Seasons of Love Part One

 by Emma A. 

Note to readers: I wanted to see what Andi and Cory’s life would be like if they had married.  (Even though I still think Riley is better suited for Andi.             

   Seventeen-year-old Andrea Carter sighed happily as she twirled around the ballroom on Justin’s arm. She smiled at the other dancers. Everyone is having such a wonderful time, she noted, and I’m with Justin and not Johnny Wilson.

   Justin’s voice brought her back to earth. “Honey, I’m going to get Lucy and take her out for the next waltz. Could you watch Sammy and Gracie for us?”

Andi grinned. “You don’t have to ask me twice, big brother.”

Justin bowed as the waltz came to a close. Andi tripped off to the quiet corner in the parlor where Lucy had her hands full with keeping her two rambunctious children under control. Andi scooped up Gracie and kissed her plump cheek. “Ooh, you are just so cute!”

Lucy smiled. “How are you enjoying the dance, Andi?”

“It’s okay. I just wish Mr. Wilson didn’t have to throw a just-because party because you know how I love dancing especially with the young men.” Andi made a face.

“I understand, Andi, I understand!” Lucy laughed.

Justin pulled his wife up and nodded to Andi. “Thanks.”

Andi cuddled Gracie and pulled Sammy next to her. The four-year-old nestled closer to his aunt.

Andi leaned her head against the leather seat top and felt her eyes closing. In a few minutes she was lulled to sleep by the soft music of the Blue Danube. Roughly five minutes later she awoke to a crash.

She glanced around sharply and saw that Sammy and Gracie were gone. She caught sight of a brown curly head and noticed the umbrella stand had been knocked over. So that was the loud noise.

Andi dashed towards the direction where she saw the curls. She shrieked as she turned the corner. Gracie was sitting on the floor beside the punch table pulling on the tablecloth! The bowls and cups began to move. Two seconds more and everything would fall on her niece.

Andi shoved past people, not bothering to apologize. She reached Gracie just in time and untangled her fingers from the tight grasp on the cloth.

She scooped up the baby and hugged her. “Remind me never ever to fall asleep while watching over you and your bro…. Oh no! Where is Sammy?”

Andi’s sharp eyes roved around the room. She groaned as she saw Sammy climbing up on the stage with the musicians. He had picked up a flute and stuck it in his mouth.

Andi hiked Gracie up on her hip and charged towards her nephew.

She could see Sammy take a deep breath and she shut her eyes awaiting the shrill blast. When it didn’t come she opened her eyes and saw no Sammy!

“Now where are you,” Andi muttered. “This is not a game of Hide-and-Seek.”

Andi felt a tap on her arm and she turned her head.

Cory stood beside her holding a squirming Sammy. Andi’s mouth dropped. “How did you get to him?”

Cory set the small boy down then straightened running a hand through his blond hair. “It was nothing, really. I saw Sammy up on the stage and reckoned that was not where he was supposed to be. And I grabbed him. End of story.” He grinned.

Andi grinned back. “Well anyway, thanks. By the way, how’ve you been? I don’t see you around much since I’m working for big brother Chad.”

Cory shrugged. “Okay, I guess. I mean everything could be perfect.”

“What happened?”

Cory looked down into the uplifted blue eyes. “I’ll tell you about it later after we get the kids back to their parents.”

“That is something I definitely agree with.” Andi held her niece and nephews hands and led them back to the bench which they had formerly occupied.

She sat down just in time because Justin came back with a beaming Lucy. Justin winked at Cory. Andi wondered what that was all about. 

But before she could ponder about it anymore, Cory asked, “Miss Carter, can I have this next dance?”

Andi was about to decline, knowing full well that her toes would be trampled upon, but then she saw Cory’s pleading eyes and gave in.

She took his outstretched hand and ran to get their places. As soon as the music started Andi was watching where she put her feet. Twice Cory stepped on them; Andi was thankful when the song ended.

But instead of releasing Andi, Cory held her hand tight and whispered, “Do you want to go for a moonlight walk?”

Andi nodded, her dark hair shaking at the movement. Cory pushed open the door and stepped out into the fresh air. They went outside of town and walked along a worn path with cherry trees dropping their pedals into the couple.

   Finally, Cory stopped and reached for Andi’s hands. “Andrea Rose Carter. Ever since your first day of school when I tossed a dead fly onto your desk, I’ve loved you. All those times I stood up for you was because I loved you. I know you knew it. Andi, will you do me the honor of courtship with the intention of marriage?”

   Andi stood stock still. Yes she had known that one day Cory would say something. But did she love him enough to say yes? All those times he had stood up for her in school. Like when she had broken the window at school; he had taken her whipping. He had kept her from going crazy when Mitch was shot. Andi had known Cory would say something. And she now knew her answer.

“Cory, yes. I love you too and I can’t wait to see where God takes us!”

Cory gave a loud yeehaw! He swung Andi off her feet and twirled around.

Andi blushed. “Shh, Cory! I don’t want the neighbors to see us in their field!”

Cory stopped spinning and gazed down into the beautiful face of Andrea Carter, his future bride. “But Andi, I want everyone to know you’re mine! Don’t you understand?” 

Andi leaned her dark head against his broad chest and giggled. “Yes, I think I do. Love explained everything to me long before this.”

Cory took her face between his hands and kissed her. Then the two walked, hand in hand, back to the ball, content and happy to have each other.

*a few months later*

   “Cory, I’m so sorry! But I have to work on the ranch. I would shrivel up living in town. I don’t know what to do. I can’t marry you if we live in town.” Andi buried her head in her hands and sobs burst from her throat.

   Cory Blake rushed to Andi’s side and held her close. “I know Andi. But we have to get married. I couldn’t live without you. We’ll figure out a plan. Trust me.”

   Andi shook her head. “You can’t become a cowboy and I can’t become a town-girl.”

   Cory pulled Andi’s hands from her tear-stained face. “Pray, Andi. I can’t lose you and God knows that.”

   Andi pulled away from him and ran up to her room. She threw herself on the bed and sobbed into her pillow. Why was life so difficult? When Cory had asked for her hand in marriage she had whole-heartedly agreed. With her head up in the love clouds she couldn’t see that somehow they would have to figure out a way to do what they both loved.

And it seemed that they would have to break up. “All because of what we’ve grown up doing,” Andi muttered.

A soft rap sounded at her door. The handle turned and Chad’s tall frame filled the doorway. He took one look at his sister’s face and hurried to her side. “What’s wrong little sister?” When she didn’t answer, he guessed, “Does it have to do with Cory?”

Andi poured out her sorrows into his listening ear. For once, her brother was silent and not laughing at her because he had told her it wouldn’t work out.

He brushed aside Andi’s hair and whispered, “Why don’t you move thirty minutes from town? Then you could still come here and work for me while Cory goes to town and does his stuff.”

Andi bolted straight up. “Oh Chad! That’s it!” Andi threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. Then snatching up her hat she dashed out the door, almost falling down the stairs in her haste. She yelled, “Cory!”

Diego pointed down the driveway. “He left twenty minutes ago, senorita.”

Andi ran to the barn and reached Shasta’s stall. Pulling herself onto his back she nudged him out into the yard. At her indication Shasta shot like a streak of lightning down the lane.

Ten minutes later she caught up to Cory, out of breath. Cory leapt off his horse. He held out his hands and Andi fell into them.

After regaining her breath she exclaimed, “We could build our house thirty minutes from town and we could both be close enough to our jobs and we wouldn’t have to break up!”

Cory looked into Andi’s sparkling eyes. “But what if we have children? You’ll have to be a mother then.”

The light faded from her eyes. “I didn’t think about that.”

Cory smiled. “Well maybe, once we have kids you can leave the younger ones with  your mother while the older ones go to school. And… you don’t have to work all the time. You could only go to the Circle C twice a week and be a mother the other five days.”

Andi grinned. “I think that would work out fine!”


 *eight years later*


“Cory! You’re home!” Andrea Blake ran out to greet her husband with open arms. Well, almost open arms. A precious little baby girl around six months old was on Andi’s hip. And she didn’t exactly run. A two year old boy clung to her skirts.

Cory caught his wife in a hug and tousled his son's hair. “Were you good for Mama today, Hudson?”

Hudson nodded and looked up at his mother. Andi smiled. A sudden whoop caused the two parents to glance up. A seven year old boy was chasing a dog around the corner of the house.

Coy chuckled and whistled. The dog pricked his ears towards him and sat obediently near him.

The boy flung himself at his father and breathlessly announced, “Today at school, Toby fought Mike and the teacher had to pull them apart and I got an A in grammar. Oh and did you know that Mrs. Virginia Foster had her baby last night?”

Andi grabbed her son’s hand and laughed. “James! I think your father wants to go inside and have supper don’t you think?”

Jimmy shrugged. Cory put an arm around his shoulder and said, “How about you tell me about school over our meal?”

Jimmy gave another ear piercing whoop. Andi glanced over at Cory and smiled. Their son was always happy when his father paid special attention to him.

Andi opened the door and held it as her family trooped in. She handed the baby to Cory and rushed into the kitchen to finish fixing supper. When everything was ready, Andi called out, “Everyone gather around the table!”

She heard feet pounding down the stairs and then laughed as five of her seven children tripped over each other trying to reach the table first and get the ‘best seat’ next to their parents.

Cory whispered to Andi, “What a bunch of rambunctious children. Must take after their mother.”

Andi gave him a shove. “Oh you!”

Cory winked and then sat down at the wooden table crafted by his own hands. He said grace and everyone dug into their food with gusto. Andi lit the candles and looked around at her children fondly.

Jimmy was talking eagerly to his father about the day's events. His thick dark hair, just like his mother’s, bobbed up and down as he made jerking motions with his hands to further explain, his brown eyes sparkling.

And next to him was Lottie and Izzy, the twin six-year-olds. Izabella and Charlotte were making faces at each other and giggling at what was produced. Their blond hair flowed down their backs in soft curls; their blue eyes lighting up as they caught sight of their mother’s gaze.

Andi looked around anxiously as she didn’t see her five-year-old daughter, Rose. Andi stood up and walked into the living room. Sure enough, Rose was curled up in a chair reading her favorite book. Andi stepped over to her quietly. Her hand brushed over Rose’s black hair. Andi’s daughter looked up at her mother and blushed.

Andi scooped her in her arms and whispered, “Did you hear me calling for supper, darling?” Rose shook her head, her green eyes filling with tears. Andi kissed the pink cheek pressed against hers. “It’s okay.”

They went back to the table. Cory caught Andi’s eye. She mouthed, “Reading.” Cory nodded, understanding his daughter’s love for books. Even though Rose was young and not in school yet Andi had taught her to read at a very early age.

Andi continued her examination of each child. Three-year-old Bryant was talking to himself. He scooped up the mashed potatoes and shoveled them into his mouth. Bryant’s very light blue eyes caught sight of Hudson and he began babbling to him.

Blond haired Hudson watched his older brother mutely. When Bryant reached out and snatched away his blanket, he let out a full blown yelp, his hazel eyes filling with rage. He wrestled with his brother, screaming at the top of his lungs. Andi and Cory leapt up at the same time and reached their son. Cory gently disentangled Bryant’s fingers from it while Andi pulled Hudson onto her lap and soothed him. Only when his blanket was in his hands did he calm down.

Andi peeked into the basinet at baby Anne. The six-month-old was sleeping calmly, her rosebud lips puckering every now and then. Andi and Cory were astonished when Anne came out with red hair! Where had that come from? Cory had then admitted that his grandmother was redheaded. Andi had laughed at him and teased, “Why didn't you tell me that before we got married?” As Andi was turning away Anne opened her green eyes and smiled at her mother.

Cory helped with the dishes and put the children to bed. He took one look at his wife’s face and suggested a walk. Andi nodded. Cory grabbed her hand and stepped off the porch. “Did Chad give you lots of work today?”

Andi snorted. “Nope. He reckoned I should stay and help Mother can peaches.”

Cory tapped his wife’s nose. “I know you loved that.” Andi raised her eyebrows.

“You betcha I did. Being stuck in a hot kitchen with Luisa prattling on in her speedy Spanish is definitely my choice on a beautiful day.”

“Well, you made it home.”

Andi giggled. “I should think so.”

Cory bent down and kissed his wife. “I’m the happiest man when you’re with me, darling.”

Andi held his face between her hands. “God has surely blessed us. Especially since we’ll have another baby around mid May.”

Cory nodded then his face took on a shocked look. “Wait what? Another baby!?”

Andi laughed until tears rolled onto her pink cheeks. “Yes, Cory.” She controlled herself and gazed questionably into her husband's eyes. “Aren’t you happy?”

“Of course, darling. I’ll be happy for every baby the Lord chooses to send our way.”

“So… should we have ten more?”



  1. Lol, I love this! Great job Emma! :)

  2. Great job Emma !! But I have to say I was surprised she she has 7 children and 1 on the way!!!!

    1. I come from a big family of seven kids so that naturally comes to me when writing!!

    2. Yea I come from a fam of 12 . I have 9 siblings ☺️☺️I often do that to.😂😂 LOL

    3. Sorry I am the Ellie B that is my mom's name amber Bowen 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Oh my goodness! Nine siblings! Y’all must have so much fun together! If you don’t mind me asking what is the age difference between the oldest and youngest?

  3. Thank you! I enjoyed writing it!!! Thinking about the story line was fun. Lol!!! 😂😂
    Emma A.

  4. Awwww! I love this (even though I'm a die-hard Andi + Riley shipper :) )+

  5. I love your story Emma! You have a wonderful imagination and an amazing writing talent. Keep up the good work.


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