Safe in the Arms of God Part 2

by Lizzy D.

Andi Prescott walked on her porch a worried look etched on her face. Jared and Jenny Elizabeth had been gone for hours. Riley walked up. “Riley! Did you find them?” Andi called.
Riley walked on the porch. “No, Andi not a trace. I think that we ought to go over to the Circle C to tell Chad and Mitch.”
“Alright, Riley. I’ll stay here in case they come back.”
Riley kissed Andi goodbye. “Good idea, Honey, I’ll be back.” Riley walked back off the porch and to the barn.
As Andi watch him leave, she thought back to when Riley had burnt his leg a couple years ago. How God had saved his leg when it was badly burnt. Back then she had a feeling that God would take them through that struggle and He did. Then a month after that she and Jared had gotten kidnapped by an ex-hand. But all through that Andi felt God by her side and she hoped Jared and Jenny Elizabeth felt that same way now.
Jared looked over at Jenny Elizabeth. He and Jenny Elizabeth had fallen into this gully about an hour ago. Jenny Elizabeth had fallen asleep, how he didn’t know because it was very rocky here.
“Jared” Jenny Elizabeth moaned.
Jared scooched over to her. “Are you okay, Jenny Elizabeth?” Jared said.
“My ankle hurts.” Jenny Elizabeth cried
“Its okay, Mama and Papa should find us soon.” Jared said.
“Jared?”  Jenny Elizabeth said.
“Yes, Jenny Elizabeth?”
“Do you think we should pray like Mama and Papa do?” Jenny Elizabeth asked.
“Yes, Jenny Elizabeth, that is a great idea. I’ll start.”  Jared closed his eyes “Dear Lord, Me and Jenny Elizabeth are stuck in this gully with no way out. Will you please help us and send Mama and Papa? Thank you, Jesus, Amen.”
“Lord, please bring home my children safely. Amen.” Andi finished and rose from the side of her bed.
The door opened and Riley called “Andi! Chad, Mitch and I are ready to go.”
Andi walked out to the kitchen. “Okay. I just finished praying when you came in.”
“Good. Maybe we should pray together right now.” Riley and Andi got down on their knees at the table, when Chad and Mitch came in. Not a word was spoken as Chad and Mitch joined them at the table.
Riley cleared his throat. “Lord, our children aren’t home. We are worried about them please lead us to them. Amen”
Andi started. “Jesus, Help Chad Mitch and Riley as they go out to find our children. Help Jared and Jenny Elizabeth to be okay. Amen”
Jared had tried several times to climb the gully wall, but had only resulted in sliding back down. He leaned against the wall.
“Jared.” Jenny Elizabeth said “I’m hungry.”
“Alright, Jenny Elizabeth. I have an apple in my pocket.” Jared pulled the apple from his pocket and handed it over to Jenny Elizabeth. “You get half the apple and I get the other half.”
Jenny Elizabeth took the apple “Alright Jared.” Jenny Elizabeth took a bite of the apple then handed it back over to Jared for his bite. This went on until the apple was finished, Then Jared threw it. “Jared, what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know Jenny Elizabeth.”
 “I’m cold.”
“Okay Jenny Elizabeth. Huddle close to me and we’ll try to get warm.” Jared and Jenny Elizabeth huddled together and soon fell asleep.
Andi had been pacing for the last twenty minutes. She went to her bedroom and opened her bible. Her bible opened to Proverbs 29. Her eyes looked over the chapter. She stopped at verse 25. “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” She read it out loud several times. “Lord, I need to put my trust in you. I really miss my children. Please keep them safe. Amen.”
Riley looked over Dakotas head. Next to him was a gully. He couldn’t see any sign of Jared or Jenny Elizabeth.
“It is getting dark, Riley, we better get back. We can look tomorrow.” Chad called.
“Okay.” Riley sighed. They turned around. Something spooked Dakota and Dakota threw him. “Augh” Riley moaned. His leg had twisted under him. Chad and Mitch raced over to him.
“Are you okay.” Chad said.
“No. My leg is twisted.” Riley gritted his teeth.
“Mitch, go get Andi and Doc Weaver and a wagon.” Chad ordered. 
Mitch hurried take out Chad’s orders.
“Riley. We will have to splint that leg.”
Chad went off to find two flat boards. Riley could hear the faint sound of Mitch galloping away. Chad came back with the boards and put them on the ground next to Riley. He went back to Sky and fished through his saddle bag, He pulled out a roll of string. Chad came over and squatted next to Riley. “This is going to hurt” He pulled out Riley’s leg
“OW!” Riley cried.
Chad put Riley’s leg and put it between the boards. He tied the boards with the string. “There. Now as soon Mitch comes back, we’ll put you on the wagon.
Andi was in the kitchen when Mitch pulled up with Doc Weaver. Oh no! Not Riley!  Mitch came up to the door “Andi! Come quick! Riley got thrown. We need a wagon.”
Andi wiped her hands. She grabbed her hat and went out the door. “There’s horses in the barn and wagon is there, too. What happened?”
Mitch was walking toward the barn and Andi followed him out there. “Something spooked Dakota and he threw Riley.”
 “Did you find Jared and Jenny Elizabeth?” Andi asked
“No.” Mitch sighed. Mitch hitched up the wagon in silence. “Okay, Andi you drive the wagon. Riley is next to Gorge Gully.” Andi climbed up on the wagon. They started on their journey which would take an hour.
Jared woke up to a yell. It had sounded as if the person was in pain. He heard some muffled words. “Wake up Jenny Elizabeth.” Jared shook her.
“What is it Jared?”
“I heard someone. Maybe if we threw some rocks, we could get their attention. Jared found some large rocks and started throwing. The first few didn’t make it, but the next ones did. “Come on, Jenny Elizabeth, Help me.” The two started throwing. They did that until someone heard them.
“Riley, did you hear something?” Thump, Thump.
 “Hello?” Chad called. They both heard a muffled help! “Is that you Jared?” Chad walked over to the gully. “Jared! Is Jenny Elizabeth with you?”
“Yes!  She’s alright. Her ankle hurts though.” Jared called.
“Okay, I’m going to get some rope. Then I’ll pull you out.”
“Okay” was the reply. Chad rushed back to Riley. “Its them!”
“Hallelujah!” Riley shouted. Chad rushed over to his saddle bag. He pulled out a length of rope. He ran back to the gully. “Here, Jared. Tie this to Jenny Elizabeth.” Chad called down.
“Jenny Elizabeth! We’re safe! God saved us. Here I’ll tie this around you.” Jenny Elizabeth walked over and Jared tied the rope to her. “Okay Uncle Chad! She’s ready.” Jared called up.
Jenny Elizabeth started to inch up. Soon Jenny Elizabeth was up and the rope was thrown down for Jared. Jared tied the rope around him and called up. He started to move up little by little. He got to the top and was engulfed in a hug by Jenny Elizabeth.
Andi could vaguely see the outline of Sky and a Riley on the ground. What was very interesting was that Chad was over next to the gully. She looked harder and could see two littler people. Jared and Jenny Elizabeth! Their safe!  Andi stopped the wagon and hopped down, running towards them.
“Mama!” Jenny Elizabeth started to run towards Andi.
Andi reached Jenny Elizabeth and hugged her. “Jenny Elizabeth. Are you okay?” Andi said.
“My ankle hurt. But Uncle Chad said it was fine, just bruised.”
“Andi. No hello for your husband on the ground?” Riley said.
Andi rushed over to Riley. “Are you okay, Riley?”
Riley grimaced “Yes, just sore, very sore.”
Doctor Weaver came over. “Let me check you over.” Doctor Weaver looked over Riley in silence. “You have a mild leg sprain. You will have to stay in bed for about six weeks. Alright Chad, Mitch lets put him in the wagon.”
Chad, Mitch and Doctor Weaver picked up Riley and put him in the back of the wagon. Chad then scooped up Jenny Elizabeth and put her in the wagon. Then the same with Jared. “Alright. Are we ready to go?” Chad asked. 
“I sure am. Ready to get in bed. I hurt.” Riley replied.
“Alright then. I’ll tie Dakota to the back of the wagon, then we will go.” Chad tied Dakota to the back of the wagon then hopped on Sky. “Let’s go!” They pulled out; everyone was mostly silent on the way back to the ranch. At the Ranch, Chad, Mitch and Doctor Weaver took Riley inside, then said goodbye and headed home.
 Andi put the children in bed, then went to bed with Riley. “You know, Riley, today I saw in the Bible a verse that caught my attention.”
“Really? What verse was that?”
 “Proverbs 29: 25. It says, the fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. It made me realize that if I put my trust in God, Me and my Family will be safe. And they are.” “
That is so true, Honey, I’m glad we’re safe. Good night.”
Andi turned the light out and laid down.  Again, we’re safe in the arms of God.


  1. A lovely sequel to the first part of your story! Great job, Lizzy! I look forward to reading more by you. :) How long have you been an Andi fan for?


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