The Terrifying Adventure


Joanna B.

age 13

A howl shook the night air, Andi shivered. What was she going to do? And Andi didn’t remember why she was out here in the middle of the night and which way was home, and where was Riley? She was convinced he was right beside her a minute ago. Andi was sure the answer lay ahead. A faint call roused her from her foggy mind. “Andi, This way!” Riley called.

Suddenly it all came back. They were riding into their vacation in the sierra foothills, and their sweet children were on circle c ranch with mother. Earlier that evening they were supposed to arrive at a good place to camp, but the rains had washed out all the trails and Andi did know where she was going. 

 A high shriek pierced the night air. In front of them was a cougar! Shasta reared and caught Andi off guard. She fell in a heap, and everything went dark.               

          When Andi awoke she was by the fire. It was really cold on that December morning and her head was wrapped in a piece of cloth. She slowly started to warm up. There was a clang, and Riley was standing by the fire using a pot to cook something. “Riley?” she whispered.

“Andi! You’re awake!” he ran over and brought her in his lap gently.

“Why does my head hurt? And where are we?” Andi asked.

“After Shasta reared, you fell off and hit your head. We are in the same spot where you fell.” He frowned. “I didn’t want to move you too much, but it looks like I’ll have to, it is starting to snow.” He sighed and scowled. Soon Riley started packing up and helped Andi onto Dakota. He mounted up behind her.  

       Many hours in the day passed and there was still no sign of a small town. Andi was getting awfully tired and her head was pounding, and light was dwindling on them fast.

An owl hooted. Andy yelped in surprise. She kept hearing critters scurrying around to get ready for the night and the snow. A deer jumped in front of them, luckily Dakota didn’t rear, but Shasta did. Riley had to dismount to calm him and it took him a while. Finally he mounted, but it was dark and it was snowing harder.

“Let's just ride a little further.”  Riley said. They plodded on, and on, and on, and Andi fell asleep. “Yahoo!” Riley yelled.

Andi nearly jumped out of her skin, they were practically in a blizzard. “W-what’s going on? Why did you yell?” she asked excitedly, with hope.

“Look there! Between the trees! Lights!” he replied. He urged Dakota into a gallop. As they moved toward the light every step made Andi’s head pound harder. They reached the town. Quickly, Riley dismounted and gathered Andi in his arms. Andi leaned her head on him, she was cold and her blanket was soaked. Riley knocked on one of the houses loudly.

An older man with a snow white mustache answered. He was wearing a house coat and some wool slippers. “Yes? Do you need anything?” the man asked.

“Yes. Where is the doctor?” Riley asked. Andi can tell Riley was getting more and more anxious.

“I am Doctor Banks, come in.” the man said.

“Why do I need…?” Andi started to say, but the doctor’s wife was talking to Riley. “Lay her on the sofa, I’ll get some cookies,” said the woman. she smiled, and laugh wrinkles crinkled around her eyes. She was tall and plump and her hair wasn’t quite white all the way, more a dark grey color, and her hair was wrapped tightly in a bun, she was a kind old lady.

The doctor walked in with his bag.  He removed the bandage from Andi’s head, it was soaked with blood. Andi’s eyes bugged out at the sight of the cloth. After he tended to Andi he turned to Riley. “Now I need to make sure you’re alright.” Doctor Banks eyed Riley.

“Me?” Riley asked. He was fine other than a slight fever from the cold outside.

 The next morning Doctor Banks knocked on the door to the room Riley and Andi were staying in.

“Come in.” Riley called out.

The doctor walked in. “We are going to send a note to some people in Fresno. Who should I send it to?” he asked.

“Circle c ranch, and to Mitch. He knows this area pretty well. Also tell him that the trails are washed out.” Andi told the doctor.

Mitch was handed the mail at the post office, there was a letter for him from one of the small country towns. He opened the letter. It said: “please come, Andrea and Riley are here and need your help getting out of here. The trails are washed out, so be careful.” Mitch’s heart dropped. It took him a second to realize they were not in danger. Lucky for him Chad was in town and Justin lived in town.

A couple days later there was a knock on the door. Mrs. Banks opened the door. “Andrea, Riley! Someone is here for you!” Mrs. Banks called.

They walked up to the door. There on the porch was Justin, Chad, and Mitch. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here!” Andi squealed.

Mrs. Banks invited them in.  

“Sorry ma’am, but we got to get going. Gather your things you two.” Chad quickly said as if he was grumpy, but his eyes told him a different story. They packed up and left.

 “Daddy, mama!” Jared squealed. He jumped in their arms and the two one-year old girls gurgled. They were on big happy family after Andi and Riley’s terrifying adventure.


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