Seventy Times Seven

by Sara M. and Lizzy D. 

Andi Carter loped across a field on her horse, Taffy. “Taffy, we have needed to explore this place for a long time, huh?” Today she was going to explore Millerton, the old abandoned town across the river.

Andi pulled up on Taffy’s reins when they reached the river. To Andi’s left there was a rickety bridge. It looked as if it would collapse if Andi threw a rock on it.

“Taffy, we are not going across that bridge.” Andi spurred Taffy across the river. “Easy, girl, slowly now.”

Andi and Taffy made it safely across and walked into town. Andi could see an abandoned general store and a saloon. Except those and a post office, there were no other businesses. Just a few houses, all on the one street.

 “No wonder Katherine was so unhappy. This is tiny.”


    Troy Swanson ducked behind the door of the saloon. He peeked slowly around the corner. He sucked in a breath and hid behind the door. He had seen someone, it was Andi Carter, his sister-in-law.

 Troy hadn’t seen her for over two months. Troy had practically kidnapped his children and Andi then. He regretted doing that and wished he could redo those days. Troy watched Andi walk around the town. What is she doing here anyway? He wondered

What is she saying? Something about Katherine? My wife? Troy strained his ears trying to hear what she was saying.

“Taffy, I’m glad they built Fresno. I don’t think I would like this town either. This place is pretty overgrown,”

Troy knew she was near one of the houses. They were overgrown with bushes.

“Hmm… Taffy. I wonder what we can find here.”

Troy noticed her voice changed, “What is that! Come here.” and her voice faded.

Troy frowned, what was going on?


Andi gasped, she was walking Taffy along the road when the bushes near a house moved, and sneezed. “Who’s there?” she whispered

“No one.” 

Andi froze, no one does not talk! Andi eyed the bushes wearily, who was in them? “Whoever that is, I know no one can not talk since no one is there! Come out.” Andi said still staring at the bushes

They moved again and a young boy stepped out, “Who are you?” he asked

“My name is Andi Carter. Who are you?”

The boy shuffled his feet. “Uhh. Mike.”

“Do you have a last name?” Andi asked.


“Oh. Okay.” Andi drew out her words.

They stared at each other for a little while until Andi said, “What are you doing here?”

Mike stared hard at Andi. “Living.”

Andi chuckled, thinking he was joking. “You're not serious! No one lives in a bush!”

Mike stepped closer. “It’s a lot better than where I was living before.” And with that he turned and crawled back under the bush.

Andi stared after him, what just happened?  She wondered to herself,

Andi knelt near the bushes and peered under them, “Um, Mike?” she called, “Come back out, please.” she added.


Troy gasped in disbelief. There was someone else in Millerton? He hadn’t noticed him. But then Troy hadn’t noticed much at all since he was here. He was so wrapped up in thinking about his family. He peered out the window again, he saw the little boy come back out of the bushes, Has he been here the whole time? He must have. Troy thought. He watched Andi and the boy but kept himself hidden. I wonder what it would be like to see Levi and my girls again. I miss them. Troy thought longingly.

Troy could see them talking and he inched closer to the wall, maybe he could hear them.

He listened but didn’t hear anything. I am going to talk to them. Troy thought. He opened the door of the building he was hiding in and stepped out, expecting  Andi would see him right away. Andi wasn’t paying attention though, Troy noted, she was talking to the boy again.  


Mike stepped back and cowered down at the sight of the tall man coming out of the saloon. Andi gave him a puzzling look until Mike pointed behind her.

She turned around and gasped. “TROY SWANSON!!” Andi practically yelled.

Mike flinched, this girl, Andi Carter, knew him? How could she? This guy was probably an outlaw.

 Andi looked at him and back at the man, Troy Swanson. Andi grabbed hold of his arm. Her grip was bone crunching. Andi leaned next to his ear. “Did you have any things in that bush?”

Mike nodded, “I have a bag.”

“Get it. Now.” 

Mike saw she kept looking at the other man, not good, he thought. He scooted back under the bushes and grabbed his bag. It had everything he owned in it, which was not very much. He gripped it tightly and went back out. Andi nor the man had moved; they were just looking at each other.

“I got it.” Mike said.

“Go mount up on my horse over there.”

Mike shook his head, “Not on my own. I’m too short to reach.”

“Fine.” Andi stared at Troy hard in the eyes. “You stay here and don’t follow us.”

“Andi, please, let me…”

“NO! I won’t let you. Not after what you did to your children, and me.” she said firmly.

Andi grabbed Mike’s arm and stomped over to the horse. She boosted him up and then mounted behind him.

“Andi! Please! I want to apologize!” Troy called out behind them, as he moved closer to their horse.

“Go, Taffy!”


Troy watched as Andi and the little boy rode away.

He jogged over to the back of the saloon. He walked up to his bay horse and climbed on. He wanted to follow them but Andi had said ‘don’t follow them’ but Troy figured he could take another route and still go to Circle C Ranch.

He needed to watch out for Andi’s brothers though, They won’t like having me around, I am going to have to convince them that I’ve changed. I really have this time. Troy thought.

Troy spurred on his horse and rode towards the Circle C. He hoped to get there before Andi and the boy got there, so he could backtrack and talk to them. Troy had something very important to say.


Andi held Taffy’s reins with one hand and Mike with the other.

“Where are we going?” Mike asked.

“My ranch.”

“Your ranch?” he asked, confused, who really was this girl, Andi Carter? And why was her name Andy?

“Yes, Circle C Ranch. It's my family’s.” Andi answered

“Why is your name Andy? Isn’t that a boy’s name?” Mike asked

“How can you be thinking of this right now? We are being chased by Troy, no doubt.”

“I don’t know, I just was. Who is Troy?”

Andi sighed but she answered, “My name is Andrea but everyone calls me Andi. Which is spelled with a I. Troy is my brother in law.” she said

“You brother in law!” Mike was shocked, never had he imagined such a thing!

“Yeah, I know. He is an outlaw so we have to get away from him. I’m sure we will because Circle C is just ahead--” Andi halted her words, Mike noticed why. Troy.

Not again, Mike thought, another run in with this man. I am tired of seeing him. I had to hide in town the last few days and now I run into him!

Andi halted the horse and called out, “Why, Troy? What do you want now?”

The man, Troy, halted his horse too, “I want to apologize.” he said

“No, leave us alone. I have no desire to listen to you.” Andi said


Troy was desperate, how could he get Andi to pay attention? “Andi, please. I want to tell you that I’ve changed. I’ve found God and I’m going to turn myself in.”

Andi huffed and looked him in the eye. “Are you telling me the truth? The honest-to-goodness truth?”

Troy nodded. “I am.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to trust you yet.”

Troy nodded again. “I understand. What can I do to earn your trust?”

Andi looked at Mike the best she could, with him in front of her, then back at Troy. “Come back to the ranch and tell Katherine and your children.”

Troy was surprised. His Katie at the Circle C? “Katherine is at the ranch?"

Andi nodded.

“Would someone mind telling me who Katherine is?” Mike piped up.

Andi looked at him. “Katherine is my sister and Troy is her husband.”

Troy didn’t like the sour way Andi said the word ‘husband’ but he let it pass.

“Let’s go. I need to see Troy apologize to my sister.” Andi spurred on Taffy and Mike lurched forward.

Troy could tell she didn’t think he would.

Andi’s horse started trotting to Circle C Ranch and Troy followed.

He could see Andi glancing back at him often. Mike was too.

Troy held back a bit farther, he didn’t want to make things harder than they already were. His thoughts turned to his Kate, I wonder how she is doing. I have not seen her for a few months now. I wonder how much the kids have grown. Will Kate welcome me?


Kate stood on the porch of the white stucco ranch house looking out for her youngest sister. She was about to turn and walk back inside when she saw two moving dots come out of the horizon. Wait. Two? There’s only supposed to be one.

“Chad! Mitch!” She called into the yard. Her two brothers walked out of the barn.

“Yeah, Kate?” Chad called.

Kate pointed at the two growing dots.

Mitch came up to stand next to Kate, as Mother and Melinda came out of the house.

Kate peered closer to see the second rider. She saw Andi and a young boy sitting in front of her. The second horse was a little further back but Kate could just see.

“Troy.” She whispered. Her heart started to beat faster and her pulse quickened. She never thought she’d never see him again.

Why is he here? Kate wondered


Troy smiled at the sight of his wife. But his smile faded when he saw his brothers in law, Chad and Mitch. They were standing behind Kate and were frowning.  Not good, Troy thought, he watched Andi and the boy, who he never did find out who he was, ride into the ranch yard. Troy knew they had spotted him but he stayed back anyway. Andi dismounted her horse and the boy followed the suit, they walked over to Kate, Mitch and Chad. Troy dismounted and walked closer. He caught bits of the conversation, “Andi, what is going on?” he heard Chad ask.

Andi answered, “Chad, meet Mike.” At least I know his name now. Troy thought

“No, Andi, why is Troy here?” Chad hissed out his name Troy noticed,

“Troy? Troy! Come here.” Troy was glad, Andi believed him. At least he thought so.

Troy walked forward, he led his horse behind him. “Hi.” he said, You could have said something better than that! Troy scolded himself. He looked over at his wife, Kate, and blocked everyone else out. “Kate, I’m so sorry for what I did before. I came to apologize to you and our kids. I found God and I am going to turn myself in.” Troy lowered his eyes and waited for Kate’s response.

He felt warm arms go around him, “I forgive you, Troy.” Kate said softly

“Thank you, Kate. I will make it up to you. I really will.” Troy said

“Shall we talk for a bit?” Kate held out her arm, Troy took it and smiled, he was blessed. He had never thought he would be forgiven so easily. Kate smiled at him as they walked and he smiled back. He was thankful to be with Kate again.


Mike watched the two grown-ups walk away, one silent tear rolling down his face. He had never seen so much forgiveness. Could God forgive me too?

“Andi?” He whispered. “Andi?” He said again louder.

Andi whirled around, surprised. “Oh, Mike!”

“Andi, I have to tell you.”

Andi tilted her head. “Tell me what?”

“Why I was in the bush and…” Mike took a deep breath. “And I need to tell you my real name.”

Andi’s jaw dropped.


After being introduced, Mike was led to the parlor, where he sat down and started to tell his tale.

“ My real name is Jake. I was kidnapped when I was five and was given to an orphanage in San Francisco. I was adopted when I was six by a wonderful family. After only a year, they died in a buggy accident and I was sent back to the orphanage. I was adopted again a month after, this time by a very cruel family. They made me sleep on the floor in front of the fireplace, and I had to work almost every day from sunup to nightfall, with only one break for food.”

At that last sentence, most of the womenfolk gasped in horror.

“It was that way for another two years, until last month. They went off on a trip, leaving me locked up in the house. I forced myself out and ran. I stowed away on a train and ended up in Fresno. I couldn’t let anyone see me, so I ran into the woods and stumbled on that tiny abandoned town about a week ago.”

Chad leaned back in his chair. “What is your last name?” he had a strange look on his face, Jake thought.

“Ross. I’m Jake Ross.”

“Are you the son of Lester and Clara Ross?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Jake got excited. Maybe this man knew where his parents were!

“I can’t believe it! Mitch, Mother, this is the child that was missing! The story adds up.” Chad was shocked. He turned to Jake, “Your parents live in Fresno!”

“Fresno? The town I came through?”

Chad grinned, “Yep, that one. Do you want me to contact your parents and tell them you are here?” he asked

Jake nodded, “Oh, yes, definitely!” he said excitedly

“I will ride to town and ask them to come here.” he left the room.

Jake was very surprised. Could they really be my parents? Am I finally see them again? I never thought I would, Jake smiled, I’m going to see my parents! He couldn’t wait.


Kate looked up at her husband, still not believing he was back and repenting. Looking into his eyes, she realized that she loved him, even though he had been an outlaw.

“Kate,” Troy whispered. “I’m so sorry for what I did.”

“Troy, you must stop saying that. I’ve forgiven you.” Kate said sincerely. “There is only one more thing you must do before we can become a real family.”

“Turn myself in and get out of jail?”

Kate chuckled softly. “That and,” Kate paused. “Get Levi, Betsy, and Hannah to forgive you too. Betsy and Hannah shouldn’t be hard, but Levi…”

“What’s with Levi?” Troy tried not to let his worry show.

Kate looked down, “Levi is, well, a little bitter. And slightly rambunctious. It took him a while to warm up to my family last year.”

Troy pulled Kate’s face up. “It’s my fault he’s bitter, right?”

Kate hesitated.

“I thought so.” Troy was silent for a little while. “How old are our kids now?”

Kate smiled. “Levi is eleven, he’s sprouted up and looks so much like you. Betsy, she’s nine now. And Hannah is six.”

“I guess I’ve missed a lot, huh? But I will fix that. After I get out, I will spend time with them, at least try to make up for the time lost.”

Kate looked at him with admiration. “That sounds good.”

They walked a little longer until Troy stopped and faced Kate. “Kate, I want to do something.”


“After I serve my time, I want to marry you.”

“But, Troy, we’re already married.” Kate giggled.

“The first time I married you, we were alone, with no family or big ceremony. I want to do it properly this time.”

Kate stared at him. “Well?”

Troy looked at her with a puzzled expression. “‘ Well’ what?”

“If we are to be married properly, I think you should ask properly.”

“Oh!” Troy straightened. He grabbed one of her hands and looked into her eyes. “Katherine Grace Carter, Will you please do the honor of marrying me?”

Katherine smiled. “Hmm… I think so.”

“You think so?” Troy asked.

“I have one question.”


“Will you mind if I say yes?”

“Of course I wouldn’t mind.” Troy smiled.

“Then, yes. I will.”

Troy whooped and picked Kate up, twirling her around. Troy heard her melodious laugh and put her down. “Thank you.”

Kate grabbed his arm and pulled him along. “We have to go find the children.”

Troy got serious, and nervous.

Kate called out. “Levi, Betsy, Hannah!”

Levi walked out of the barn, followed by his sisters. Levi was smiling until he looked up and stared Troy straight in the face.


Not you again, Levi was shocked, he couldn't believe his father was back. Again. I could think of a lot to say to you, in private, where Mother couldn't hear. Levi thought, gritting his teeth. “What?” he asked, glaring at Troy.

His father lowered his eyes, “I came to apologize to you, Levi, you too, Betsy, and Hannah.”

“Like, I would believe you?” Levi said

“I thought it might be this way. Levi, I am very sorry. I will do anything to make it up to you.” his father said

“Yeah, right.” Levi was being sarcastic and unfair but he didn’t care. Not when it came to his so-called father.

“Pa!” Betsy cried out, she ran past Levi, surprising him and threw her arms around Troy. 

I can’t believe you are doing that! Betsy! Don’t you know what our father has done? Levi kept his thoughts to himself.

He watched Troy and Betsy hug, Hannah went and joined. Levi stayed back and just watched. He wasn’t going to be caught doing that.

Levi could see Kate looking at him. No, Mama, I can’t. Not yet.

“Children, Your father and I have something to tell you.” Kate grabbed Troy’s hand. “He has asked me to marry him.”

Betsy quirked her head. “But you’re already married!”

Troy and Kate laughed. “We’re going to have another, bigger wedding, with all of you and the family there.”

Betsy and Hannah squealed as Levi stepped back into the shadows of the barn. He sat on a haybale near the back of the barn. “Why? Why couldn’t he just leave us alone?” He sat for a while longer until he heard someone walk into the barn.

It was Andi. “Hey, Levi.” She sat on a haybale next to him.

“Hey, Andi.”

They sat for only a minute before Andi spoke again. “You’re having trouble forgiving him, right?”

“Of course.”

“I was, too. I had trouble forgiving Kate, Father, and most of my family, when she came back. I had trouble forgiving Troy an hour ago. I still am. But now I know that Troy is sincere and I will one day fully accept him in the family.” Andi said.

Levi twisted his hands together. “I can’t. Not after what he did to us.”

“Didn’t you hear what I said? I am forgiving him and he did that to me too.” Andi leaned against the wall. “There’s a verse in the Bible that says ‘Jesus saith unto him,I say not unto thee, Until seven times:but, until seventy times seven’”

Levi looked puzzled. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Jesus is talking to Peter. Peter had asked how many times he was supposed to forgive. Jesus said seventy times seven. How much is that?”

“Uhh…. Four-hundred-ninety.” Levi answered. “So I’m supposed to forgive people four-hundred-ninety times?”

Andi paused. “I think Jesus meant not to count. That it doesn’t matter, you are just supposed to forgive.”

Levi squirmed.

Andi stood and looked down at him. “I’ve got to go now.” And she walked away.

Levi let out a long breath. I have to forgive him, I must, Levi thought, God, help me learn to forgive. As Andi said, seventy times seven, help me forgive Pa. Help me, God. Levi prayed silently. He sat there with his head bowed till he heard steps in the barn, he looked up. It was Troy.


Troy stepped in the barn, Must I do this? Troy thought, I will, I have to talk to Levi. Troy walked farther in the barn. He saw Levi sitting on a bale of hay, he looked up. Troy froze. He tried to smile but couldn't. Levi watched him, Troy went up to him and said, “Levi. I am so sorry, son. I am back for good. In a bit I am going to town and turn myself in.  I mean every word I said, Levi. I hope you can forgive me in time.” Troy, having said his piece, turned and was about to leave when Levi spoke up.

“Pa, I forgive you.”

Troy stood still, not believing what he had heard, he turned back around, eyes wide, “Pa, I forgive you.” the words came again,
Troy gasped, “You do? Thank you, Levi. Thank you!” he cried out

Levi stood and opened his arms, and Troy stepped into them. They embraced for a long moment then they stepped apart. “Welcome home, Pa.” his son said.


Jake and Andi went outside to wait for his parents, after Chad left they had talked a bit more and then everyone went their ways. Jake looked at Andi, “Hey, Andi?”

She looked at him, “Yes?”

“Thank you for bringing me here.” Jake smiled

“You’re welcome, Jake, I’m sure you and your parents will be together again soon.” Andi answered.

“I’m kind of nervous. What if they aren’t my real parents or what if they don’t like me?” Jake looked out into the yard, watching the people bustle around.

“Of course they’ll like you! And how many people named Lester and Clara Ross are married and had a little boy named Jake who got kidnapped?” Andi put a hand on his shoulder. “You wait and see. They’ll like you.”


Clara Ross stood at the kitchen sink in their cottage, lying on the outskirts of Fresno.

A firm knock sounded at the door.

Clara dried her hands and walked to the door. “Yes? Oh, Chad! What are you doing here?”

Chad held his hat in his hands. “Clara, is Lester here?”

Clara nodded. “Come in, I’ll get him.” Clara closed the door behind Chad and led the way to the parlor, where Lester sat reading the newspaper.

He put it down when he saw Chad at the door. “Chad! What brings you out this way?”

“I brought some news. A little boy showed up in Millerton a few days ago and Andi brought him back to the ranch today. He claims to be Jake Ross. Says he was kidnapped when he was five.”

Clara’s hand leapt to her chest. “Could it be?” She whispered. “Our son?”

Chad shrugged. “He told us the names of his parents. He said they were Lester and Clara Ross.”
Lester shot to his feet. “We have to go see him!”

Chad nodded. “That’s why I’m out here. I brought the wagon so you could come back with me.”

Clara stood and rushed to the bedroom, coming back out with a bonnet and a small drawstring bag. “I’m ready.”


Jake and Andi were standing near the barn when Chad returned in the wagon. Jake looked, he saw two other people with Chad. He looked carefully, was it his parents?

He saw it was indeed. Clara and Lester Ross were sitting next to Chad. He glanced at Andi, “Go head, Jake.”

Jake ran forward and shouted, “Mama, Papa!”

Jake? It's really you!” his mother’s voice was filled with shock

“Yes!! I’m here! I’m Jake!” he shouted

Clara leaped from the wagon and embraced her son, Jake smiled, his parents were found! Lester followed his wife, “Jake, I am so glad they found you.” he gave a warm smile.

“I am too, I am glad to see you again.” Jake smiled, he just couldn’t stop smiling.


Everyone was invited to supper that night, four extra chairs being squeezed around the table.

Troy was asked to share his tale that night, by several people.

“It’s not really that detailed. After I left Levi, Betsy, Hannah and Andi next to the creek, I rode through the hills and hid in line shacks and Millerton. I started debating whether or not to turn myself in and come back to my family, when Andi showed up and pulled this kid out of a bush. I was thinking I could never be forgiven for what I’d done to her, until it just hit me, I could be running for the rest of my life if I didn’t do something. I prayed right then, asking God for his forgiveness, then stepped out to greet Andi. She didn’t exactly forgive me right then, she grabbed Jake here and ran. I followed her and explained and she allowed me to make it up to her.” Troy said.

“How did you make it up to her?” Clara asked.

“She wanted me to apologize to Kate and the kids.”

“Did Kate and the kids forgive you easily?” Lester asked.

“The girls did, but Levi, he took some more convincing.”

Clara turned to look at Levi. “What convinced you?”

“Andi did. She came and told me a verse, what was it again?”

“‘Jesus saith unto him,I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.’” Andi piped up.

“Oh, yes, I remember that verse. It’s in Matthew!” Clara said. “Jesus was talking about how many times to forgive.” Clara looked at Jake and then down at her lap. “I don’t know if I can forgive those who kidnapped Jake.”

“Do you know who they are?” Andi asked

“It was an old friend of Lester’s. I picked Lester to marry and I guess it was his way of getting us back. He moved away about a week after Jake disappeared.”

“Have you forgiven them? Or tried to?” Elizabeth asked

“I am trying to. I think now I can.” Clara said and smiled. Relieved of that burden, she had her Jake back and would forgive those who kidnapped him in time.


Troy turned himself in the next day, he would be released within two months since he had given himself up. Kate and the kids were delighted to hear that they would be a real family again. Clara, Lester and their son, Jake, went back home to Fresno, they promised to come visit often. Andi was glad.

1 comment:

  1. Love the message in this story and how you conveyed it. Great job!


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