No Other Family

 By Hope S., age 14

#7 Attic Surprise

It was a gloomy, rainy, winter day. Fourteen-year-old Andrea Carter climbed the stairs to the attic of her family’s house. The rickety staircase creaked and groaned under her weight. As she pushed open the door, it squeaked. It doesn’t look like anyone’s been up here in ages! She sneezed, making dust fly. Great! Oh, well, at least I get to explore! And neither Chad nor Mother can find extra chores for me to do.

“Ok, where should I start? Hmm… that trunk looks old…”

But try as she might, Andi couldn’t get it open! Oh well, I guess we’ll look in this one over here. This trunk didn’t appear to be as old, but the lid popped off without a problem. Her gaze was immediately drawn to a journal with the name ELIZABETH JOHNSON etched into the leather. She took it out and opened it revealing the most beautiful drawings. I didn’t know Mother could draw this well. As she reached to put it back, an envelope fell to the floor. Opening it and reading the contents made Andi gasp. She stuffed it in the pocket of her split skirt and raced down the stairs. It couldn’t be true!


“How was exploring the attic today, Andrea?” Mother asked that night at dinner.

“Oh, it was fine. I found a journal containing all your old drawings. They were quite lovely! Aside from that, it was pretty dull.” Andi responded without mentioning the envelope.

Justin chuckled, “You didn’t want to play dress up with all those old clothes up there?”

Chad grinned, “I would’ve liked to have seen you in one of those fancy, frilly dresses!”

Andi glared at him, “May I be excused, Mother?”

“Of course, darling,” Mother consented.

Andi hurried out to the barn and into the loft, pulling the envelope from her pocket. I really should say something to Mother.

“Hey, Andi, is everything all right? You were awfully quiet at dinner,” Mitch observed as he climbed over to the hay bale Andi was sitting on.

Andi gasped, “Umm... Of course!”

“What do you have there?” Mitch questioned pointing to the envelope.

“Oh, nothing. I’m all right, really.”

“If you say so, see you later.”

Andi waited until he was gone before pulling out the piece of paper once more. The words seemed to scream at her,

 Child Adopted: Baby Boy

Name Now: Mitchell James Carter

Parents: Aaron and Mabel Johnson

(Died in shipwreck)

Adopted Parents: James and Elizabeth Carter

Date Born: April 30th, 1858

Date Adopted: May 5th, 1858

This meant only one thing, Mitch was adopted!


Andi tossed and turned in bed that night, knowing that she should tell Mother what she’d discovered, but what if Mitch didn’t know? Would it hurt him?

The next morning dawned bright and early, and Andi felt as if she hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.

“Breakfast, Andrea! Hurry up, or we’ll be late for church!” Mother called up the stairs.

Andi hurriedly put on her Sunday dress and tied a ribbon around her hair, before racing down the stairs.

“You look exhausted, honey, are you feeling ill?” Justin asked worriedly.

“No, I just couldn’t sleep last night, that’s all.”

The ride to town seemed very short to Andi, considering she had dozed off not fifteen minutes after they had left the ranch.

Melinda shook her awake, giggling, “Wake up, sleepyhead!”

Andi groaned hoping to stay awake in church.

There was no such luck. Andi began to nod off during the sermon, but Mother elbowed her, which would have sent her flying out to the aisle had Chad not grabbed her.

“The sermon was lovely today; wouldn’t you agree dear?” Mother commented.

“Umm… Sure! Can we talk later, Mother?” Andi inquired.

“Of course, sweetheart!” Mother agreed as they pulled into the yard.

“I’m going to see Taffy!”

She dashed out to the barn and into Taffy’s stall before opening the letter again.

“What is that, Andi?” asked a voice from behind her, startling her.

Andi dropped the papers, “Mitch! Umm… nothing!”

“I know it’s an adoption certificate, Andi. I saw that much. Whose is it?”

“N—Nobody’s. I—I just found it.”

“Then why don’t you want me to see?” Mitch inquired, grabbing the papers on the floor.

Andi winced, “I’m going to take Taffy for a ride now, if—you don’t mind, of course.”

“Where did you get these?” Mitch asked his face troubled.

“The attic…”

 “You need to give these to Mother.” Mitch said as he handed her the papers. “I’m going for a ride.”

“But Mitch!”

“Andi, please do as I say.”

“Would you like to go for a ride, boy?” Mitch asked as he approached Chase’s stall. 


“Where did you get these, Andrea?” Mother demanded.

“The attic, I wasn’t snooping! They just happened to fall out of your old journal. I’m sorry, Mother!”

Mother sighed, “I would appreciate it if you kept this between us for the time being. I’d like to be the one to inform Mitch.”

“Yeah, about that… Mitch may have seen me looking at them. He already knows. I’m so sorry!”

“it’s not your fault, dear. I should have told him a long time ago. Where is he now?”

“I don’t know, he just told me to tell you and then rode away on Chase.”

“Oh, dear. Gather the rest of the family in the parlor, I think it’s about time they knew about this.”


“So, you’re telling me—us that Mitch was adopted when your brother and his wife died, but you never told us?” Chad inquired.

“Yes, your father and I went on a four-month trip. Aaron’s wife was ill, and expecting, so we were tending to their needs. Of course, after she had the baby—Mitch, they went to a doctor who was quite a distance away, so they asked us to keep an eye on him. When we returned to the ranch, we learned that their boat had been in an accident, and that no one had survived. Everyone assumed I’d had Mitch while we were gone because we were gone for so long. Your father and I decided to adopt him, without telling anyone. It was primarily my decision, but your father agreed. Mitch is and always will be a part of this family. He’s just as much of a brother to you all as Chad or Justin. I’m sorry for not telling any of you.”

 “I’m sure we all agree Mitch isn’t any different than us,” Justin commented.

 Everyone nodded in agreement.

“I just hope Mitch comes home soon,” Mother expressed worriedly.

At that moment, the sound of footsteps grew closer, then faded away.

“Mitchell?” Mother called out.

 “Yes?” Mitch asked as he stepped into the room.

“Please, sit down. I’ll explain everything.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t YOU tell me, Justin?”

“Mitch! Justin knew nothing of this matter! Please!”

Mitch shook his head, “I’m going to my room. No need to hold dinner for me.”

“Mitch!” Mother sobbed.


Mitch sat angrily on his bed wondering why he hadn’t been told by anyone.

I had the right to know!  

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

“Mitch? Can I come in?” a voice sounded.

He sat up slowly and walked over to the door to unlock it before returning to his bed. Chad opened the door cautiously.

“Look, I understand that Mother should have told you sooner, and she agrees. But she’s sorry, Mitch. Just because you were adopted doesn’t mean we love you any less. In fact, it actually makes you even more special to the family. I’m not sure where we’d be if it hadn’t been for you. You’ve helped me through so many difficult times, and I know you’ve done the same for so many others. I couldn’t have started running this ranch if you hadn’t been there, Mitch, and still couldn’t. We all love you, Mitch and nothing will ever change that!”

 “It’s just not fair.” Mitch exclaimed. “I had to learn from Andi that I was adopted. Don’t get me wrong; I adore this family. But a small part of me wonders what would have been different had I known.”

“I know. But to be honest, I don’t think anything would have been different, because you are a part of this family just like me, Justin, Andi, or Melinda. Nobody loves you any less because of it.” Chad stated, “Now will you come down for dinner?”

Mitch sighed, “I think I’ll stay here for now. I’m not very hungry.”

Chad shrugged, “Suit yourself.”




“Anytime, little brother.”


(Next day)

“Hey, Mitch, I’m headed out to catch that wild bull that escaped from the Triple L. Join me when your done mending that fence, will you?” Chad announced.

“Of course,” Mitch replied.

Chad rode out to the hills for quite a while, before stumbling across the bull. I should wait for Mitch, but then we might lose our chance.

He raised his lasso above his head and aimed for the bull. The bull snorted and sidestepped, the rope just barely missing him. His nostrils flared. Sky reared, catching Chad off guard, and throwing him. The bull began to charge toward Chad before being stopped by something. What in the world? Chad thought.

He turned ever so slowly to see Mitch sitting on Chase having lassoed the bull.

Chad let out a deep breath, “Thanks, Mitch. You saved my life!”

“Anytime, Chad. If I hadn’t, I would’ve lost you, and I couldn’t let that happen. We are family, and family looks out for each other. I realize that I’m glad I was adopted into this family. Everyone in it is important to me. I would want no other, and I can’t imagine having a different one.”


That night at dinner, Mitch looked around the room, “Everyone, I want to say that I’m sorry for how I acted yesterday. I’m glad you adopted me, Mother. I truly would want no other family!”


  1. Good Job, Hope!!!
    Your friend, Emmy Jones

  2. Thank you so much! I had fun writing it. Thanks again!

  3. Awesome job! Keep writing! 👍
    Sarah G.


Encourage these young authors!