
 by Kaylah Mead (ages 6-9)

Part 1


“Andi!” Riley yelled, “She said yes!”

“Hurrah!” Andi cried.  Andi and Riley had wanted to go on a long horse ride for ages.  But every time they asked, Mother said no.  But today . . .

      “Really?” Andi couldn’t believe it!

      “Really!” Riley reassured her.

      “When?” Andi asked.

      “Tomorrow,” Riley replied.


Part 2


Early the next morning Andi awoke to find Mother digging in her clothes drawers. 

      “I washed your overalls last night,” Mother told her. “I put them up . . . oh, there they are.” 

Chad poked his head in the room. “Riley’s here, Mother,” he said.




      “So where should we go first?” Riley asked.

      “The Yokut camp,” Andi replied eagerly. “I really want to see Choo-nook again.”

      “Okay,” Riley clucked to Midnight and they took off.  Andi nudged Taffy into a smooth lope and they soon caught up with Riley. 

After half an hour Andi asked, “Are you sure this is the way?”  When Riley didn’t answer she asked again, then cleared her throat loudly.

“Oh yes, I’m sure it’s the way,” Riley said, but he didn’t sound too sure.


Part 3


      Andi was tired, sweaty, and just annoyed at Riley.  She knew it was the wrong way.  All she could see was hills, hills and more hills.  They’d been out riding for at least three or four hours.

      “Riley!” she yelled, “if you think I think we are goin’ the right way you’re wrong!”  But as soon as she finished shouting, she gasped.  Riley wasn’t there!  He had vanished!

“Riley!” she screamed!  But he wasn’t there.

“Okay, Andi,” she said aloud to herself, “Keep riding.  You’ll find him soon.”  But as the minutes went by, no Riley appeared. “Oh no,” groaned Andi, “I’ll never get home now.”  Just then she saw a small grove of trees up ahead. 

“I’ll go in there to rest for a minute,” she said to herself.  She arrived at the grove and dismounted.  She tied Taffy to a tree and sat down on a small log.  Suddenly the sound of cracking sticks started Andi. 

“Is that you Andi?” a voice called.

“Riley!” Andi shouted.  Silence. 

Then, “Oh, Andi,” Riley said, breaking through the bushes. “Midnight’s hurt.”

“Oh no!” Andi cried.  She hopped on Taffy.  “Where is he?” 

Riley didn’t answer but he pointed to a small gully.  There on the edge lay Midnight.  Andi pulled Taffy to a stop a few feet away from Midnight and jumped off.  She ran over to get a closer look at Midnight.  His leg was bleeding and he was covered in scratches. 

Andi looked at Riley.  “How are we gonna get home?” she asked him. 

“I dunno,” Riley replied.

“I bet if we think we’ll come up with somethin’,” Andi said.

“OK Andi,” Riley said. So they sat and thought and thought and thought. 

“Riley,” Andi said after a minute, “I hear somethin’.”

“Shhhh!” Riley said.  He was listening too.

“It sounds like . . .” Andi trailed off.  She was staring at the entrance of the grove. “Justin!” she shouted, “Mitch!  Chad!”

“Mr. Carter!” Riley yelled.  There were Andi’s brothers riding toward them! 

“Andi!” Justin called.

“We’ve been looking all over for you!” Mitch said, relieved.  He jumped off his horse and went over to them.  He picked up Andi and set her high on Chad’s big horse.  Justin went over to Midnight.

“He looks okay,” Justin mused.  Chad joined Justin.  He reached for Midnight’s reins.

“Come on up, boy” he said.  Midnight slowly eased on to his feet.

“Okay,” Mitch said, “We’re ready to go.” 

Andi smiled back at the grove.  That had been an adventure she would never forget.     

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Encourage these young authors!