Trouble with Treasure - Mitch's Point of View

By Johannah G. (ages 14-17)

Chapter 1


     Mitch Carter reached into his saddlebag and pulled out his gun-belt. He secured it around his waist, then took the Colt .45 from its holster and examined it. I sure hope this is just a precaution. The people in the cabin are probably just a family of squatters, but just in case…

     Finding the pistol to his liking, he placed it back in its holster and picked up the rifle, examining it as well. He looked up and saw his youngest sister Andi standing there watching him with wide, scared blue eyes. Andi’s best friend, Cory Blake stood behind her watching and waiting.

     “You don’t need all that just to talk to a family of squatters do you?” Andi asked in a frightened voice.

     Mitch shook his head and smiled, “probably not, but I like to be prepared. Besides, the rifle’s for you. You’re my backup.” He winked and held out the rifle.

     Andi grabbed it and clutched it until her knuckles turned white. “Your backup? Your backup for what?”

     Mitch’s face turned serious as he replied. “There are some mighty peculiar folks living in these hills. Most don’t take kindly to strangers. If the folks in the cabin are shoot-first-ask-questions-later kind of people I don’t want them coming back here for you and your friends.” I sure hope I know what I’m doing, otherwise, I could get us all killed. He caught his sister’s frightened gaze. “Don’t be afraid, we’ll get through this with Gods help.”

     Andi set the butt of the rifle on the ground and sighed, “I’m not afraid, at least not very much. It’s know how I shoot.”

     Mitch chuckled, I sure do.

     It was common family knowledge that Andi couldn’t shoot. Every lesson she took with Chad usually ended in arguments and tears.

     Andi frowned, shook her head and turned to her friend Cory. “You be the backup man.”

     Cory looked at Mitch. Mitch nodded and Cory took the rifle from Andi.

     “I’m a pretty good shot. I shoot jackrabbits and squirrels all the time.”

     “Your not likely to be shooting any of those today,” Mitch said with a grin. “Besides, even if you couldn’t shoot a lick anyone who sees you holding a rifle at gut-level would probably think twice.” Please God, don’t let it come to that.


Chapter 2


     After making Andi and Cory promise to stay put, no matter what, Mitch hiked off down the trail. When he came out into the open he paused and pulled out his pistol.

     He was in a wide clearing, surrounded by large fir trees. In front of him lay the cabin, and a corral stood empty beside it. To his left and right were trees, and behind him stood a large rocky outcropping. The cabin was old and in need of repair. Loose shingles lay on the ground surrounding it. All the windows were broken and the shutters lay against the house, hinges broken. The thing that made Mitch catch his breath, however, were the bullet holes in the walls.

     He approached the cabin, careful not to make a sound. When he was within earshot of the cabin he called out, “you in the cabin, howdy!” His voice sliced through the air like a gunshot.

     “Yeah,” came a gruff voice from inside. “What d’ya want?”

     Mitch knew at once that this was no nice family of squatters. He tried to keep his voice calm and steady as he replied. “Just saying howdy.”

     He shoved his hat back off his forehead and clutched his gun tighter.

     “I’m passing through and thought I’d spend a night at the creek if you don’t mind.”

     The door banged open, revealing a trail worn, tired looking man. He had a fierce look on his face and a long scar ran across his right cheek.

     “As a matter of fact, I do mind. I don’t take kindly to strangers who come calling with a gun.” The man took a threatening step towards Mitch and started to draw his gun.

     Mitch stiffened and a shiver ran up his spine. He cocked his gun, “I wouldn’t try it mister.”

     The man froze.

     Mitch started to lower his gun, “Look, I don’t want any trouble. I’ll just be on my way and we can forget this ever happened.”

     The man didn’t move. He glanced behind Mitch and a wicked grin came across his face.

     Mitch raised his gun again, instantly on guard.

     Suddenly a gunshot exploded from the woods to his right. Mitch ducked behind a tree and looked around. Then the sound of a cascade of rocks and a desperate cry caught his attention. He turned toward the cry and gasped. A man was on the outcropping of rock behind him trying desperately to keep his balance. The man tumbled down the cliff, landed with a thud at the bottom, and lay still.

     No one could have survived that fall. I wonder who he was and why he was up there. His thoughts were interrupted by loud gunfire.

     Looking back toward the cabin, he saw the man firing desperately into the woods where the shot came from. Apparently realizing the futility of this, the man stopped firing and ran toward the fallen man.

     That must have been his partner. Mitch sucked in a breath as sudden realization came over him. He was going to shoot me!

     “Rob, you alright?”

     The worried voice drew Mitch from his thoughts and he looked up.

     The man from the cabin stood over the body, examining it. Finally realizing ‘Rob’ was dead the man turned back to Mitch “You and your friend  are going to pay for killing Rob!”

     Mitch slowly came out into the open, “It was an accident, we both saw it. He lost his balance and fell.” Before Mitch could say anything more he heard a loud shot and felt a searing pain in his left leg. Then everything went black. Oh God, keep Andi and Cory safe.


Chapter 3


     Mitch woke up with a gasp. Where am I? He lifted his head to look around.

     He was lying in a bunk inside a small log cabin, sacks of flour and cans of vegetables cluttered the shelves and counters. Lying on a table in the center of the room was a small tin of matches, a half full pitcher of water, and a loaf of bread. A fire crackled cheerfully in the fireplace.

      Andi stood over him clutching a canteen tightly in one hand, and a blood-soaked cloth in the other, her face was streaked with tears.

      Cory walked in with a load of firewood in his arms. He placed it in the wood-box by the fireplace.

     Mitch let out a relieved breath. They’re both safe. Thank you God! He winced as an excruciating pain suddenly shot up his leg. It felt like his leg was on fire. He gritted his teeth and sucked in a painful breath.

     Andi started to cry. “Oh Mitch, what are we going to do?”

     Mitch shook his head. I don’t know! He thought, I’ve never been shot before! Out loud he said, “I think...the bullet...went clean through,” he gave her a small smile. “That’s the good news.”

     “What’s good about that?”

     “It means you won’t...have to take...the bullet out...of my leg,” he managed between painful breaths. “I’m losing a lot of blood so you’ve got to stop...the bleeding.”

     Her eyes widened and she stared at him as if he’d gone crazy. “I can’t do it Mitch, there’s too much blood. You need a doctor. I don’t know anything about fixing bullet holes. I’ll kill you for sure!”

     Mitch groaned again feeling faint. We don’t have time for this. Mitch reached out and grabbed her wrist in a vise-like grip. “Stop crying. You hear me? Stop crying this instant!”

     Andi stopped crying and stared at him, eyes wide.

     Mitch sighed. “Listen to me, I’ve only got one chance to make it off this mountain alive. If you don’t stop the bleeding I will die! Now quit your bawling, do you understand?” He tightened his grip for emphasis. “No matter how loud I yell, plug your ears and get it done.” If I’m real lucky I’ll pass out. He thought.

     His voice softened. “I know you’re scared Sis, so am I,” more scared than she’ll ever know. “You may not be a doctor, but right now, your all I’ve got.” He felt himself slipping into unconsciousness, “now get to it.” His hand fell limply to his side. God help us make it through this. Please show Andi and Cory what to do. I place my life in your hands.


Chapter 4



     Mitch’s eyes flew open, and he looked around. He was laying on the ground beside the bunk he had formerly occupied. What on earth? He took a deep breath and looked up.

     Andi stood there staring at him, she was shaking from head to foot, and her blue eyes were pools of terror.

     “What happened?” Mitch asked worriedly.

     “You were dreaming and…” Andi rubbed her wrists and looked down.

     No. Oh please God no.

     Dark bruises covered both of Andi’s wrists and a long red scratch ran across her left cheek.

     What have I done? “I’m so sorry Andi.” Mitch slowly sat up and looked around again, “Where’s Cory?”

     “He went into town to get help.”

     “When did he leave?”

     Andi seemed to consider this for a moment. “I think he left about two days ago.” She looked up, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. “It’s been almost two weeks since we got here.”

     Wow! I’ve been out of it for a long time. Poor Andi. “What happened to the man from the cabin? The one who shot me.

     “Cory shot him. He also shot the man on the cliff.”

     Mitch grinned, “I figured.”

     Andi didn’t laugh, she still looked scared to death. Her eyes were haunted and her face was pale.

      Mitch held out his arms, Andi ran to him sobbing. “I was so scared Mitch. I thought you were going to die!”

     He gently rubbed her back, like he used to do when she was little. “It’s alright,” he said soothingly. “You can cry all you want now, it’s all over.” Thank you God for bringing us safely through this.

     It took Andi a long time to stop shaking and sobbing, but after a while she went limp with sleep. Mitch found himself in the uncomfortable – and painful – position of holding a sleeping girl in his arms.

     He shifted to find a more comfortable position and flinched as his whole body protested. Mitch glanced at his leg and let out a low whistle. It looks worse than I thought. He looked closer and let out a relieved breath. Thankfully it didn’t look infected.

     Looking up he spotted his gun-belt hanging from the bedpost. Carefully reaching up, so as not to wake Andi, he grabbed the pistol from his gun-belt and lay it on the ground beside him. Exhausted from so much activity after a long period of inactivity, he lay down, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Chapter 5


     Mitch woke up to somebody shaking him. Groggy but determined to keep Andi safe, he grabbed the pistol, which had fallen by his side. He pointed it at the intruder. “Don’t come any closer.”

     “Gee Mitch, I know you don’t like getting woke up, but really!”

     Mitch recognized that teasing voice. Wiping the sleep from his eyes he said, “you came this close to meeting your maker today big brother.”

     Chad chuckled and took the pistol from his little brother’s hand. “Well, when I woke you up the last thing I expected was for my own brother to point a gun at my head.”        

     “Well with all we’ve been through lately, it’s a wonder I didn’t shoot you first and ask questions later.”

     The door opened and their oldest brother Justin walked in with a worried look on his face. “The horses look fine but I don’t understand why…” his voice trailed off at the sight of Mitch and Andi sprawled out on the floor.

     “Hey Justin.”

     Justin acknowledged Mitch’s tired greeting with a nod.

     “How about you two helping me onto the cot so I can get some real sleep.”

     After they had settled him on the cot Mitch said. “Justin, you’d better take a look at Andi. She’s been through a lot lately. A lot more than any of us bargained for.”

     “What happened?” Justin asked. He reached down, gathered his little sister in his arms and placed her on the bed beside Mitch. “Where’s Cory?”

     “He went into town for some help a couple days ago. I’ll tell you about it later.” Mitch shook Andi gently.

     Her eyes flew open and she looked around wide-eyed. When she saw Justin she flung her arms around him. “How did you find us?”

     Mitch had been wondering the same thing but he’d been too tired to ask.

     “When you didn’t get back in time, mother began to worry.” Justin said, “so Chad and I came looking for you.”

     Chad grinned, “and it looks like we got here just in time too.”

     Mitch smiled and closed his eyes. For the first time in weeks he went to sleep knowing Andi was safe. Now that Justin and Chad were here everything would be alright.




One week later...


     “Well Andi, we’re finally getting out of here.” Mitch said cheerfully, carefully mounting his horse.

     “I can’t wait!” Andi squealed from atop her horse. She was back to her usual self again. Her face glowed and she was happy to be going home.

     True to Mitch’s prediction, after Justin and Chad arrived things had taken a turn for the better. Cory came back with the sheriff and some men to help bury the two dead men. Mitch leg had healed enough for him to start hobbling around on a pair of crutches his brothers made for him.

     Now after weeks of worry and frustration, they were finally going home.

     Justin, Chad, and Cory came around the side of the cabin, cutting off Mitch’s thoughts. They mounted their horses and Justin motioned towards the trail. “Lets get moving.”

     It’s like mother always says, thought Mitch as they started down the trail toward home. All’s well that ends well.



  1. Another awesome story Johannah!! :D
    I loved reading it!!
    -Sara M

  2. You did awesome on this story Johannah!! I enjoyed seeing it from Mitch's perspective!

  3. Wait, wasn't there horses in the corral before Andi, Mitch, and Cory came to the cabin?

    1. AndiCarter'sBiggestFanMay 17, 2023 at 6:52 AM

      Yes I think so. But I decided to make the corral empty to add an even stronger impression of the cabin being deserted and desolate. Besides, it kinda makes sense that the outlaws would have hidden their horses out of sight.

    2. AndiCarter'sBiggestFanMay 17, 2023 at 6:53 AM

      Sorry, I forgot to write my name.
      ~ Johannah G.

  4. Great job! Keep on writing! ~Lily

  5. Awsome story really liked it :) keep writing

  6. Is the POV from the CC fan fun extras-Trouble at the Line Shack?

    1. No, it's from the Trouble with Treasure. In the Fan Fiction Trouble at the Line Shack, only Andi and Mitch are there. I never wrote in the other characters (Cory and Jenny) until I rewrote Trouble at the Line Shack and renamed it Trouble with Treasure.

  7. Which pages are these in the book itself

    1. What do you mean? Which book? Trouble with Treasure or the original (manuscript) Trouble at the Line Shack? The first four chapters she rewrote are from Trouble with Treasure. The last chapter she rewrote is from Trouble at the Line Shack. :-)

  8. which page for Chapter 4?

    1. What do you mean? You want to know which page has the original (from Andi's POV)? I have no idea. If you have the book you can easily find it. It's right after Mitch is shot and they are hauling him to the cabin.

    2. Remember, these are point of view stories MADE UP by the young writers. They are telling the story from a different character's point of view, so it's going to look different from the original story, which is told from Andi's POV.


Encourage these young authors!