned and looked, there was his mama and Daddy.

“Oh mama,  oh daddy! I and so sorry I ran away!” Jared jumped off his horse and then ran into his mother's arm, sobbing.

“Jared,” Mama said with tears in her eyes “ Why would you run away? Was it because Daddy and I said no to racing?”

Jared lifted his head and said “Yes, I ran away because I wanted to race. I was going to come back right after the race, but then Somebody-Named Finn- Took me away. He said that his wife wanted a little boy and-”

Mama lade a hand over his mouth “Shh”

Daddy finale spook up “ Jared, we forgive you, But you will have to be punished.”

“Yes Dadd-”

“What in the World are you doing with my soon-to-be-son?” A loud voice brook in.

“He's not you son! He's my son!” Daddy yelled

“Daddy, this is Finn. He-”

“No Jared, This Is Hugh Baker.” Mama said in a shaky voice.

“Oh, so you remember me?” Hugh said

“Sheriff!” Mama yelled. Like magic, Sheriff Tate walked out of the bushes.

“Hugh Baker, Your coming with me.” Sheriff said. Then “Riley, Andrea, Take Jared and go home.”


“Jar'd, how did you not get scared when you were kidnapped?” Lottie asked a week later.

“Well” Jared said “I was scared, but I trusted in Jesus to take me home.”

Jared was now home but he was not aloud to ride Bullet for a month. That was his punishment.

Hugh Baker-Finn- was in jail and it turned out that Sheriff Tate was With Mama and Daddy, Just farther behind.

I trusted in Jesus, and he brought me home. Thank you Jesus! Jared thought. I will always trust in you.


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