Peace in Its Place

 by Sara M. (Ages 14-17)

Andi Carter Prescott washed the last dish and sighed. It seemed like she had been washing dishes and cleaning the house all morning! She threw the dishcloth aside.

“Jared?” she called through the small ranch house.

“Yes, Mama?” Jared popped up from the floor in the living room.

“Let’s get your sisters and go for a walk before Daddy comes home,” Andi said as she walked over to the cradle and picked up Charlotte and Lillian.

Jared beamed as they walked outside.

Andi tilted her head back in the warm sunshine. It was a beautiful day for a walk. Jared tugged her skirt. “Come on, Mama!” he said excitedly.

Andi grinned and followed her young son. “Where are we going, little man?” she asked him, letting Jared lead the way.

“Let’s walk downstream!” Jared exclaimed.

“Sounds fine to me.” Andi said.

Jared let go of her skirt and scrambled ahead.

“Wait for us, Jared!” Andi called after him. He spun back and halted. Once Andi had caught up they walked on together.

They walked down to the creek, which was not that far from the house, and headed North up the creek. It was a perfect day! Sunny and warm. Andi glanced up at the sky; not a cloud was in sight. I should have left a note for Riley in case he wonders where we went, she thought. Oh well. He can guess. Where else would we have gone?  

“Jared? Jared!” Andi called. Her son had turned the corner and was out of sight.

There wasn’t any answer. “Jared? Come back here. Let’s stop here for a while.” she added. Andi frowned. Jared wasn’t replying. He’s probably playing hide and seek. Andi thought. She hosted Lillian and Charlotte higher on her hips and turned the corner.

“Well hey.” a rough man’s voice reached her ears. “Is this your son?” he shoved Jared forward. Jared broke free from his grip and ran to Andi, sobbing.

Andi put an arm around him protectively. “Who are you?” she demanded. Who was this man, on Memory Creek land and frighting her son?

“You don’t know?” he sneered. “I”m Luke Lester, yours truly.”

Luke Lester? Who’s Luke Lester? Luke Lester! Andi knew who this man was. “You!” she exclaimed.

“Glad you know who I am.” Luke Lester said. He stepped closer to them. “Why are you intruding over here?”

“We are not intruding. This is my family’s land. You are trespassing.” Andi stated.

“You're a spunky one.” Luke edged closer.

“Stay back.” Andi growled under her breath.

Luke reached forward and pulled Jared away from Andi. “What’s his name?” he asked Andi.

“Let go of him!” Andi nearly shouted.

“Be quiet!” Luke pulled out a pistol in a warning. “Answer my question.”

“His name is Jared.” At the sight of the pistol Andi quieted, she wasn’t going to risk it. Not with her twins and Jared!

“Jared, huh?” Luke peered down at him, “I’ll call you Jar Jar.”

“Where is your home and is anyone there?” he said.

Andi pointed south. “That way.” she paused. “The ranch hands are at the ranch.” she lied.

“Missy, you take those two lil’ girls back and git back here.” He held tight to Jared’s arm. “Or this little guy is going to get it.”

Andi paled. No, no, no!!! This could not be happening. Leave Jared in the hands of this stranger? Take the girls back? No! But Andi had little choice, she turned and slowly started walking. “Hurry it up!” Luke called after her. Andi took flight and ran.

“Yahweh, help me!” she cried out. “Protect Jared and us. Let Riley know where we have gone.” Feeling peace, she pulled open the door. She hurried over to the cradle and laid Charlotte and Lillian into it. She covered them carefully and kissed them one last time before leaving.

Andi grabbed a loaf of bread and found a small pistol. She tucked it into her skirt and wrote a note.

Taken by Luke Lester. Heading south. The note was brief but told enough. Just in case Luke would come back she hid the note in the cradle with her daughters. Once Riley had found them he would find the note.

She fled the house carrying the bread. Luke’s not a very smart outlaw. She thought. No smart outlaw would let me go to the house by myself and get whatever I wanted! She fingered the pistol. I hope I don’t have to use this. She quickly walked back to where Luke and Jared were.

“Your back, missy.” Luke said, “Let’s go.” He pulled Jared along.

Andi walked close behind them and yanked Jared from him, “I can hold Jared.” She scowled. She set Jared down and held his hand tightly.

The man looked startled but didn’t say anything. He turned back around and kept walking.

A while later, Andi couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “Where are we going and why do you want us?” Andi demanded. She halted and wouldn’t go any further until she knew why. Even if she did not want to know.

“Going to Mexico. I’m wanted by the law and I gotta get outta here. You and Jar Jar are a comin' with me cause if someone sees me I can use you to get through. Get it?” He didn’t see she had stopped.

Andi didn’t say a word.

Luke looked back. “You tired already? Too bad; come on!” he said. “I only got so much time.”

“Well Mr. Lester, even though you sure are not worth the ‘mr’ there is no way Jared and I can walk to Mexico! Jared is already tired and I’m not sure how much more we can go.”

Luke stood silent in thought. “You're right lil’ missy. How ‘bout I carry Jar Jar and you walk till we find the horses.”

What do I do, Yahweh? Andi thought desperately. “I can carry him.” she said at last. It would be hard carrying him for so long but she was not going to let this man carry her son. 

Luke threw her a glance. Andi wasn’t sure what it meant but she went on with Jared in her arms.

“Here are my horses.” Luke stopped near two bay horses. Neither had saddles but Andi was fine with that. “No tricks, got it?” Luke glared at Andi.

She nodded once. I sure do get it. She thought. Andi was about to mount the horse when she felt Jared being tugged away from her. “No!” she shouted. She held Jared close. No way was she letting Luke Lester take her son!

“Whoa lil’ missy.” Luke stepped back. “Fine, take him. But I’m taking your reins.” he grabbed the horse reins and mounted his own horse.

“Understood.” Andi mumbled. She pulled Jared up with her as she mounted the horse.

“Giddy up!” Luke snapped his horse with a crop. He jumped into a trot. Andi was right behind them on the other horse as she had no choice.


“You’ve got to be joking.” Andi said in disbelief. Luke wanted to take her all the way down to the bottom tip of Mexico! They had traveled by horse for four days straight, only stopping for a couple of hours at night. Andi knew she was being hunted for but no one knew what happened or where they were. The only thing they knew was they were heading south.

“I’m not. The law is still after me. We gotta go.” Luke shook his head.

“You know, if you turned yourself in you would be let go quickly and be done with everything.”

“Why do you say that?” Luke said, “You don’t know what I have done. I don’t know how to make it right.”

“I say it because it’s true.” Andi said softly. “What have you done that is so bad?”

“Well-” Luke sighed, “It’s a long story.”

“You better start then.” Andi dropped to the ground and cuddled Jared who sat on her lap.

Luke just looked at her but sat down. “It all started when I met Vega, I forgot his last name. He wanted me to help kidnap a girl. I didn’t want to do it and said no. But he wasn’t too happy about that.” Luke paused.

Andi shivered but not from the cold. There was something with Luke’s story.

Luke went on. “He knocked me out the following day. I didn’t know it was him at the time, and I woke up on the back of a horse with a man in front of me. I was gagged and tied. I couldn’t move. I was suddenly pulled off the horse, untied and ungagged. I stood there for a minute taking in what was going on. It was so confusing and I saw a stagecoach being knocked over by Vega. I saw him in the faint shadows. He walked over to me and said, ‘You can be blamed for this or help me kidnap the girl.’ I was frightened and chose to help kidnap the girl. I thought I could get away and never help do it.”

Luke paused again and he sat there staring off into the distance and continued, “I was watched for a week after that, I just felt it. Once I saw someone peeking in my house windows so I was sure I was being watched. I tried to slip away one evening but got caught by Vega, never again would he want that to happen. I ended up having to go and help kidnap the girl, I slipped away as soon as I could but I could never forget it. I ended up getting blamed for the stagecoach robbery too, not the kidnapping. I wish I could tell the girl sorry but all I know is her name is Carter. I believe her nickname was Andi but I can’t find the girl with a nickname that’s a boy’s name. I’ve been running since. If I get caught, the girl is prone to press charges against me.” Luke stopped and he turned towards Andi. “It’s been that way since. This is the first time I have talked about it.”

Andi covered her mouth, No, no, no no! This man had helped kidnap her? How was that even possible! You know what to do. A small voice told her. Forgive and forget.
“Yes, Yahweh.” she whispered.

“Her name was Andi Carter.” Andi said aloud.

“Was?” Luke gasped, “Is she alright?”

“She is totally alright. I am Andi Carter Prescott.” Andi said softly.

“You!” Luke leaped up. “Not you!”

“Yes, me. I never saw you but you told me enough so I know you were there. I forgive you.” Andi said.

Luke sank to his knees and turned towards Andi, “You forgive me?” he whispered.

“I do.” Andi answered.


Andi thought about why. Why did she forgive? Andi knew the right answer—“Yahweh.”


“Yes, Yahweh. Yahweh has forgiven me of everything. So of course I forgive you, Luke.”

“How?” Luke asked.

“Yahweh sent His son, Yeshua Messiah, to die for us. He took away our sins and wiped the slate clean every time we ask for forgiveness and when we become a child of Him.” Andi said.

“How do I become a child of Him?” Luke sat up and paid close attention.

“Ask Yahweh to come into your heart and forgive you, a mere sinner. And trust and know that He died for you and has forgiven you.” Andi answered.

“How do I say it? Just like I am talking to you?”

“Yes, Yahweh is all around. We only need to ask and He is with us.” Andi spoke softly. “If you ask, He will forgive.”

“I can do that right now?” Luke had tears at the corners of his eyes.

Andi nodded.

“Yahweh, I just learned about You. I want to become your child. Forgive me of my sins, Yahweh, forgive me. Come into my heart. Help me know Your ways and trust You.” Luke whispered. “So be it.”

“So be it.” Andi echoed.

Luke lifted his face. Worry and stress were gone. Peace was in its place. “I’m a child of Yahweh.” he said softly.

“Indeed, you are. Welcome to the family, my brother in Messiah.” Andi smiled gently at him.

“I feel free.”

“You are free, free from sin, shame, and worry. You have Yahweh with you now no matter what.” Andi said softly.

“I do. I do!” Luke smiled with pure joy, delight, and happiness.

Andi smiled back. Never would she have thought it would turn out like this!

“You truly forgive me?” Luke asked, just to make sure.

“I truly do forgive you, Luke.” Andi said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Luke said. “I want to get back and apologize to everyone and ask for forgiveness. Do you think that is fine?”

“I certainly do. Does that mean I am free to go?”

“Yes, but I would like to come along and say sorry to your husband, family, friends, and everyone if I can.”

“You surely can.” Andi grinned.

They started back, heading north.

Five days later, they neared Fresno. “We are almost there. Are you ready?” Andi asked Luke. She had told him what could happen but she hoped for the best.

“I am.” Luke nodded. “I can do all things through the Messiah, who strengthens me.” he added.

“You know it.” Andi smiled.

The first thing Andi saw when they trotted the horses into Fresno was her husband. He was walking down J Street with his head down and shoulders slumped. No doubt worrying over his wife and Jared. “Riley!” Andi shouted. “Riley!

Riley whipped around, his eyes looking everywhere, and they spotted her, “Andi!” he shouted. He ran towards her as quickly as he could. His arms surrounded Andi and Jared. “Andi, Andi, I thought you were gone.” he said in her shoulder.

“I’m back and I am ever so glad to see you, Riley. I missed you.” Andi said softly. “Jared has too.”

Riley loosened his hug on Andi after a minute and pulled Jared from her, “Jared.” he whispered, hugging him tight.

“Too tight, Daddy!” Jared said, trying to wiggle away. Luke in the meantime had dismounted.
         “Where have you been, Andi? We searched for days, I was just about to go look for you again.” Riley looked deep into Andi’s eyes.

“It’s a long story, but we are safe now.” Andi said, glancing back at Luke.

Riley saw Luke, his fits opened and closed. “Who are you? Did you kidnap my wife?” he demanded in a low voice.

“I did and I am sorry.” Luke bowed his head.

Riley stepped back and looked at Andi with a question in his eyes.

“Let’s tell Justin I am back and ride to Circle C and tell Mother we are safe.” Andi said.

“Justin is out looking for you.” Riley said. “We came back to get fresh horses and I was a little ahead of everyone. They should be arriving soon.” Riley took out his pistol and shot three shots in the air. “That’s so they know you are found,” he added. He slid his pistol back in its place.

Riley embraced his wife and son again and he held them tight. Andi knew he was brimming with questions but they would have to wait till the search party came back.

Within a couple of minutes, they heard hoofbeats come into town. “Andi! You are back!” Andi heard Chad’s yell over the hoofbeats.

They all halted and swiftly dismounted their horses. All three of the Carter brothers were there and came rushing up to embrace Andi.

“I’m so glad you are back, lil sis.” Mitch smiled at her.

“I’m glad I’m back too.” Andi said, smiling back.

“Andi, I am so happy to see you!’ Justin exclaimed.

Chad didn’t say anything but hugged Andi tightly and whispered in her ear, “I missed you, little sister.”

“I want you to meet someone,” Andi paused, “Luke Lester.”

“Luke Lester!” Chad’s face turned red with fury.

“Wait, Chad.” Andi said quickly, “Luke is innocent.”


“Let’s ride to Circle C and tell the family. We can then tell you the whole story.” Andi suggested.

“Sounds fine to me, Lucy and Melinda are there.” Justin said.

“Let’s go.”

Thank You, Yahweh, for getting us safely home. You had Your hand on us the whole time. Thank You, Yahweh! Andi prayed as they rode. Instead of worry now, there was peace in its place.  


  1. I love it! You did amazing on it!

  2. I loved this so much Sara! You did an amazing job!

  3. Great job Sara I loved this story!

  4. Love this Sara!


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